
tóu zī é
  • investment
  1. 并充分考虑各节点企业的投资额、承担的风险及分配方案满意度,应用不对称Nash谈判模型设计了造船供应链合作利益分配的协商机制。

    After fully consideration of the investment , undertaken risks and satisfaction with allocation decisions of node enterprises in shipbuilding supply chain , the paper applies the asymmetric Nash negotiation model to design a bargain mechanism for cooperation benefit allocation of shipbuilding supply chain .

  2. 上述数据公布前一天,中国表示,上月投资额已飙升至创纪录高位。

    The figures came a day after China said investment had surged to record highs last month .

  3. 没有关于投资额的规定

    There 's no stipulation as to the amount you can invest .

  4. 若BIT成功签署,将增加双边投资额,这意味着美国将增加更多就业岗位。

    More two-way investment under a successful BIT means many more American jobs .

  5. 基于ANN的市政工程投资额估算

    Estimation of Municipal Engineering Investment Based on ANN

  6. 联合国环境规划署(UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme)最近的一份报告称,2006年,可再生能源领域的投资额已从2005年的800亿美元攀升至1000亿美元。

    Investment in renewables climbed to more than $ 100bn in 2006 from $ 80bn in 2005 , according to the recent United Nations Environment Programme report .

  7. 中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)表示,今年头10个月,中国房地产开发投资额增加31.4%,达2530亿美元。

    China 's real estate development investment grew 31.4 per cent in the first 10 months of the year to $ 253bn , says the National Bureau of Statistics .

  8. 土地利用程度与人均GDP、建成区人口密度以及单位土地面积固定资产投资额三方面密切相关;

    It had been close relation between urban land use degree and per GDP , population density in built-up , investment in fixed assets in unit land area .

  9. 文章预测了2011年海南省GDP会继续保持高速增长,全社会固定资产投资额会继续加大。

    The paper predicted that the GDP of Hainan Province in2011 will continue to maintain high growth , and the total fixed assets investment wiU continue to increase .

  10. 日本贸易振兴机构(japanexternaltradeorganisation)的数据显示,2005年,日本海外非制造业直接商业净投资额为190亿美元,2009年,这一数字已升至420亿美元。

    Whereas in 2005 , Japan made a net $ 19bn of direct investments in non-manufacturing businesses overseas , in 2009 the figure had reached $ 42bn , according to data from the Japan External Trade Organisation .

  11. 治理污染投资额占GDP比重较低和逐年不连续、不稳定,同国际水平和其他发达省份有一定的差距,对减排效果不明显。

    The rate of pollution control investment to GDP is low , discontinuous , unstable and has gap with compare to the international level and other developed provinces , reduce pollution in insignificance .

  12. 渣打(StandardChartered)的研究显示,到2015年,中国每年对非洲的投资额将达到令人瞠目的500亿美元,年度双边贸易总额将达到3000亿美元。

    By 2015 , China will be investing an eye-popping $ 50bn per year in Africa and bilateral trade with the continent will be $ 300bn annually , according to research from Standard Chartered .

  13. 然而,ERP项目所具有的投资额大、难度大、周期长、项目风险大、效益滞后等特点使得其实施成功率普遍较低。

    However , the core features of ERP project such as vast investment , hard to implement , long-cycle , high-risk , benefit-delaying and so on cause it 's implementation success ratio generally low .

  14. 在现状分析中,笔者运用了SPSS、EXCEL等统计软件,通过大量数据整合,分析了沈阳服务业内部典型行业增加值比重与沈阳人均GDP、实际利用外商直接投资额及人口的相关关系。

    This part applies SPSS and EXCEL statistical software to analyze the relationship between service industry and GDP , investment , and population . It is the creation of the whole article .

  15. 选择郑州市社会经济发展指标主要包括GDP、地方财政收入、全社会固定资产投资额、工业总产值,以此来分析在工业化演进的过程中,城市工业地价与社会经济各指标之间的相关性。

    In order to analyze the correlation of industrial land price between socio-economic indicators , the socio-economic development indicators including GDP , local government revenue , fixed assets investment , total value of industry were choose .

  16. 但是,面对基础设施BOT项目投资额巨大、回收周期长、不可逆性等特点,决策者如何做出投资决策成为项目成败的关键。

    But there are several characteristic of BOT projects in infrastructure such as investing too much , long payback period and irreversibility , so how the decision-makers make the choice is the key for investment .

  17. 据调查公司CleantechGroup最近公布的数字显示,2012年,风投公司在全球清洁技术公司投资额达到65亿美元,比之前一年减少了33%。

    According to the latest numbers from the research firm the cleantech group , venture capital firms globally invested $ 6.5 billion in clean tech companies in 2012 & down 33 % from the previous year .

  18. 将城乡居民人均收入比作为被解释变量,人均GDP、城乡二元生产率对比系数、我国实际利用的外商直接投资额、财政支出用于农业的比重、城市化率作为解释变量。

    The model took per capita income of urban and rural residents as the Explained Variable , and per capita GDP , urban-rural dualistic productivity , FDI in actual use , the proportion of financial expenditure for agriculture , and urbanization as the Explanatory Variables .

  19. 然后选择了研究的代表变量,把国内生产总值GDP作为经济增长的金融指标,把房地产开发完成投资额作为房地产市场发展的指标,把上证综合指数作为股票市场发展的指标。

    Then choose three variables , made gross domestic product as the index of economic development ; made the investment of real estate development as the index of development of the real estate market , and made the Shanghai Composite Index as development of Stock market .

  20. 结果表明,国有企业比重和人均GDP与企业规模分布的帕累托指数呈负相关,社会固定资产投资额的提高和高程度的市场化水平提高了企业规模分布的帕累托指数。

    The results show that : there is a negative effect of proportion of state-owned enterprises and the per capita GDP on Pareto exponent of enterprise size distribution ; social fixed assets investment and the high degree of marketization level improve the pareto exponent of enterprise size distribution .

  21. 这项投资额为1.4亿美元的项目于五月份启动,合作方为美国出版商、前纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(MichaelBloomberg)。他在宣布这一项目时表示,该项目将“挑战现状,用创新解决难题”。

    The $ 140 million project was launched in May in collaboration with American publisher and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg , who heralded the initiative by saying it will ' challenge the status quo and use innovation to solve tough problems ' .

  22. 早在1993年,丰田汽车就开始研发普锐斯(Prius)混合动力车,投资额高达10亿美元。若非管理层作出许多大胆的决策,这个项目或许早就被风险淹没了。

    Starting work on its Prius hybrid car as long ago as 1993 , the company invested $ 1bn on a project that would have been fraught with risk had management not taken a number of bold decisions .

  23. 基于现有铁路路网的布局,根据各点对之间O-D流的要求和各路段的改造水平,在有限投资额约束的情况下,建立了相应的数学模型。

    In this paper , based on the layout of existing railway network , flows of Origin Destination , and levels of existing lines reconstruct , we established the mathematics model of limited investment .

  24. 房地产服务和资产管理集团仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,今年上半年,亚太地区商业房地产投资额上升14%,达540亿美元,其中一半包含跨境交易。

    In the first half of this year , commercial real estate investment in the Asia-Pacific region rose 14 per cent to $ 54bn , of which half comprised cross-border transactions , according to Jones Lang LaSalle , the real estate services and asset management group .

  25. 重点分为两方面:一是本企业的主要产品SOT-23,本企业只拥有39%的股份,但其投资额占本企业总投资额的95%以上。

    Key points including the following two aspects : One is the main product of the enterprise . The enterprise has only 39 % equity shares . But the investment on the main product accounts for 95 % of the enterprise 's total investment .

  26. 洛伊拒绝透露具体投资额。

    Mr Lowy declined to say how much they had invested .

  27. 关于投资额不等互斥方案经济评价的分析

    Economic Evaluation and Analysis on Mutually Exclusive Alternatives of Unequal Investment

  28. 最低投资额为5000美元或者其他等值货币。

    The minimum investment is $ 5,000 or the currency equivalent .

  29. 固定资产投资额指标有效性研究

    On Validity of the Statistic Indicator of Investment in Fixed Assets

  30. 据报道,投资额超过了200万美元。

    Reports put the commitment just north of $ 2 million .