
bó ài
  • fraternity;universal love;brotherhood;philanthropy;universal fraternity;love for humanity;indiscriminate love
博爱 [bó ài]
  • [love for humanity;fraternity;brotherhood] 广泛地爱一切人,特别是对朋友或同胞的爱;兼爱

  • 长者能博爱,天下寄其身

博爱[bó ài]
  1. PLCF在年轻的受助人心中播撒下博爱的种子,并鼓励受助人将爱传递。

    PLCF plants seeds of universal love in the hearts of young recipients and encourages the recipients to pass love forward .

  2. 他能够以宽广的胸怀博爱每一位学生。

    He can by the broad mind universal love each student .

  3. 他们的目标是建立一个更加公正、博爱的社会。

    Their aim is for a more just and humane society .

  4. 这有助于营造一种博爱的感觉。

    It helps engender a sense of common humanity

  5. 她的演讲思想高度成熟,并且洋溢着博爱精神。

    Her speech showed great maturity and humanity .

  6. 作家最喜欢写的一个主题是人类的博爱。

    One of writer 's favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind .

  7. 在社会思想观念的变迁过程中,从博爱之中逐渐演化出了团结(solidarity)这个概念,并最终为团结所取代。

    With the changing social ideology , the concept of solidarity gradually evolved from fraternity , and finally replaced it .

  8. 通过Masdar科技研究所(MasdarInstituteofScienceandTechnology,简称MIST)了解到,阿布扎比希望无论是他们的理念,还是产品都贴上清洁技术的标签,而不仅仅是博爱主义和绿色凭据。

    Through the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology or MIST , Abu Dhabi wants its stamp on the clean technology chain from concept to product . It 's not all about philanthropy and green credentials .

  9. “这两家公司的企业文化有很大的不同,”她回忆道:“Arco公司很有家长式作风,而且非常博爱,而英国石油公司则严格专注于企业的盈亏。”

    " The two corporate cultures were vastly different ," she recalls . " Arco was very paternalistic and philanthropic , while BP 's focus was strictly on the bottom line . "

  10. 反封建自由、平等、博爱的口号

    The anti - feudal slogan of freedom , equality and fraternity

  11. 按劳分配缺乏博爱精神,差别原则多有空想成分。

    Labor-based distribution lacks fraternity while capital-based distribution has more fancy .

  12. 她生长在奥地利仁慈博爱的宫廷里

    She was brought up in the philanthropic court of Austria ,

  13. 让你的心灵博爱诚实。

    Open your hesn 't to humsnity , to honesty .

  14. 擎天柱:为这星球的和平,牺牲是在所难免的(无论擎天柱的造型怎么变换,不变的总是他那博爱的胸襟和无畏的精神)。

    Optimus : A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet .

  15. 我赞助了博爱、协和、曙光!

    I voted for fraternity , concord , the dawn .

  16. 有效博爱会会员卡积分永远有效。

    The scores in the valid membership card are in effect forever .

  17. 因为耶稣老大的博爱,天堂依然有坏人。

    Beacause of Jesus , even the heaven still has bad guys .

  18. 比尔盖茨最初的阶段也没那么博爱。

    Bill Gates didn 't get philanthropic his first quarter .

  19. 主要标志的含义是胜利、博爱、普遍性。

    The principal symbols are victory , fraternity and universality .

  20. 他的博爱精神仍然活在许多中国人的心中。

    The charity of his soul still lives on among many Chinese .

  21. 匹克威克先生脸上闪耀着博爱众生的表情。

    Mr. Pickwick 's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy .

  22. 这种集体对个人的保护称为博爱。

    This protection of all over each is called fraternity .

  23. 设立博爱助学金,资助贫困大学生完成学业。

    Setting up fraternity scholarship to finance poor college students .

  24. 陈士修纪念社会服务中心〔博爱医院〕

    Chan Shi Sau Memorial Social Service Centre [ Pok Oi Hospital ]

  25. 提倡世界大同,发扬人类博爱精神。

    Advocate the human spirit of humanity , promote datong .

  26. 欢乐、博爱、奇妙之声展翅飞旋。

    A winged sound of joy , and love , and wonder .

  27. 它与博爱主义和利他主义很相近。

    Ithas the close proximity with the philanthropism and altruism .

  28. 以博爱和正直的态度待人是最重要的。

    Treating people with humanity and integrity is most important .

  29. 人们真的期待自由、平等、与博爱吗?

    Do people really want liberty , equality , fraternity ?

  30. 我在博爱居家当义工时学过盖东西

    I learned to build when I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity .