
  • 网络Accountability;responsibility;responsible;obligation
  1. 在《联邦咨询委员会法》(FACA)中,国会采取了好几个步骤来促进咨询委员会的公共责任性。

    In the Federal Advisory Committee Act ( FACA ), Congress took several steps to promote the public accountability of advisory committees .

  2. 服务型政府强调有限性、责任性、透明性及高效性。

    Service government emphasizes the finiteness , accountability , transparency and efficiency .

  3. 社会责任性投资(SRI)作为一种通过金融投资活动促进企业履行社会责任的投资方式,在西方主要国家的金融市场得到广泛应用。

    Socially Responsible Investment ( SRI ) as a way to promote social responsibility of companies by means of investment is very popular in the western financial market .

  4. 责任性投资&国外的做法及对我国的启示

    Socially Responsible Investment & the Overseas Practice and Enlightenment to China

  5. 我们有创造的主动性和责任性。

    We have the initiative and thhe responsibility to make things happen .

  6. 为政治决策提供合法性基础上的责任性。

    Deliberative democracy after decision-making & responsibility based on validity .

  7. 第4章分析了公共决策的另一个重要的伦理维度即公共决策的责任性问题。

    Chapter 4 analyzes another important ethical dimensionality of public decision-making , ie.

  8. 行政领导责任性与绩效之间关系的研究

    The Relationship between Accountability of Administrative Leader and Performance

  9. 风险社会理论体现了风险的社会性、制度性以及责任性等三个方面。

    Risk Society Theory involves sociality , system and responsibility of risk , etc.

  10. 责任性内疚的影响因素研究

    Studies on the Influential Factors of Responsibility Guilt

  11. 这使得对每个用户的动作进行审计以及提高责任性都变得更加容易。

    This makes it easier to audit the actions of each user and improves accountability .

  12. 提高品牌的责任性。

    Brand accountability is heightened .

  13. 另一方面,它又具有合法性、责任性和服务性的义务规定。

    On the other hand , it is prescriptive in its obligation of legitimacy , duty and service .

  14. 其分为四大类:关系性内疚,责任性内疚,发展性内疚,幸存性内疚。

    Virtual guilt is divided into four categories : relationship guilt , responsibility guilt , developmental guilt and survivor guilt .

  15. 行政领导责任性与绩效指标大部分显著相关,某些维度分别直接影响绩效的几个指标;

    The accountability of administrative leader and the performance had a significant influence . Four accountability dimensions affected performance directly .

  16. 转型社会的政府必须对社会危机加强管理。政府对社会危机的有效管理既能体现政府的责任性,同时又能增强政府的合法性。

    The government in transformation must strengthen the management of the social crisis , embodying the responsibility and legitimation of the government .

  17. 行政领导的责任性包括以下几个方面:解释合理性、责任意识、主动性、积极响应;

    The main results were mentioned as follows : ( 1 ) Accountability of administrative leader included justifying , conscientiousness and initiative .

  18. 内部制度框架的改进和完善,可以进一步增进业主的福利,增强业主委员会的合法性、回应性和责任性。

    The improvement of internal management can further improve the welfare of the owners and enhance the legitimacy and accountability and responsibility .

  19. 在现代的环境治理中,包含法治、责任性、参与权和市场手段几个要素。

    Modern environmental governance , should include the rule of law . accountability . participation and market means a couple of elements .

  20. 建立这样一个有公信力和有责任性的现代政府,目的在于加强对行政权力的监督制约,有效防止其扩张、滥用。

    Establishing the convincing and responsible government aims at strengthening supervision and restraint of administrative power , effectively preventing the expansion and abuse .

  21. 摘要公共决策的伦理维度及伦理特性主要表现在公共决策的功利性、公正性和责任性等方面。

    The paper holds that the ethical dimensions and characteristics of public decision-making are mainly represented in its utility , justice and responsibility .

  22. 但是公共服务视域中的善治强调的是:参与性、透明性、有效性、责任性、公正性和回应性。

    The good governance of the public service emphasizes such things just like participation , accountability , impartiality , transparency , effective and responsive .

  23. 第二,结果严重性因素是责任性内疚产生及其强度的重要影响因素之一,结果越严重,个体体验到的责任性内疚强度越强。

    Secondly , seriousness of the outcome is one of the important factors that lead to the emergence and intensity of the Responsibility Guilt .

  24. 师范生,由于其将来所从事职业的特殊性与责任性,其自身的教学设计能力水平将直接影响其教学质量。

    Because of the particularity and responsibilities of the career , normal school students ' teaching level will exert great influence on teaching quality .

  25. 然而这些程序可能还不足以确立起咨询委员会作为危险化学品规则制定辅助机构的的责任性。

    These procedures , however , may be insufficient to establish accountability for advisory committees that assist agencies in the regulation of hazardous chemicals .

  26. 超负荷劳动、责任性工作、职责不清等主要职业紧张因素可引起高血压。

    Some main factors which induce Occupational stress may cause hypertension such as excess load job , responsible job , ambiguous responsibility and so on .

  27. 它打破了公司与合伙的传统界限,融合了合伙的灵活性与公司的有限责任性。

    It has broken the company and traditional demarcation line of forming a partnership , has merged the limited accountability of flexibility and company of forming a partnership .

  28. 文章论述了图书馆管理道德的特征,即价值导向性、自律性、责任性、协调性和人本性。

    This paper devotes a discussion to the characters of management morality in libraries , namely the characteristics of value guidance , self-discipline , responsibility , harmony and humanistic orientation .

  29. 作为一种新型行政文化,服务型行政文化表现出民本位、有限性、责任性、高效性、参与性等特征。

    As one kind of new administrative culture , the service-oriented administration culture displays characteristics including putting people first , limitation , responsibility , effectiveness and participation and so on .

  30. 或许并不出人意料的是,利比亚在衡量政府责任性和部落忠诚度的指标上得分低于埃及或突尼斯,这或许可以帮助解释阿拉伯之春在此地的发展模式。

    Perhaps unsurprisingly , Libya scores worse on indicators measuring government accountability and tribal loyalties than Egypt or tunisia-which may help explain the course the Arab Spring has taken there .