
  1. 但是,我们认为《荀子·非十二子》的研究工作还不是很全面,因此有进一步研究的必要性。

    However , we thought that the research works are not very comprehensive , so there is need for further research .

  2. 胃肠肿瘤中H-ras癌基因第十二位密码子点突变的研究

    Detection of Point Mutations at Codon 12 of H-ras Oncogene From Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers

  3. 无论如何,庞培有理由认为托勒密十三世,托勒密十二世之子,会热情地接待他父亲的朋友。

    Nevertheless , Pompey had reason to think that Ptolemy XIII , the son of Ptolemy XII would greet him with open arms having been a friend of his father .