
  • 网络Word Stress;Stress in words
  1. 中国学习者英语单词重音位移语料库分析

    Corpus-based analysis on Chinese college students ' word stress misplacement

  2. 欢迎英语学习小贴士。今天的小贴士是:句子中的单词重音发音技巧。

    Welcome to Daily Tips on Learning English . Today 's tip is on word stress on sentences .

  3. 基于神经网络语音合成中的单词重音标注技术

    Neural network based stress label for letter-to-sound of words

  4. 有这么多的传统节日。多音节单词重音的分布。

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word .

  5. 多音节单词重音的分布。分析诗歌的音节音律。

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word . analysis of verse into metrical patterns .

  6. 而单词重音的实验语音学研究时,则以考察其语流中的韵律特征作为重点。

    Meanwhile , the prosodic features of flow is the emphasis of word stress experimental phonetics study .

  7. 英语接触量不同的中国英语早学者和晚学者英语单词重音模式研究

    Investigating English Word Stress Patterns of Early and Late Chinese EFL Learners with Two Types of English Exposure

  8. 以下的听力练习适用于学习过单词重音的学生。

    THE listening activity described below can only be used once the students have known the features of word stress .

  9. 发音与语调:英语发音与语调练习题,音标,双元音,单词重音测试题等

    Pronunciation and intonation : English pronunciation and intonation exercises , phonetics , diphthongs , word stress quizzes , and more

  10. 通过朝鲜语与蒙古语相对应的单元音对比分析,找出两者之间的共同点与差异。2、根据开音节、闭音节的特征,做了朝鲜语与蒙古语单词重音的实验语音学对比研究。

    By the contrast analysis of corresponding pure vowel of Korean and Mongolian , find out the similarities and differences between the two . 2 .

  11. 多音节单词重音的分布。英语中有两类分词:过去分词和现在分词。

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word . There are two types of participle in English : the past participle and the present participle .

  12. 有多余音节的除了标准音节单元或标准诗行中的音节外还有一个或多个音节的多音节单词重音的分布。

    Having one or more syllables in addition to those found in a standard metrical unit or line of verse . the distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word .

  13. 略谈俄语单词失去重音的现象

    The Phenomenon of Losing the Stresses of Some Russian Words

  14. 这个单词的重音在哪里?

    Note the stress on these adjectives . Where 's the accent in this word ?

  15. 最后,注意单词的重音并通过语调猜测它的意思。

    Lastly , pay attention to the stressed words and guess the meaning through the intonation .

  16. 这个单词的重音在哪里?多音节单词重音的分布。

    Where 's the accent in this word ? the distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word .

  17. 本课中,我们将学习单词的重音,及一个单词中不同音节的重音。

    One of the keys to proper English pronunciation is understanding syllables and stressing the correct syllable in a word .

  18. 本文就俄语中某些单词失去重音的现象,按词类的划分做一个初步的探讨。

    This paper according to the division of parts of speech discusses the phenomenon of losing the strees of some Russian words .

  19. Logue保存的材料中包括手写的演讲稿,其中标注了哪些单词该读重音,哪里该停顿等。

    The copy in Logue 's archive contains handwritten pencil notes , indicating what words to stress and where to pause .

  20. 主音是一个单词的主要重音。

    A tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word .

  21. 言词的节奏单位,拉丁诗歌中从两个到六个音步中,含有一个主重音意大利语单词的主重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。

    A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse , consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent . Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word .

  22. 注意,这个单词有两个重音。主重音在第3个音节上,次重音在第1个音节上。

    Look here , this word has two stresses . The primary stress falls on the third syllable . The secondary stress falls on the first syllable .

  23. 重音是一个相对的概念,只有两个或两个音节以上的单词才可以说有单词重音,单音节的单词,即只有一个音节的单词,是不可能有单词重音的。

    Stress is a relative notion ; only words with two or more syllable can be said to have word stress , and monosyllabic words ( words of only one syllable ), can not be said to have word stress .