
wēi xiǎn zhuànɡ tài
  • Hazardous state;precarious position;touch and go;position of danger
  1. 人机系统危险状态评定的AHP方法研究

    The Study of Assessment on Man-Machine System Risk With AHP

  2. 针对货物列车的特点,本文提出了一种利用无线传感器对重载货物列车危险状态进行在线监测的新网络&无线链状网(WirelessChainNetwork,WCN)。

    In this thesis , a new network named wireless chain is proposed to monitor the real-time state of overload freight train .

  3. 在火灾模拟基础上,分析了火灾达到危险状态的时间,进而确定可用安全疏散时间ASET。

    ASET was determined on the basis of analysis of the fire simulation .

  4. 国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)的这一估算,突显奥巴马面临的两难困境,即一方面需要出台刺激措施以支持经济,而另一方面美国的公共财政已经处于危险状态。

    The Congressional Budget Office estimate threw into stark relief the dilemma that the president-elect faces , highlighting both the need for stimulus to support the economy and the already perilous state of US public finances .

  5. 危险状态的条件Logistic回归分析,入选最佳子集的因素为鱼露、腌制海产品、三餐不定时和家族肿瘤史。4个因素的综合归因危险度为75.49%。

    Analysis of risk state conditional logistic regression showed that fish sauce , pickled sea food , irregularly taking meals and familial history of malignancy were included in a set of risk factors for gastric cancer , with a summary attributable risk percentage of 75.49 % .

  6. 略论危险状态在危险犯中的地位和作用

    Status and Functions of the Dangerous State on Dangerous Offences

  7. 宣威男性肺癌危险状态分析研究

    Risk state analysis on lung cancer of male in Xuanwei , China

  8. 船舶破舱危险状态及施救能力

    Dangerous condition and ability of rescue for damaged ship

  9. 这座桥处于极度危险状态。

    The bridge is in an extremely dangerous condition .

  10. 基于贝叶斯判别的驾驶行为危险状态辨识

    Risk Identification for Driving Behaviors Based on Bayesian Discrimination

  11. 女性肺癌危险状态分析

    Analysis of Risk States of Female Lung Cancer

  12. 用来诱惑受害者到危险状态的东西。

    Something used to lure victim into danger .

  13. 请别让你的孩子处于危险状态。

    Don 't let your kids in danger .

  14. 构筑危险状态下疲劳效应辨识模式等问题;

    Fatigue effect identification mode in dangerous .

  15. 结果建立了肝门部胆管癌术后生存危险状态函数。

    Results We have established mathematic function to evaluate postoperative survival risk state of hilar cholangiocarcinoma .

  16. 压力子系统的预测值已经处在较危险状态。

    The predictive value of pressure subsystem is in the state of ' quite dangerous ' .

  17. 鼻咽癌病例&对照研究的危险状态分析

    A Case-control Study on Risk Condition of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in the Southern Area of Fujian Province

  18. 虽然主控人可能处于危险状态,制片人和编辑将变得更为重要。

    While the gatekeepers may be in danger , producers and editors will become more important .

  19. 边坡最危险状态是地震刚刚开始时由静态到动态所发生的巨大系统改变之时;

    The ultimate dynamic response of slope system takes place at the initial period of seismic loading .

  20. 需要对间歇的危险状态、触发因子、力阴影以及地震活动风险的牵连因素进行进一步的研究。

    Further research is required on Intermittent criticality , triggers , stress shadows and implications for seismic hazard .

  21. 手术成功与临床危险状态在决定急性心肌梗死患者早期血管成形术后能否出院时的作用

    Procedural success versus clinical risk status in determining discharge of patients after primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction

  22. 如果我们违反了交通规则,我们会收到罚单甚至处于危险状态。

    If we break the traffic rules , we will get a fine and even be in danger .

  23. 危险状态是危险犯既遂形态的构成要件而不是危险犯的成立要件。

    Dangerous state is the essentials of the accomplished form instead of the composition form of dangerous offences .

  24. 危险状态不是结果犯的结果,危险犯不是结果犯。

    The state of danger is the result of consequential crime , so dangerous crime is not consequential crime .

  25. 除此之外,本系统还可以用灰预测理论对某一单元的危险状态进行预测。

    In addition , the system can also forecast the danger state of certain unit by grey prediction theory .

  26. 申请家事保全的案件一般应具有给付内容,申请家事保全的标的应当处于危险状态,提出家事保全申请的人可能需要提供担保等条件。

    The case of application for domestic preservation should have prestation , putting forward the guaranty conditions necessary for applicants .

  27. 即安全状态、危险状态和事故状态,把危险源分为固有型危险源和触发型危险源进行了分析研究;

    The risk sources are classified into innate type and triggered type , for which study and analysis are made .

  28. 冠心病及冠心病等同危险状态的流行率老年组与对照组分别为275%及45%;

    The occurrence of CHD and CHD risk equivalent were 27.5 % in elderly group and 4.5 % in controls .

  29. 对整个结构进行了变形分析,找出了其在危险状态下的最大位移,明确了其刚度状况。

    Analyzing the deformation of entire structure , finding the most displacement in danger status then knowing the status of stiffness .

  30. 激是指机体应付任何出乎意外的紧张与危险状态时所引起的非特异性的全身适应性反应。

    Compatibility means that how a body adapts to those non-specific adaptable reaction resulted from any unexpected nervousness and dangerous situation .