  • an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel;a small-mouthed wine bottle
  • 古代一种盛酒的器具,口小腹大,有盖和提梁。

  1. 青铜卣商代时期主要流行于现今的安阳、郑州地区;

    Bronze you , in Shang Dynasty , are prevalent in Zhengzhou and Anyang city of Henan province nowadays .

  2. 商代鸟装饰青铜器主要摹写鸮鸟和凤,多见鸟形卣和尊:卣通常是双鸮背立,尊为单个鸮鸟形象,以中轴对称。

    Bird decorated bronze wares in Shang dynasty mainly imitate owl and phoenix , owl You and Zun were usually to see .

  3. 青铜卣是商周时期主要的盛酒器之一,在青铜礼器中占有十分重要的地位。

    Bronze you is one of the main wine containers in Shang and Zhou dynasty , and plays an important role in ritual vessels .

  4. 山西商周鸟装饰青铜器是中国乃至世界青铜器装饰艺术中独具特色的一支。其精品迭出,器形丰富:多见卣、尊、鉴、壶等。

    Bird adornment of Shanxi bronze is unique ; The products are rich and the shape of them were abundant : there were You , Zun , Jian , Hu and so on .

  5. 青铜尊最初的形制继承了陶质大口广肩尊的特征,在发展的过程中受到了觚、觯、卣的影响,从而使其面貌呈现出复杂多样性。

    The shape of Bronze Zun adopt the characteristic of big mouth and wide shoulder crockery Zun initially , and was influenced by Gu , Zhi , You in the process of development , comes out different complex characteristics .