
  • 网络Single mother;single mom
  1. 做单身妈妈难吗?

    Is it difficult being a single mother ?

  2. 有消息称,影星SandraBullock也是因为老公偷腥后婚姻破裂,离婚后收养了新奥尔良的儿童当单身妈妈的。

    The Hollywood star divorced her cheating husband Jesse James but still continued the process of adopting a baby boy from New Orleans as a single mother .

  3. 米歇尔。戈麦斯今年23岁,是一个没有健康保险的单身妈妈。

    Michele Gomez is a23-year-old single mother with no health insurance .

  4. 住在萨克拉门托(美国加州首府)的单身妈妈、来自堪萨斯乡下的

    a single mother in Sacramento , a girl being bullied

  5. 她基本上是作为单身妈妈、一个人把两个孩子带大的。

    She raised her sons largely as a single mother .

  6. 但这并不意味着单身妈妈能够被社会完全接受。

    But this doesn 't mean single mothers by choice are completely accepted .

  7. 做个单身妈妈所以我强调服从

    That 's being a single mom , so I push for order .

  8. 该组织向单身妈妈,难民和曾经服刑的人提供小额贷款。

    This group provides small loans to single mothers , refugees and former criminals .

  9. 加拿大的单身妈妈家庭的数量是55万。

    In Canada there are550,000 single mother families .

  10. 单身妈妈日子不好过,我多想能看到她笑一笑。

    Single moms have it hard , and I really wanted to see her smile .

  11. 她是以为33岁的单身妈妈,她没有工作,最近这位妈妈收到了数以百计的愤怒电话和邮件。

    The33-year-old single , unemployed mother has been getting hundreds of angry phone calls and e-mails .

  12. 当被伴侣抛弃的时候,罚款的负担通常压在单身妈妈身上。

    The burden of fines often weighs only on single mothers , as partners abandon them .

  13. 单身妈妈们的困境

    The plight of single mothers

  14. 她说她宁愿当个单身妈妈也不愿凑合着过不幸福的婚姻生活。

    She said she would rather be a single parent than make do with an unhappy marriage .

  15. 形成鲜明对比的是,在很多美国教育程度最低的妇女居住的地方,单身妈妈屡见不鲜。

    By contrast , many of America 's least-educated women live in neighbourhoods where single motherhood is the norm .

  16. 与我谈话的一位大学教授提到,她的一个学生是单身妈妈。

    A university faculty member I spoke to pointed out that one of her students was a single mother .

  17. 献给这里所有由单身妈妈抚养长大的博客们。让你们老妈喘口气。

    to all you bloggers out there being raised by single moms . Give the old lady a break .

  18. 乔伊:听着,我,嗯……世道凶险,对单身妈妈来说尤为如此。你知道吗?

    Joey : Listen I uh ... It 's a scary world out there especially if you 're a single mom .

  19. 易冉说网络是她作为单身妈妈表达情绪和挫折的唯一地方。

    Yi Ran explains that the Internet is the only place where she can express her feelings and frustrations as a single mother .

  20. 她说,作为一个要独力供养孩子和母亲的单身妈妈,这是一笔高昂的费用。

    She says that is a lot to pay as a single mother also supporting her own mother , who lives with her .

  21. 分析人士认为,从1999年开始实行的税款抵免福利制度使很多人不愿结婚,这一政策对单身妈妈最为有利。

    Analysts believe the introduction of tax credits to the benefit system since 1999 has dissuaded many from marrying , as they favour single mothers .

  22. 这部卡通和《大力水手》是同一个工作室出品,她以一个单身妈妈的形象在两分零二秒的时候出场。时值大萧条时期,她又有两个孩子,生活十分贫困。

    Starting at 2:02 in the above video , she appears as a single mother with two children living in poverty during the Great Depression .

  23. 然而,医生,政客及同性恋组织说这种规定已经过时了,因为现在的家庭结构包括了单身妈妈和女同性恋夫妇。

    However , doctors , politicians and gay groups say this is now outdated because family units have changed to include single mothers and lesbian parents .

  24. 一位单身妈妈,每天要打两份工,但还是能够抽出时间来陪孩子参加足球练习,那才是一种奇迹。

    A single mom who 's working two jobs , and still finds time to take her son to soccer practice , that 's a miracle .

  25. 研究人员发现,那些生命中大部分的时间都用来充当家庭主妇的女性最容易出现不佳的健康状态,其次是单身妈妈和没有子女的女性。

    The researchers found that women who had been homemakers most of their lives were most likely to report poor health , followed by single mothers and childless women .

  26. 比如,一项最近对单身妈妈的调查总结道,很多人会和带小孩的父亲结婚&如果他有工作。

    One recent study of single mothers , for example , concluded that many would have married the father of their children & if he 'd had a job .

  27. 在孩子得救几天以后,她才现身解释源自对自己作为单身妈妈未来的恐惧和惊慌导致她做出这样的行为。

    Only after the baby was rescued days later did she come out to explain that fear and dismay at her future as a single mother led to her actions .

  28. 他由外祖父母和单身妈妈抚养长大,和我父母一样,他的外祖父母属于工薪阶层,而他的妈妈则为支付各种账单而忙碌着,这也和我们所做的一样。

    He was raised by grandparents who were working-class folks just like my parents , and by a single mother who struggled to pay the bills just like we did .

  29. 比如,中国人认为传统的两性婚姻是人生幸福的必要前提,所以在中国,单身妈妈或过了30岁依然未婚的男女并不多见。

    A traditional opposite sex marriage , for example , is considered essential to happiness and in China , single mothers or unmarried men and women over the age of 30 are rare .

  30. 作为一个单身妈妈,而且在这个现代化的英国,除了不是无家可归,你可以说我有多穷就有多穷。

    An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded , and I was jobless , a lone parent , and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain , without being homeless .