
  • 网络Semi colonial country;semi-colonial state
  1. 旧中国是一个被帝国主义所控制的半殖民地国家。

    Old China was a semi-colonial country under imperialist domination .

  2. 三是殖民地半殖民地国家只有在取得独立以后才能真正实现现代化;

    Third , colonial and half colonial countries could not really realize the modernization unless getting their independence ;

  3. 数国支配的半殖民地国家和一国支配的殖民地是有区别的。

    There is difference between a semi-colonial country controlled by several countries and a colony controlled by a single country .

  4. 中国是一个半殖民地国家&帝国主义的不统一,影响到中国统治集团间的不统一。

    China is a semi-colonial country & disunity among the imperialist powers makes for disunity among the ruling groups in China .

  5. 第三种,殖民地半殖民地国家的革命所采取的过渡的国家形式。

    The third kind is the transitional form of state to be adopted in the revolutions of the colonial and semi-colonial countries .

  6. 但是那种共和国,在一定的历史时期中,还不适用于殖民地半殖民地国家的革命。

    However , for a certain historical period , this form is not suitable for the revolutions in the colonial and semi-colonial countries .

  7. 第一次国共合作实现后,广东成为东方殖民地半殖民地国家人民向往的革命摇篮。

    After the country realized the first cooperation , Guangdong became the revolutionary cradle that eastern colony and semi-colony national people yearned for .

  8. 1840年英帝国主义发动侵略中国的鸦片战争后,中国开始由一个独立的主权国家逐步沦为半殖民地国家。

    After the British imperialists started the Opium War of aggression against China in1840 , China was reduced from an independent sovereign country to a semi-colonial country .

  9. 但是,资产阶级革命后,西方国家掀起了废除没收财产刑的浪潮,由此影响了亚、非、拉广大地域的殖民地、半殖民地国家的刑法。

    However , western countries began to abolish it after the bourgeois revolution , thus affecting a multitude of colonial or semi-colonial countries ' criminal law in Asia , Africa and Latin America in the world .

  10. 金本位体系作为历史上第一个国际货币体系使西方列强获得了一种先发优势,从而使其进一步加强了对殖民地半殖民地国家的控制和剥削。

    The gold standard system , the first international currency system in history , gained for western powers the advantage of taking the initiative and thus further tightened their control and exploitation of colonial and semi-colonial countries .

  11. 19世纪末20世纪初,由于帝国主义在亚洲激烈地争夺殖民地和势力范围,朝鲜直接沦落为日本的殖民地,而中国也成为了半殖民地国家。

    Late 19th early 20th century , due to fierce competition for the imperialist colonies in Asia and spheres of influence , North Korea directly reduced to a colony of Japan , and China has become a semi-colonial countries .

  12. 自由贸易政策的实施促进了英国资本主义的发展和繁荣,使工业资产阶级获得了独占政治的统治权,但是,对殖民地、半殖民地国家而言,自由贸易政策则是一种经济侵略政策。

    The fulfilment of this free trade policy had promoted the development and prosperity of British capitalism , and helped the industrial bourgeois gain political power all to themselves . However , the free trade policy was an aggressive economic policy to the colonial countries and semi-colonial countries .

  13. 大家知道,差不多一百年以来,中国是好几个帝国主义国家共同支配的半殖民地的国家。

    As we all know , for nearly a hundred years China has been a semi-colonial country jointly dominated by several imperialist powers .

  14. 旧中国是一个半封建半殖民地国家。

    Old China was a semifeudal and semicolonial country .

  15. 在第一次1840年鸦片战争,中国逐步沦为半殖民地半封建国家。

    After the First Opium War in1840 , China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country .

  16. (一一)国方面:第一,我们是一个半殖民地半封建的国家。

    The Chinese side . First , we are a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country .

  17. 由于多了这两件东西,所以中国就变成了殖民地半殖民地半封建的国家。

    It is because of these two superfluous things that China has become a colonial , semi-colonial and semi-feudal country .

  18. 在同是半封建半殖民地的国家,其它国家想方设法保护和促进本国的股份制经济,而我国的政府不但不尽力地去支持和保护它们,反而处处与它们为难。

    However , the stock economy in other semi-feudal and semi-colonial countries was well protected and promoted while it was firmly constrained in China .

  19. 自1840年鸦片战争以后,中国一步一步地由一个封建大国沦为半殖民地半封建的国家。

    After the Opium War of 1840 , China , hitherto a big feudal kingdom , was gradually turned into a semi-colonial , semi-feudal country .