
bàn fàn shù
  • Seminorm;semi-norm
半范数[bàn fàn shù]
  1. 引入半范数族P的S-最简形式和P-自反局部凸空间(X,TP)的概念,证明了半范数族P和它的每一个S-最简形式都生成X上相同的局部凸拓扑。

    The seminorm family P and its every S-simplest form generate the same locally convex separated topology on X are proved .

  2. 提出了附属于非线性算子A的半范数A及微分方程式的广义解算子E的概念与性质,并引入非线性差分逼近的相容性、收敛性、稳定性概念。

    This paper gives the conceptions of consistency , convergence , stability , seminorm of an operator of the nonlinear difference approximation and the Lax 's equivalence theorem to the non-linear case .

  3. 在这篇文章中,作者首先引入弱闭Alg(N)-模u上的半范数(?),并且利用这些半范数刻画u的有限分划子模;

    In this paper , the authors first introduce semi-norms on a weakly closed Alg ( N ) - module u and use them to characterize the finite-partition sub-module of u ;

  4. 反映半范数族与局部凸空间关系的一个定理

    A Theorem Showing the Relation between seminorm and Local convex Space

  5. 关于向量空间上范数与半范数关系的一个注记

    Note on relation of seminorm and norm in vector space

  6. 基于半范数的风险测度

    The Risk Measures Based on Seminorm

  7. 索伯列夫空间的半范数

    Seminorm of Sobolev Space

  8. 本文研究索伯列夫空间半范数的某些性质及其与某类商范数的关系,得到了一些新结果。

    In this paper , several properties of seminorm on Sobolev space and its relation to some quotient norm are studied and the new results are obtained .

  9. 讨论了四元数中的真半范数,并给出了它的一般形式,它适合核维数分别为1,2,3的情形,推广了复数域中的真半范数的一般形式,给出了一个较好的结果。

    In this paper , we study proper norms of the quaternions and give the forms which fit for the kernel dimensions of 1,2 or 3.They are the generalized forms of complex numbers , and we give some better results .

  10. 半群的范数连续性是一个非常重要的性质,人们一直致力于用半群的生成元及其预解式来刻划却并未能得到满意的结果。

    We discuss the solution of an operator equation which describes the characterization of eventually norm-continuous semigroups on a Hilbert space .

  11. 本文研究Hilbert空间上最终范数连续半群的特征条件,仅利用半群生成元的预解式,给出Hilbert空间上C0-半群最终范数连续的一个的充要条件。

    In this paper , a new characterization of eventually norm continuous semigroups on Hilbert space is given . By using the resolvent of the generator , we give the sufficient and necessary conditions for the semigroups to be being eventually norm continuous .