
  • Anonymous;anonym;Incognito
  1. “匿名者”组织在Twitter上嘲讽北约称,他们还有很多关于北约的”有趣数据”。

    Taunting Nato on Twitter , Anonymous says it has more of what it calls the organisation 's " delicious data " .

  2. “匿名者”的一个分支组织此前曾经入侵了CIA和英国重大组织犯罪署的网站。

    A splinter group of Anonymous has previously hacked the website of the CIA and of Britain 's Serious Organised Crime Agency .

  3. 他们声称自己从属于“匿名者”,核心成员有五到六个人,他们向人们提供自己在Twitter上最新捕获的内幕消息。

    They claim to be affiliated tothe group , a collective with a core of five or six people , and keep people updated about their latest scoopson a Twitter account .

  4. 提到大执事ArchdeaconTheodosius做的报告,一个匿名者后来做的一份名为耶路撒冷的摘要和一些后来的资料都提到有关用餐的事情。

    There is mention of this meal in the report of Archdeacon Theodosius and in the anonymous little work called " The Jerusalem Breviary ," as also in subsequent writings .

  5. 在2011年4月至5月期间,索尼电脑娱乐公司的在线游戏服务平台PlayStationNetwork、流媒体服务Qriocity,以及索尼内部的游戏开发和发行部门索尼在线娱乐公司,相继遭到黑客团体匿名者的分支组织LulzSec的攻击。

    Between April and May 2011 , Sony Computer Entertainment 's online gaming service , PlayStation Network , and its streaming media service , Qriocity - plus Sony Online Entertainment , the company 's in-house game developer and publisher - were hacked by LulzSec , a splinter group of Anonymous , the hacker collective .

  6. 维基泄密欢迎告密者的文件并为匿名者提供文件投递箱。

    WikiLeaks welcomes documents from whistle-blowers and provides anonymous drop boxes .

  7. 顺时针左上角开始:匿名者酒吧调酒;

    Clockwise from top left : preparing a drink at Anonymous Bar ;

  8. 那些评论的作者现在有许多是匿名者。

    The authors of those remarks are now so many John Does .

  9. 亲爱的匿名者:答案是肯定的。

    Dear T.A. : in a word , yes .

  10. 警察根据匿名者提供的消息采取行动逮捕了他。

    Acting on information given to them anonymously , the police arrested him .

  11. 但是现在“匿名者”黑客组织的一个分支将目光对准了新的猎物&明星。

    But an off-shoot of hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to new prey-celebrities .

  12. 匿名者在一条推文中嘲讽地说道:再也没那么私人和秘密了吧?

    Not so private and secret anymore ?

  13. “现在听那击锤声,你要把孩子吵醒了!”(匿名者)

    " Hark that reeling , now , you 'll wake the baby !"( Anonymous )

  14. 因为互联网上大部分是匿名者之间的联系,所以我不喜欢互联网。

    I do not like internet , because a majority of connections are between anonymous people .

  15. 但是现在“匿名者”黑客组织的一个分支将目光对准了新的猎物——明星。

    But an off-shootof hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to new prey - celebrities .

  16. 黑客组织“匿名者”表示将攻击以色列,抗议以色列对巴勒斯坦人民的政策。

    The group anonymous had said it would target the country to protest Israeli policy towards Palestinians .

  17. 据“匿名者”组织称,他们现在正在入侵十亿字节的保密数据。

    According to Anonymous , its hackers have now laid their hands on one gigabyte of restricted data .

  18. 该黑客组织使用的口号和“匿名者”一样:“我们永不宽恕,我们永不忘却。”

    The hackers use the same tag lineas Anonymous - ' We never forgive , we never forget . '

  19. 我们强烈认为公众有权知道这些信息。匿名者在声明说。

    Information we strongly believe the public has a right to know , said the statement on behalf of Anonymous .

  20. 一些自称“匿名者”的国际黑客声称他们攻破了北约的安全防火墙,下载了数百份机密文件。

    A group of international hackers calling themselves Anonymous said they had breached NATO security and downloaded hundreds of confidential documents .

  21. 他指出,诽谤既然来自匿名者,它一定是坏人干的。

    He pointed out that the slander came from an anonymous quarter , and therefore must be the work of a rascal .

  22. 记住:互联网并非浓缩在你电脑里的美好世界,相反,它就像一个无人管制的大都市,匿名者在里面如鱼得水。

    Remember : The Internet is not the comfortable little world inside your computer , but a vast unpoliced city that favors the anonymous .

  23. 在一个实验中,参与者被要求阅读一封由匿名者发送的、与工作相关的电子邮件,然后对该匿名者的能力和热情程度进行评估。

    One experiment involved participants to read a work-related email from an unknown person , then evaluate the warmth and competency of that person .

  24. 以色列国家网络局主管表示,“匿名者”缺乏危害重要基础设施的能力,他们很难造成任何实质的损害。

    The head of the government 's National Cyber Bureau said anonymous lacks the skills to harm vital infrastructure and that hardly any real damage occurred .

  25. 2007年,在发生了数起知名政界和娱乐界人士在网上受匿名者攻击的事件之后,作为应对,韩国颁布了这部法律。

    South Korea created the law in 2007 in response to a number of incidents in which prominent political and entertainment figures were targeted in anonymous posts .

  26. 这五颗人头属于无名不知身份的男子,是在学校附近的一个木条箱离发现的,由匿名者打电话给警察局报案。

    The heads which belonged to five still unidentified men were found in a sack inside a wooden crate near the school after an anonymous call alerted the police .

  27. 作品是两个人的对话:一个古人和一个今人,一个僧人和一个当代艺术家,一个信徒和一个无神论者,一个匿名者和一个签名者。

    It is a conversation between an ancient and a modern person , a monk and a contemporary artist , a believer and an atheist , an anonym and a signer .

  28. 她并非自然受孕,而是接受了一位匿名者的精子捐赠。

    The child is not her biological child , as the ovum ( and also the sperm ) was from an anonymous donor , and Iliescu was more of a Surrogate mother .

  29. 一个名为匿名者黑客的分散性运动组织宣称,他们用受害者的信用卡的钱捐给慈善组织,并表示这次的小花絮只是后面大计划的开始。

    The loose-knit hacking movement ' Anonymous ' , who claimed to have used victims ' credit cards to donate to charity , said the stunt was just the beginning of their masterplan .

  30. 最伤人的言论来自一名匿名者,此人表示,我活该“被打得鼻子淌血”,因为我一直作为一位所有者行事,而不是一位“高薪管理者”。

    The most wounding comment , made anonymously , is that I deserve a " bloody nose " because I have been behaving as an owner , rather than as a " highly paid manager " .