
shù kóu shuǐ
  • mouthwash;gargle;water for rinsing the mouth
  1. 咱们是科技家,尝试牛奶、橙汁和漱口水的混合物

    We bearrived scientists and tested concoctions of milk , orange juice , and mouthwash .

  2. 英国国民卫生服务系统建议,在一天的其他时间用漱口水,比如饭后。

    The UK 's National Health Service advises gargling with mouthwash at a different time of day , like after a meal .

  3. 如果用清水或漱口水冲洗掉泡沫,那么牙膏的防蛀作用就会大打折扣。正确做法是,将多余牙膏和泡沫吐掉即可。在你刷完牙后,你会用水漱漱口然后吐掉,这样才不会满嘴都是牙膏泡沫。

    After you finish brushing your teeth , swishing around some water before spitting ensures that you rid your mouth of all that frothy toothpaste .

  4. 比如你正在口腔卫生商品区,系统得知后,也许会给漱口水的定价减去几分钱。

    If you 're in the oral hygene aisle3 , for example , the system knows that , and may give you cents off on mouthwash .

  5. 有些人会用漱口水来作为变通之法,但是这个主意也不算太好,因为牙膏的氟化物浓度比漱口水要高得多。

    Some people rinse with mouthwash as a workaround — but that may not be such a great idea either , since toothpaste has a significantly higher concentration of fluoride than mouthwash does .

  6. 目的:比较含不同浓度镧(La)的漱口水和凝胶对根面的防龋作用,并确定这两种剂型的最低有效浓度。

    AIM : To compare the effects of different does of lanthanum-contained rinse and gel on carious-resistance of root surface , and determine the lowest effective dose of these two preparations .

  7. 目的比较不同浓度的含镧(La)漱口水的防龋作用,并对其在牙釉质、牙骨质的抗酸作用进行比较。

    Objective To compare the effect of different does of lanthanum-contained rinse solution on carious-resistance , and to investigate the acid-resistant abilities of dental enamel and root surface that treated with lanthanum-contained rinse solution .

  8. 刷牙并使用漱口水,确保口气清新。

    Brush your teeth and use mouthwash to ensure fresh breath .

  9. 结论:确定替硝唑漱口水的有效期定为2年以上。

    CONCLUSION : The efficient period was over 2 years .

  10. 有一瓶开盖的漱口水。

    I 've got an uncapped bottle of mouthwash here .

  11. 那只是含氟漱口水的原因。-

    That was , uh , a fluoride rinse . -

  12. 令人吃惊的是,这个短句是李斯德林漱口水的广告语!

    This phrase , surprisingly , was used to sell Listerine mouthwash !

  13. 饭后刷牙或用漱口水漱口。

    Brush your teeth or use mouthwash after you eat .

  14. 你是开玩笑吧?漱口水也是?

    You 're kidding , right ? Mouthwash , too ?

  15. 含有酒精的漱口水会让你的牙龈脱水,还会对牙龈有害。

    Alcohol-based mouthwashes can dehydrate and damage your gums .

  16. 5.用漱口水漱口,清洗掉任何残余的酸性物质。

    Step 5 Rinse your mouth with mouthwash to wash away residual acid .

  17. 用漱口水或清水漱口,微笑吧!

    Rinse your mouth out with mouthwash or water and smile , baby !

  18. 含镧漱口水对人牙釉质及根面抗酸作用的研究

    A Comparison of Lanthanum-Contained Rinse on Acid-Resistant Abilities to Human Enamel and Root Surface

  19. 一个醉汉走进一野药店,要买一瓶漱口水。

    A drunk walks into a drugstore and asks for a bottle of mouthwash .

  20. 这是我用过味道最好,感觉最棒的漱口水!

    This is the best tasting and best feeling mouthwash I have come across !

  21. 我们是科学家,尝试牛奶、橙汁和漱口水的混合物。

    We became scientists and tested concoctions of milk , orange juice , and mouthwash .

  22. 我们的牙医推荐这两种漱口水。

    Our dentist rcommends these two mouthwashes .

  23. 对照组用0.2%含氟漱口水每周一次,为期一年。

    The control group used gargle containing 0.2 % fluoride once a week for 1 year .

  24. 一杯水或漱口水

    A glass of water or mouthwash

  25. 将等量的发丝紧致精华和漱口水混合,用棉垫涂抹在头皮上。

    Mix equal parts witch hazel and mouthwash and apply to the scalp with cotton pads .

  26. 你们这儿有漱口水吗?

    Do you have mouth rinse ?

  27. 替硝唑漱口水稳定性研究

    Study on stability of tinidazole collutoria

  28. 去用一点漱口水。

    Go use some mouthwash .

  29. 漱口水成份,能深入牙缝,快速地去除牙垢,牙渍。

    Mouthwash ingredients , can penetrate between the teeth , rapid removal of tartar , teeth stains .

  30. 酷爽漱口水配方,消除口气,并持久清新,令您保持自信;

    Cool Shuang mouthwash formulations , eliminate bad breath , and lasting fresh , make your self-confidence ;
