
dān xínɡ běn
  • offprint;separate edition
单行本 [dān xíng běn]
  • [separate edition;offprint;article in pamphlet form] 从成套成部的书或从报刊上抽出一部分单独印行的书

  1. 单行本数量多,最初基本上属于稿本或手抄本,但这些稿本现在均已亡佚。

    The number of separate edition is large and they initially are manuscripts , but these manuscripts have been lost .

  2. 《春秋繁露》单行本是其流传版本的一个最重要的系统,目前尚缺少较为全面的概述。

    The separate edition of Book Chunqiu Fanlu is the most important system of its spreaded edition , which is now wanting a comprehensive introduction .

  3. 英译本可能被压缩成了更具可读性的单行本。

    The English translation may have been condensed into a single more readable book .

  4. 可以叫短书,也可以叫长文章,或者叫单行本,介于杂志文章与足本书籍之间,似乎用Kindle或iPad等电子阅读设备看最合适。

    They 're short books , long-form pieces , or singles . They are somewhere in between a magazine article and full-length book , that seem to work well on an e-reader , Kindle or iPad .

  5. 他们还出了这个声明的英文单行本。

    They also put out a pamphlet in English of this statement .

  6. 1919-1937是翻译外国戏剧的鼎盛时期,翻译出版的外国戏剧单行本数量约为379。

    About 379 foreign dramas were translated and published in book form .

  7. 期刊连载漫画一旦形成固定读者群,策划出版单行本图书就势在必行。

    Once a fixed journal comic strip readers , books on planning published booklet is imperative .

  8. 其他珍贵展品还包括上世纪50年代出版的《射雕英雄传》的单行本。

    Other valuable exhibits include an offprint edition of " The Eagle-shooting Heroes " from the 1950s .

  9. 人气漫画的单行本和动画、个性化版本渐渐成为中国市场销售的主流。

    Monographs and popular cartoon animation , personalized version of the Chinese market has gradually become the mainstream .

  10. 那悲剧再没有出单行本,虽然马丁已把预支的版税装进了腰包。

    The tragedy was never brought out in book-form , though Martin pocketed the advance royalties that had been paid .

  11. 这些小说不同于以往的一个重要特点,就是多数作品都曾在报刊杂志上发表&多是先在报刊上连载,然后再出版单行本。

    One essential feature of the novels was that most of them were published in newspapers and magazines before published as offprint .

  12. 联邦法首先在法律单行本上公布,然后编撰到成文法规大全,随后进入美国法典。

    Federal Statutes are published first in Slip Law , then in the Statutes at Large , and subsequently in the United States Code .

  13. 在日本,一部动漫作品首先会以漫画连载的方式和读者见面,获得认可的作品才能成为单行本出版;

    In Japan , an anime first serialized in comic way and readers to meet , in order to become accredited monograph published works ;

  14. 我后来买了一本王老师几个中篇小说的单行本,《浮出海面》是里面的第二篇。

    I have bought one Teacher Wang several long short stories offprint afterwards ", have been second of the inside float out sea surface " .

  15. 边区政府把这篇小说印成单行本发行。这是赵树理创作道路的开端,他在一年的时间内又写了六七本书和几个剧本。

    This was the beginning of a creative period which resulted in Chao 's turning out half a dozen books and a number of plays within the space of a year .