
  • 网络single project;individual project;single construction;unit of project
  1. 其中,编制内容包括:全桥施工进度、施工场地布置、单项工程施工方法、主要机具设备拟定等。

    The contents are bridge working progress , laying out of construction working site , construction method of single project , main equipment plan and etc.

  2. 经济开发小区的建设会给区域噪声环境带来与单项工程建设不同的和更大的影响,其中交通噪声是区域环境噪声的重点。

    Construction of a small development area will cause greater noise effect on the regional environment than that of a single project , among which traffic noise will be the focus of environmental noise in the region .

  3. 对以上单项工程进行投资概算。

    Investment estimate is conducted for above individual works .

  4. 单项工程造价的快速测算方法

    A method to fast estimate the unit project cost

  5. 编制以上各单项工程概算投资。

    Prepare investment budget estimate for above individual work .

  6. 单项工程与多项工程地质环境质量损益经济评价研究

    The profit-loss economic evaluation research on the quality of geological environment of single-and multi-engineering items

  7. 项目施工阶段采用项目管理方法对各单项工程进度、成本和质量进行管理。

    Project construction stage of the project management means the project schedule , cost and quality management .

  8. 其次从施工方法、施工工艺入手,分别探讨了路基、路面的机械化施工机群作业系统,并就每一单项工程的质量控制进行了论述。

    Secondly it discusses the machine-group system and the quality control of roadbed and road surface subsection construction .

  9. 分析了主要工程、单项工程费用、承揽该工程的施工企业资质情况。

    Analysis of major projects , individual project costs , contract for the project construction enterprise qualification situation .

  10. 快速而正确地测算单项工程造价是项目可行性研究的关键环节。

    It is the key segment to estimate the unit project cost fast and correctly in project feasibility study .

  11. 本文对以作业为基础的本量利分析法在建筑企业单项工程中的应用进行研究。

    This paper studies the application of the activity-based cost-volume-profit analysis in the single projects of the construction enterprises .

  12. 我们可以承建成套工厂或分包单项工程或提供劳务。

    We can contract to build turn-key plant , undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services .

  13. 应用数据粒度,可以便利快速的得到全厂性工程、单项工程等不同级别的预算数据。

    The budgetary data of both the whole project and its sub-project arc available by way of data granularity and aggregation .

  14. 后评价涉及总体和单项工程后评价,成果应用和指标体系。

    The post-evaluation is dealt with the postevaluation for a general and individual project , application of results and index system .

  15. 文中详细介绍了该项目管理的具体做法和经验,可供在总承包工程及单项工程实施时参考。

    This paper gives a detailed introduction to the project management practice and experiences , for the reference of main contracting project and sub contracting project .

  16. 项目成本管控的原则是以单项工程为成本核算单位,做到准确预算、真实支出、及时归集、严格核算、科学管控。

    The principle of individual projects costing unit project cost control is to be precise budget , real expenditures , timely collection , rigorous accounting and scientific management .

  17. 提出了我国的工程造价指数编制范围及各单项工程造价指数、综合指数及平均数指数的测算编制方法;

    Proposes the range of compilation concerning construction cost index and the calculation formula for every individual cost index , composite index and average index in our country ;

  18. 建筑产品可以划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程。

    The products of construction can be divided into five parts , such as construction projects , monomial projects , unit projects , subsection projects and subentry projects .

  19. 还建成了北京“北苑六区”1155个车位项目,是单项工程数量最大项目。

    We have also built the " 1155 parking lot " project for " Beiyuan No.6 " in Beijing , which has the largest number of parking lots in a single project .

  20. 内部系统有11个单项工程,每个单项工程配有独立的设计文件,建成后可单独发挥经济效益。

    The inside has 11 individual event projects systematically , each individual event project is furnished with the independent design files , can give play to the economic benefits alone after building up .

  21. 南四湖湖内工程是沂沭泗河洪水东调南下续建工程的单项工程,工程区位于山东省省级自然保护区内;

    The dredging project in Nansihu Lake which is a nature conservation area of Shan dong Province , is one of the east and south floodwater diversion projects in the YiShuSi river drainage area .

  22. 火电厂项目是一个投资额高、工程量大、建设周期长、工期紧,有多个单项工程或单位工程同时施工或依次施工等特点的工程项目。

    Thermal power plant is an amount of investment and engineering capacity , long construction period , which must be short period , a number of individual projects or units work simultaneously in sequence features .

  23. 勘测单位计算机应用已从孤立的处理单项工程走向管理和决策,以关系数据库为核心的信息管理和决策支持信息系统已经成为新的发展方向。

    The computer application in prospecting units has gone from original isolated single project to the management and decision making . Information management and decision-making surporting system with correlation data base as the core has become a new development direction .

  24. 运用工程项目工作结构分解和目标结构分解,以及组织/功能矩阵分析等手段和方法,实现对工程项目的分部分项工程、单位工程、单项工程、工程项目及工程分包的进度控制和管理。

    It uses project work breakdown structure , objective breakdown structure and the organization / function matrix analysis tools and methods to realize control and management for the section project , unit project , single project , project and Subcontract .

  25. 最后对s公司近两年来项目管理目标责任制运行情况进行分析评价,肯定了其在单项工程方面取得的良好成果和公司整体经营方面体现的积极作用。

    Finally through the operation analysis of the project management objectives responsibility system in the past two years , we make sure that it achieved good results in single project and get positive role to the whole company management aspects .

  26. 然后进行工作结构的分解,将总工程分解为各个小的单项工程,分析各个分项工程之间的逻辑关系,绘制成工作结构分解图。

    And then proceed to the decomposition of the working structure of the total project is broken down into various small single project to analyze the logical relationship between each of the sub-project , drawn into the work breakdown structure diagram .

  27. 结合路基工程、路面工程、桥涵工程、隧道工程、绿化工程、环保单项工程等施工过程中环境监理的实施,为将来制定公路施工期环境监理实施细则,或编写环境监理规范提供基础资料。

    Environment-Supervision is applied to all single projects , such as road bed project , road surface projects , bridge - culvert projects , tunnel projects , virescence projects . which provide basal information for establishing Road Environment-Supervision criterion and enchiridion .

  28. 长江三峡工程是世界上在建的巨型水电工程,其每个单项工程都相当于一个大型工程,三峡水利枢纽的机电和金属结构工程规模和技术复杂程度达到当今世界水电工程之最。

    Three Gorges Project is a huge one under construction . All of its component works are equivalent to individual large projects , of which the electric & mechanical equipment and metal structures ' scale and complexity are rare in the present world .

  29. 通过对50个单项工程的116根钻孔灌注桩的试验分析,提出了孔底虚土处理方法,对桩侧摩阻力及桩端阻力进行了讨论。

    This paper analysed the results of load test on 116 bored piles in individual engineering , puts forward the disposal method of porous earth in the bottom of the bored hole and discusses the side frictioned force and tip resistance of pile .

  30. 河流梯级水电开发范围广、规模大、时间跨度长,在开发初期开展规划环境影响评价和单项工程环境影响评价,对减缓项目不利环境影响具有指导性作用。

    All cascade hydropower development is wide in range , large in scale and long in time duration . EIA and individual project environmental impact assessment in the early period of exploration plays a guiding role in mitigating the adverse environmental impact on the project .