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  • punish
责罚 [zé fá]
  • [punish] 处罚;惩处

  • 因过错而受责罚

责罚[zé fá]
  1. 并且我已经豫备好了、等你们十分顺服的时候、要责罚那一切不顺服的人。

    And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience , once your obedience is complete .

  2. 要是这样,随便你怎么责罚我好了,但不要这么规规矩矩地对我说话。

    Oh , if so , punish me as you will ; but do not & do not speak to me in tones and manner so formal and constrained .

  3. 昨天英语老师严厉责罚了他。

    He received a harsh punishment from his English teacher yesterday .

  4. 我是该称赞还是责罚我的丈夫呢?

    Should I applaud my husband or chastise him ?

  5. 依靠恐惧,地震,致盲以及责罚(如果你足够幸运有的话)提供的打断以及持久的DPS将得到很好的效果。

    Constant , sustained dps with constant interrupts from fear , earth shock , blind , and chastise ( if you are fortunate enough to have it ) generally has pretty good results .

  6. 泰加还告诉CBS新闻,他为阿姆斯特朗开出了最后期限,2月6日,完全如实全面地与美国反兴奋剂机构合作换取可能减轻自己的终身禁赛的责罚。

    Tygart also told CBS news , he 's offered Armstrong a deadline , February 6th to cooperate fully and totally truthfully with USADA in exchange for a possible lessening of his lifetime ban from sports .

  7. 你并不需要为了这而责罚你自己。

    You don 't have to beat yourself up over this .

  8. 他得到了他该得的责罚,不多不少。

    He got the comeuppance he deserved , nothing more nor less .

  9. 他的责罚来得很容易,他的恩典来得也很容易。

    His punishment comes easily , and His grace also comes easily .

  10. 她知道自己在什么时候尽管很调皮而不会受到责罚。

    She knows when she is getting away with too much naughtiness .

  11. 他应该受到责罚。我感到非常抱歉,哈姆雷特。

    He is to blame . I am very sorry , Hamlet .

  12. 那个士兵以为可逃避因不擦枪而受的责罚。

    The soldier thought he could get by with his dirty rifle .

  13. 你有听说身边的朋友被父母责罚么?

    Have you ever heard about people being punished or scold by parents ?

  14. 你对我在适度饮酒协会受到的责罚有什么看法吗?

    Do you have any idea the beating I 'm taking at moderation ?

  15. 这孩子将挨母亲责罚了。

    The boy will be punished by his mother .

  16. 他的行为被公开指摘为应受责罚。

    His behaviour was denounced as worthy of punishment .

  17. 你觉得责罚对现在的你是否有帮助?

    Do you think the punishment has benefit you today in some ways ?

  18. 责罚过度和疏于管教都不是爱。

    Abusing and neglecting children is not love .

  19. 这份报告正在被用作责罚护士的又一个凭据。

    This report is being used as yet another stick to beat nurses with .

  20. 艾伦先生泄露一项最高机密,因而必须接受责罚。

    Mr Allen betrayed a top secret , and had to face the music .

  21. 他们应该被同情,而不是责罚。

    They should be pitied , not punished .

  22. 这样的人,受了众人的责罚,也就够了。

    Sufficient to such a man is this punishment , which was inflicted of many .

  23. 我就要用杖责罚他们的过犯,用鞭责罚他们的罪孽。

    Then will I visit their transgression with the rod , and their iniquity with stripes .

  24. 好啦,我敢肯定,我会因此受到责罚。

    Yeah , sure . I just know I 'm gonna get biamed for this shit .

  25. 有谁对神说,我受了责罚,不再犯罪。

    Suppose a man says to God , ' I am guilty but will offend no more .

  26. 如果有来自别的国家或文化的父母责罚子女,你觉得?

    What do you feel about parents who are from other countries or cultures punishing their children ?

  27. 他试图杀了我的猫但却免于责罚,那算他走运。

    He should count himself lucky he 's getting off scot-free for trying to kill my cat .

  28. 成功的责罚就是,之前冷落你的人现在对你表现出烦人的热情。

    The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you .

  29. 上主,求你不要在震怒中责罚我,不要在气愤中惩戒我。

    O Lord , rebuke me not in thy indignation , nor chastise me in thy wrath .

  30. 他们能够逃脱责罚,因为农村人能做的工作就那么几个。

    They get away with it because there are so few jobs for rural people to turn to .