
  • 网络hazard level;Hazard Class;Warning Level;Hazard Rating Systems
  1. 首先,依据美国道化学公司的火灾爆炸指标评价法,对装置各单元进行危险度定量评价,确定装置的危险等级,分析危险性可接受的程度。

    First , quantitative analysis of fire and explosion indices is to be conducted for each unit according to the US DOW method , in order to determine the hazard level and analyze the acceptable hazard degree .

  2. GIS支持下的滑坡空间预测与危险等级划分

    Spatial distribution prediction and hazard zonation of landslide based on GIS techniques

  3. 结果进行综合康复措施干预后与干预前比较(P〈0.01),患者危险等级下降,差异有统计学意义。

    Results Patient risk Levels decreased before and after comprehensive rehabilitation measures intervention , and the difference was statistically significant ( P0.01 ) .

  4. BP神经网络煤自燃危险等级测评模型的研究及应用

    Development and application of risk grade measurement and evaluation model of coal spontaneous combustion with BP neural network

  5. 用LEC法量化PHA中危险等级的应用研究

    Application Research on Quantifying Hazard Scale in PHA with LEC Method

  6. 该模型以实时抽样流量作为数据来源,采用关联分析法提取可信IP列表用于数据包的过滤,并利用贝叶斯分类算法对数据包的危险等级进行评估。

    Based on real-time sample traffic , this model extracts trusted IP list by association analysis to filter , and evaluates packets danger degree by adopting bayes algorithm .

  7. 改进的HIPS(主机入侵防御系统)技术,把危险等级未知的程序。

    Improved HIPS ( Host-based Intrusion Prevention System ) technology assigns a danger rating to unknown programs .

  8. 开发了一个GIS数据库来数字化存储城市交通事故数据,并根据事故的属性和空间特征分析这些数据,从而明确事故发生的原因并将城市区域按危险等级分类。

    We develop a GIS database to store urban traffic accident data in digital style , and analyze these data in terms of their attribute and spatial characteristics to exploit the reasons of accidents and rank urban area with dangerous degrees .

  9. 与其他类型的船舶相比,LNG船舶属于高度危险等级的船舶,具有易燃、易爆等特殊危险性,一旦在港口水域发生爆炸等事故,其后果将会是灾难性的。

    Compared with other types of vessel , LNG vessel is one kind of high-risk level of the vessel , with the specific hazards of flammable and explosive . If explosions occurred in the port waters , the consequences will be catastrophic .

  10. 杨树冰核细菌溃疡病危险等级划分

    Division of the Risk Grade of Poplar Ice Nucleation Bacterial Canker

  11. 泥石流危险等级评价的模糊数学方法

    A fuzzy set evaluation method of hazard degree of debris flow

  12. 樟子松枯梢病危险等级的划分

    Division of the Risk Grade of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Shoot Blight

  13. 空管不安全事件危险等级的量化评估方法

    Events Quantitative Assessment Method for Severity Classification of Air Traffic Control Incidents

  14. 道路危险等级评定及排查治理效果评价体系研究

    Study on Road Danger Classes Evaluation and Evaluation System for Examination and Treatment Effects

  15. 经验教训,当压力达到危险等级必须得到释放。

    Lesson learned -- when pressure builds to dangerous levels , it must be released .

  16. 心血管系统的混沌性质及其在心肌梗死危险等级预测中的应用

    Chaotic Characteristics of Cardiovascular System and Its Application in the Prognosis of Risk Degree of Myocardial Infarction

  17. 综合的建筑危险等级

    Overall building risk rating

  18. 最终得出城市区域地震次生火灾蔓延危险等级的划分从而实现了地震次生火灾蔓延危险度的评估,以判断震后城市火灾高危险区域并指导城市抗震防灾规划的编制。

    The idea which gets spreading risk assessment of post-earthquake fire by zoning in urban area is educed .

  19. 文中用隶属函数的概念描述了危险等级界限的模糊性;

    The fuzziness of the hazard grade bounds is de-scribed in terms of the concept of attaching function .

  20. 最后,以滑坡发生概率为基准,对滑坡危险等级进行了划分。

    Finally , the landslide hazard zones were classified by the probability of landslide occurrence in the researched area .

  21. 根据火灾形成和蔓延的机制,确定了火灾蔓延判据,进行了全船火灾危险等级划分;

    According to the mechanism of fire engendering and spreading , the criterions of fire spreading and fire hazard rate are built .

  22. 文章就该生产技术的厂区布置、危险等级划分、生产应用以及移动式地面制备站进行了阐述。

    The paper describes the plant layout , danger grade , product application as well as the installation of mobile fabricating plant .

  23. 夏天骑行的人也会增多,这使驾驶的危险等级又上了一档。

    Warm weather also means that more people ride motorcycles and bicycles , which creates an added layer of danger for drivers .

  24. 铁水、钛渣处理系统、电气系统的危险等级为中度风险,应采取相应的安全措施。

    The molten iron and titanium slag processing system , electrical system is " moderate risk ", which should take corresponding security measures .

  25. 评价结果表明,该储存系统的火灾爆炸指数为97,即危险等级为中等。

    The result showed the risk index of the storage system was 97 , i. e. the risk level was in middle grade .

  26. 从发火条件入手,建立了采空区自然发火事故模型,确定了采空区发火现状危险等级;

    Based on the ignition conditions , an incident model of Spontaneous ignition was established to determine the danger rating of goaf ignition status ;

  27. 以系统危险等级模糊特征量区间替代最大隶属度原则作为评价结果的定量表示方法,评价结论将更具可靠性、科学性。

    Most subordinated principle was substituted by fuzzy characteristic quantity of risk grade as expression mode . Assessment results have better reliability and rationality .

  28. 采用基于权广义距离平方和最小的模糊模式识别模型,使得评价结果离散性明显增强,增大了危险等级的区分度。

    By usage of generalized distance of weight , assessment results are more dispersed , so that the risk grades are easier to be distinguished .

  29. 美国减少了英国归航班机的危险等级,从红色降到橙色,表明乘客的手提箱内可多放几样东西。

    US has reduced the threat level on inbound flights from Britain from red to orange meaning a few more items are acceptable in carry-on .

  30. 二是将固有危险等级评价的手工处理和计算部分编制成计算机软件,提高了评价工效。

    On the other hand , the handwork and computer treatment of the intrinsic danger grade evaluation were compiled into software to improve the evaluation efficiency .