
  • 网络Order correction;Instruct correct
  1. 由劳动行政部门责令改正;

    The labour administrative department in charge shall command a correction ;

  2. 由劳动行政部门给予警告,责令改正;

    The labour administrative departments shall issue a warning and order them to correct .

  3. 但时至今日,对于责令改正行为的研究仍然模糊混乱。

    Nevertheless , even now the research of ordering for rectification is still confused .

  4. 由劳动行政部门或者有关部门责令改正,可以处以罚款;

    The labour administrative department in charge or relevant departments shall command a correction or a fine .

  5. 责令改正,对于绝大多数行政法学者来说,可谓是一个既熟悉而又陌生的行政行为专题。

    To most administrative law scholars , charging correction is a both familiar and unfamiliar topic on administrative practice .

  6. 由劳动行政部门给予警告,责令改正,并可以处以罚款。

    The labour administrative department in charge shall issue a warning and command a correction and impose a fine concurrently .

  7. 产权交易市场及其工作人员违反本办法及有关规定的,由市产管办责令改正;

    Where the property rights trading market and its staff contravene these Procedures and relevant regulations , SPAO shall order them to correct ;

  8. 在此基础上,将责令改正行为与行政处罚、行政强制措施和行政命令进行辨析。

    On the basis of it , it can be discriminated with the administrative punishment , the mandatory administrative measures and the administrative orders .

  9. 对违反劳动法律、法规的行为有权制止,并责令改正。

    They have the right to stop acts that violate the labour discipline and the laws and regulations and order the parties concerned to correct .

  10. 责令改正,是我国行政立法中比较常见的一个词,在许多法律、法规、规章中都能找到责令改正或责令限期改正等字样的规定。

    " Ordering for rectification " is a commen word in our administrative legislation , which can be seen in law , regulations , rules .

  11. 用人单位非法招用未满十六周岁的未成年人的,由劳动行政部门责令改正,处以罚款。

    If an employer illegally recruits persons under the age of16 , the labour administrative department in charge shall command a correction and a fine .

  12. 对代表依法执行代表职务进行打击报复的,由所在单位或者上级机关责令改正或者给予行政处分;

    Any one , who takes revenge on a representative performing his duty function , shall be ordered to make correction or be given administrative sanction .

  13. 较之其他行政执法行为而言,以多种形式广泛存在的责令改正行为却没有受到行政主体和行政相对人的重视和深入了解。

    In comparison with other administrative enforcement action , diverse and extensive actions of ordering for rectification are unvalued and uncomprehending by the administrative subject and the individual .

  14. 责令改正管理功能包括:责令改正登记、责令改正控制程序、责令改正查询。

    The ordered to correct management functions of system involves the ordered to correct registration , the ordered to correct the control program and ordered to correct the query .

  15. 对于违规播出的单位,广电影视行政部门将依据《互联网视听节目服务管理规定》予以警告、责令改正、罚款等处罚。

    Organizations / companies who illegally broadcast shall in accordance with the Internet Audio-Visual Program Service Management Regulations be given punishments such as warnings , injunctions , or fines by SARFT .

  16. 其中刑事责任的承担主要体现为当瑕疵出资达到严重程度构成犯罪时,行政责任的承担主要体现在责令改正或者罚款等方面。

    Criminal Responsibility will be shouldered mainly when defects contribution reaches a very severity degree that constituted a crime , administrative accountability is mainly reflected in ordered to make corrections or fines .

  17. 明知是逃离部队的军人而雇用的,由县级人民政府责令改正,并处以罚款;

    Any person who knowingly employs an individual who has deserted the armed forces shall be ordered to set it right and be fined by a people 's government at the county level ;

  18. 村民委员会不依照法律、法规的规定履行法定义务的,由乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府责令改正。

    Where a villagers'committee fails to fulfill the statutory obligations pursuant to laws and regulations , the people 's government of the township , ethnic township or town shall order it to correct .

  19. 三是对存在网络游戏低俗推广现象的企业,要约谈企业负责人,进行批评教育,责令改正。

    Thirdly , for those online games companies which promote their vulgar prodducts , we need to have a serious talk with their heads and criticize and educate them , requiring them to correct .

  20. 外国公司违反本法规定,擅自在中国境内设立分支机构的,责令改正或者关闭

    " If a foreign company in violation of the provisions of this Law , arbitrarily establishes a Branch or Branches within Chinese territory , it is ordered to remedy the situation or to close down "

  21. 出口货物的原产地标记与依照本条例所确定的原产地不一致的,由海关、出入境检验检疫机构责令改正。

    If the mark of origin of export goods is inconsistent with the origin as determined in accordance with these regulations , customs or the entry and exit inspection and quarantine authority shall order rectification of the matter .

  22. 一方面,对责令改正的理论研究未形成统一、全面、系统的认识,另一方面,在执法实践中,对责令改正行为缺少法律规范和统一的程序规定。

    On the one hand , theoretical research of the ordering for rectification has not formed a unified , overall , systemic understanding , on the other hand there are not unified procedure regulation of it in enforcement practice .

  23. 第九十一条违反本法规定,未按照要求进行食品运输的,由有关主管部门按照各自职责分工,责令改正,给予警告;

    Article91a violator of this Law who fails to follow the relevant requirements in the transport of food shall be ordered to make a correction and be given a warning by the relevant competent departments under their respective functions .

  24. 以及工资、财务报表等资料的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正,可以处1万元以下罚款。

    Payroll and financial statement in relation to the payment of social insurance premiums , the administrative departments of labor security shall enjoin it to make corrections , and may impose a fine of less than 10 thousand yuan .

  25. 承担资产评估、验资或者验证的机构因过失提供有重大遗漏的报告的,责令改正

    " If an institution responsible for assessing , verifying , or examining and certifying assets , as a result of negligence , prepares a report which contains important omissions , the institution is ordered to remedy the situation . "

  26. 最后,根据有权力就有救济的原则,从两方面讨论了如何将劳动保障监察中责令改正行为的救济纳入行政复议和行政诉讼体系。

    Finally , according to the principle of " where there is a right there is a remedy ", this article debates how to put the remedy in the administrative review system and the administrative appeal system in two aspects .

  27. 参与质量、安全事件和客户投诉的调查,并负责改正活动的具体实行。对违反劳动法律、法规的行为有权制止,并责令改正。

    Participating the investigation of quality , safety incidents and customer complaint , and implement the action plan . They have the right to stop acts that violate the labour discipline and the laws and regulations and order the parties concerned to correct .

  28. 第六十一条公司的发起人、股东在公司成立后,抽逃出资的,由公司登记机关责令改正,处以所抽逃出资金额百分之五以上百分之十以下的罚款。

    Article61a promoter or shareholder who illicitly withdraws his capital contribution after the establishment of the company shall be ordered to correct his wrongs and fined at least five per cent and no more than ten per cent of the capital contribution illicitly withdrawn .

  29. 未依法登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司,而冒用有限责任公司或者股份有限公司名义的,责令改正或者予以取缔

    " A company not lawfully registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by shares which falsely makes use of the title " limited liability company " or " company limited by shares " is ordered to remedy the situation or is cancelled . "

  30. 通过对比,可以证明劳动保障监察中的责令改正行为是劳动保障监察部门针对违反劳动保障监察法律法规的违法行为作出的不同于行政处罚、行政强制措施、行政命令的一项独特的行政处理行为。

    By contrast , it can be proved that it is a different action with the administrative punishment , the mandatory administrative measures and the administrative orders which is done by the supervision department of the labor security to the act in violation of the labor security regulations .