
Nán Jīnɡ Chánɡ Jiānɡ Dà Qiáo
  • Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge;Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge
  1. 位于京沪线上的南京长江大桥系该线贯通大江南北的主要咽喉。

    The Nanjing Changjiang River bridge which is located in Beijing-Shanghai line is the key route way that crosses the river from south to north .

  2. 基于已有的风速观测记录,对京沪高速铁路南京长江大桥桥址区的风向分布进行了统计分析。

    On the basis of the wind speed observation , the wind direction distributing of the site of Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge on Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was analyzed .

  3. 从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京长江大桥的全景。

    The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge .

  4. 南京长江大桥非常雄伟壮丽。

    The Nanjing Yangtse River Brigdge is very grand and magnificent .

  5. 南京长江大桥公路引桥桥面整修设计

    Renovation Design of Highway Bridge Pavement for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

  6. 南京长江大桥的夜景雄伟瑰丽。

    The view of the Nanjing Changjiang bridge at night is magnificent .

  7. 南京长江大桥是1969?年建的吗?

    Be the Changjiang River Bridge in Nanjing build in1969 ?

  8. 南京长江大桥长达6700米。

    The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is as long as 6,700 meters .

  9. 改性稀浆封层在南京长江大桥工程中的应用

    On application of modified slurry sealing in construction of Nanjing Yangtze river Bridge

  10. 无功就地补偿技术在南京长江大桥上的应用

    Reactive In-situ Compensation Technology for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

  11. 南京长江大桥结构安全监测

    Monitoring the Structure Safety of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

  12. 南京长江大桥高架桥道路照明计算机辅助设计

    CAD in the Nanjing Yanzi River Bridge lighting

  13. 南京长江大桥有砟桥道床弹性改善的研究

    Research on Improving the Ballast Elasticity of the Track on Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

  14. 南京长江大桥的轨道几何状态变化规律的分析

    The Comprehensive Study of Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge 's Change Rule in Track Geometry Status

  15. 南京长江大桥结构健康监测及其关键技术研究

    Study on the Structural Health Monitoring of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and Its Key Technologies

  16. 南京长江大桥正桥1号墩辊轴支座病害整治方案设计

    Scheme design of treating the trouble to No.1 pier roller support of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

  17. 介绍即将建立的南京长江大桥结构安全监测系统。

    An introduction is given to the to-be-built structure safety monitoring system for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge .

  18. 南京长江大桥双曲拱桥火灾后结构分析与加固

    Structural Analysis and Strengthening of Two-Way Curved Arch Bridge of Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge After Fire Damage

  19. 南京长江大桥江南铁路引桥附近的可液化地基采用挤密砂桩法进行了加固。

    Compaction sand piles method was used in site improvement around Yangtze River bridge in Nanjing City .

  20. 南京长江大桥是他们见过的最长的一座桥。

    The Nanking Yangtse River Bridge is the longest bridge ( that ) they have ever seen .

  21. 三桥位于现南京长江大桥上游约19公里处的大胜关附近。

    The No.3 Bridge is located at the site of19 kilometers up-river from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge .

  22. 这张照片是在阅江楼,你可以看到我身后的南京长江大桥。

    This pic was in Yuejianglou , you could see the Nanjing bridge of the Changjiang River behind me .

  23. 1968年12月18日,中国自行设计和施工的南京长江大桥建成通车。

    On December 18 , 1968 , China 's own design and construction of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was opened to traffic .

  24. 根据南京长江大桥的结构特点,建立了考虑横向联结系的三维有限元模型;

    In this paper , in the light of the structural features of the Bridge , a3D finite element model in regard of the lateral bracing system of the Bridge are established .

  25. 以汀泗河特大桥1/8缩尺模型及南京长江大桥为对象,对其监测传感器位置进行单目标和多目标优化。

    With the proposed methods , the optimal placement of monitoring sensors for the 1 / 8 scale structure of Ting Si He River Bridge ( TSHRB ) and NYRB are obtained under the defined single-objective and multi-objective .

  26. 南京长江大桥位于南京市西北长江上,连通市区与浦口区,是一座我国自己设计建造的双层双线公路、铁路两用桥,1968年12月29日竣工。

    Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in the north-west of the Yangtze River , connecting the urban areas with the Pukou District , is one of China 's own design and construction of double-lane highways , railways dual-use bridge , completed on December 29 , 1968 .

  27. 本文以南京长江第三大桥为例,研制了用于钢塔施工阶段涡激振动响应制振的制振器TMD和TLD。

    Vibration control devices ( TMD and TLD ) for suppressing vortex vibration response of steel towers of the3rd Nanjing Bridge over Yangtze River were manufactured .

  28. 参照南京大胜关长江大桥正交异性板整体桥面系制作了U肋与横梁连接处2个1:1的整体模型,完成了精细的有限元分析和疲劳试验。

    Referring to the orthotropic monolithic steel deck system of NDB , two full scale monolithic models of U rib-to-diaphragm connection were fabricated , refined finite element analysis and fatigue experiments were carried out on the two models .

  29. 为此,本文结合南京第三长江大桥桥塔,基于被动调质阻尼器(TMD)对这一钢制桥塔的涡振控制进行了研究。

    For this reason , the control of the vortex-induced vibration of the tower of the Nanjing No. 3 Bridge over the Yangtze river was studied in this paper , based on Passive Tuned Mass Damper ( TMD ) .

  30. 南京长江第三大桥北引桥D1标为3联(2联8跨,1联9跨)连续箱梁。

    The Contract D1 of the north approach spans of the 3rd Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge is a continuous box girder structure composed of 3 continuous units , respectively 2 units of 8 spans each and 1 unit of 9 spans .