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  1. 南朝的佛教与百济的本土文化相融合后快速发展,这种日益盛行的佛教无疑对百济社会的各方各面产生了深远的影响。

    In the Buddhism and hundreds of local culture has quickly after combining development , the increasing prevalence of Buddhism to the economic society is the face of the parties had the profound influence .

  2. 佛教自印度传入中国后经历了一个漫长的中国化过程,到了南朝时期佛教空前繁荣,这种体系完善的南朝佛教便逐渐传入其他国家和地区。

    Buddhism was introduced into China from India after all experienced a long process of Chinese , to the Southern dynasty Buddhism flourished , this system is complete in the Buddhism and gradually spread other countries and regions .

  3. 南朝时期,佛教盛行,涌现出了一批著名高僧。吟游诗人何时盛行?这份季刊当时盛极一时。

    Buddhism prevailed in Southern Dynasty and a great multitude of famous monks emerged .

  4. 南朝时期随着佛教逐渐融入中国社会,佛教的素食观逐渐对中国士人产生影响。

    But with the gradual integration of Buddhism and the Chinese society in the Southern Dynasty , the vegetarian diet of Buddhism had a direct impact upon the scholars .

  5. 东晋南朝是玄学和佛教盛行的时代,这已是学者们的共识。

    As scholars all know , East Jin Dynasty and the South Dynasty were the times when the metaphysics and Buddhism were current .

  6. 本文从确凿的史料出发,有理有据地说明了佛教在南朝得以广泛传播的原因,以及以江淹为代表的南朝文人对佛教的基本态度。

    From the point of irrefutable historical material , the author proved reasonably the reason why Buddhism could be widely spread in the Nan Dynasty and the essential attitude of the Nan writers otwards Buddhism .