
shí zì ɡǎo
  • pickaxe;mattock
十字镐 [shí zì gǎo]
  • [pick] 采石工、铺路工、矿工或石匠用的粗重的钢铁工具,一端或两端成尖状,通常成圆弧形,使用时将木柄插入两端之间的孔中

  1. 他有一把十字镐藏在灌木丛中一个只有他知道的隐蔽处。

    He had a pickaxe somewhere in the heather , in a hiding-place known to himself alone .

  2. 他跑过去拿回两个孩子的工具:十字镐和铁锹。

    He ran and brought the boys ' pick and shovel .

  3. 六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。

    Six sick hick nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks .

  4. 他在用十字镐和铁锹干活。

    He was working with a pick and shovel .

  5. 不管你握着的是一把十字镐或一枝笔,一辆手推车或一套书,你都必须工作。

    Whether you handle a pick or a pen , a wheel-barrow or a set of books , you must work .

  6. 他做矿工的时间太久了,以至于他可以凭直觉找到煤矿并用十字镐的一次简单回转把它敲松。

    He had been a miner for so long , that he could intuitively locate the coal and loosen it with a single swing of a pick-axe .

  7. 周大福在广东顺德有一家金饰工艺厂,6名设计师负责设计,交由3000名工匠,然后他们用手电筒、小凿子和十字镐等简单的工具工作。

    Chow Tai Fook has a gold crafting plant in Shunde , a city in Guangdong Province , with six artists producing designs rendered by 3000 craftsmen working with simple tools such as torches , small chisels and picks .

  8. 而最使人痛心的是,在那堆石块后面,钉有锌牌的树脚下,有刚刚翻动过的泥土,留下的是一把被遗忘或被抛弃了的十字镐,还有一个土穴。

    And , heartrending to say , there , behind the pile of stones , in front of the tree with the sheet of zinc , was freshly turned earth , a pick-axe , abandoned or forgotten , and a hole .