
  • 网络museum collection
  1. 博物馆藏品档案建设的基本策略

    Reflections on strategies for archives construction of museum collections

  2. 它使人们能够更好的了解博物馆藏品所承载的深厚的历史底蕴、丰富厚重的文化,使它不至于被世人遗忘在角落里。

    It allows people to better understand the museum collections are hosted by profound historical heritage and rich culture of heavy , it will not be forgotten by the world in the corner .

  3. 博物馆藏品存储有许多方法。

    There are a number of methods of storage for museum objects .

  4. 博物馆藏品利用存在的问题及对策

    Questions and ways of using the collection of museum

  5. 这是博物馆藏品的记录系统。

    This is the recording system of museum objects .

  6. 因此对博物馆藏品信息采集相关问题进行研究意义重大。

    Consequently , the research of the collections information is very significant in the museum .

  7. 博物馆藏品分类

    The Classification of the Collections in Museums

  8. 博物馆藏品档案的业务话题

    Business of Collections Archives in Museums

  9. 关于博物馆藏品库房建筑问题

    The Architectural Problems of Museum Storehouses

  10. 在展室同一时间显示所有的博物馆藏品是不可能的。

    It is not possible to display every acquired object in one time at an exhibition gallery .

  11. 本文充分论述博物馆藏品库房建筑的地位、作用及其特点。

    This article gives an overall exposition of the functions , features and positions of the museum storehouses .

  12. 博物馆藏品的收集和分类是首先做的和非常重要的博物馆职责。

    Collecting and classification of museum objects is the first and one of the main points of museum duties .

  13. 论自然标本的文物属性&以成都理工大学自然博物馆藏品为例

    On Cultural Relic Attribute of Natural Specimen : A Case Study of Collection of Natural History Museum of Chengdu University of Technology

  14. 但是现在,我能告诉你们我是如此地骄傲,能把《小精灵》称为现代艺术博物馆藏品的一部分。

    but right now I can tell you that I am so , so proud to be able to call Pac-Man part of the MoMA collection .

  15. 20世纪我国博物馆藏品管理的理论建设与实际工作,已经形成了较完备、系统的理论体系和科学全面的实践工作程序。

    In the 20th century , it has formed a self - contained , systemic theory and scientific , all - around practice work process in China .

  16. 第三部分论述了数字博物馆藏品信息的数字化存储,介绍了适应于博物馆的数据库的使用和常用存储结构以及数据备份方式。

    The third part of the paper is mainly about the data storage in digital museums . It introduces the databases which are fit in museums and normal storage structures .

  17. 本文尽可能收集已公开披露的有关多枝灯考古资料及中外博物馆藏品,进行全面梳理并结合文献资料对其深入研究。

    This article has been publicly disclosed as much as possible to collect more sticks light on the archaeological data and foreign museum collections , combined with full comb-depth study of its literature .

  18. 计算机在博物馆藏品管理、研究、陈列展示、网络博物馆建设、办公自动化和安全保卫方面的应用,是博物馆信息化工作的重点。

    The application of computer in museum stored articles management , research , exhibition & presentation , network museum building , office automation and safety and security etc aspects are key points of museum information work .

  19. 这座历史古城见证过中国许多重大的历史事件,这里出土一砖一瓦都能向我们讲述一个精彩的故事,位于西安的陕西历史博物馆藏品超过37万件。

    The city witnessed many major events in Chinas history . Every brick , every object unearthed in that historic city can tell us a fascinating story . The Shaanxi History Museum there has a collection of over 370,000 items .

  20. 然而目前的博物馆藏品信息采集模式中,采集方法和信息组织形式大部分还继续沿用传统的手工采集模式,影响了博物馆藏品信息采集的效率。

    However , most of the collection information acquisition methods and the organizing forms of the collection information still continues to follow the traditional manual acquisition mode , affected the improvement of efficiency of the collection information acquisition in the museum .

  21. 管理、保护、利用好博物馆藏品是博物馆工作中十分重要的一部分,而馆藏文物由于其自身的稀缺性必然成为博物馆藏品中最为珍贵的资源。

    Management , protection , and make good use of museum collections is a very important part in the museum , the collection of cultural relics due to its scarcity will inevitably become the most precious resource in the museum collections .

  22. 第二部分在分析博物馆藏品信息特征的基础上,指出现有的博物馆藏品信息采集模式正从手工登录向计算机采集模式转型。

    By describing the basis of characteristics of collections information in the museum , the second part of the thesis pointed out that the existing collections information collection mode transition from manually registration mode to the computer acquisition mode in the museum .

  23. 这位新馆长不仅打算将全部的博物馆藏品搬上互联网,而且他还期望更有创造性的利用互联网以“讲述我们拥有的这些东西的伟大的故事,并给予访问者们艺术品质的感受。”有了这些想法,坎贝尔先生在忙于怎样实现它。

    Not only does the new director intend to put the entire museum collection online , but he is also eager to use the internet more inventively to " tell the great stories of the objects we own and give visitors a sense of their artistry . " Mr Campbell buzzes with ideas about how this might be done .

  24. 以下各页包括博物馆及其藏品的清晰平面图。

    The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections .

  25. 音乐一定是舒适的,她不会是博物馆的藏品

    Music must never be comfortable , never become a museum-piece , not placatory .

  26. 这些博物馆的藏品之多,在世界上鲜有同类的博物馆能与之匹敌。

    Only few museums of the same kind can rival the collections in those museums in the world .

  27. 这件展品不仅是该博物馆化石藏品中的明星,也是今年一系列广泛的恐龙项目的开端。相关项目包括多场专题研讨会和另一场将于3月21日开展的展览“我们当中的恐龙”(DinosaursAmongUs)。

    The exhibit is not only a centerpiece for the museum 's fossil collections but also the start of a wide range of dinosaur programs for the year , including symposiums and another exhibition , " Dinosaurs Among Us , " opening March 21 .

  28. 博物馆的藏品让运河200年的历史再现眼前。

    The museum collection vividly portrays the heritage of 200 years of canals .

  29. 博物馆的藏品常常具有个人产品特点或民族特性。

    Museum collections very often are the representative fabric of personal and national identity .

  30. 数字博物馆的藏品是对外开放并且通过互联网可以实现资源共享。

    Its collections are open to and shared with the people through the Internet .