
  • 网络katla;Katra
  1. 消息传出,因为科学家继续观看卡特拉。

    The news came as scientists continue to watch Katla .

  2. 有些人担心火山爆发会引发附近的大卡特拉火山,它座落在米达尔斯冰原,但有关官员称还没检测到任何活动。

    There are concerns the eruption could set off the nearby , larger Katla volcano , which sits on the Myrdalsjokull glacier , but officials said no activity had been detected .

  3. 还有在阿尔卡特拉斯岛周边举办的铁人三项赛事、在市政厅附近举办的沙滩排球赛事、在麦考维湾举办的划艇赛事。

    Or the triathlon off Alcatraz , beach volleyball at City Hall , rowing in McCovey Cove .