
ɡōnɡ chénɡ zhì liànɡ
  • project quality;engineering quality
  1. 极限编程(XP)在工程质量监管系统中的应用

    Applying Extreme Programming for Information Systems of Engineering Quality Monitoring and Controlling

  2. 本文结合2000版ISO9001标准,对统计技术在工程质量管理中的应用进行了浅析。

    Based on the standard ISO9001 ( 2000 edition ), the application of statistic technology on engineering quality management was analyzed .

  3. 我们拥有谙练的技术力量和齐备的检验测定手段,可以确保工程质量。

    We possess skilled technician and complete measuring and test instruments used to ensure the quality of engineering .

  4. 事故原因多为工程质量不合格以及超载。

    Shoddy construction and over-loading have been blamed .

  5. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  6. 在比较复杂地基条件下,采用TG土工塑料复合加筋带砂石垫层施工技术,可以保证地基均匀沉降,避免对高层建筑工程质量造成影响。

    Abstract In comparable complex ground condition , applying the constructing technique of sand and rock pad layers filled with TG type plastic , the ground can produce uniform subsidence and avoid its influence on the high building .

  7. 由于楼层高、工期紧,为确保主体结构工程质量,垂直度控制采用激光&重锤双控轴线引伸技术,使用JD-91型建设激光测量仪。

    Due to its huge height , its urgent time schedule and strict requirement of fine quality , its construction has been duly guided and controlled by application of the JD-91 type laser-heavy plumb bob surveying apparatus with a double controlled axial line extended technology .

  8. 施工工艺信息化,提高工程质量。

    The construction process information , improve project quality . 3 .

  9. 通信管道建设工程质量全过程控制

    Engineering Quality Control of the Communication Pipe Building in Total Process

  10. 煤矿建设工程质量监督与控制研究

    Study of the Coal Mine Construction Engineering Quantity Direct and Control

  11. 浅述我国建设工程质量监督机制的产生与发展

    The Emergence and Development of Quality Supervision System in Construction Programs

  12. 构造柱的工程质量问题及治理措施

    The problems of engineering quality of constructional column and treatment measures

  13. 建设单位在工程质量管理中的位置与作用

    Position and pole of construction division in engineering quality management

  14. 屋面防水工程质量控制的探讨

    Probe into the Quality Control of the Roof Waterproofing Work

  15. 预防市政排水管道工程质量通病的监理对策

    Supervision Measures for Prevention of Common Defects in Municipal Drainage Pipe System

  16. 监督模式转变后如何开展工程质量监督工作

    How to Develop Supervision Task to Project Quality After Changing Supervision Model

  17. 关于高校维修工程质量与管理的几点认识和思考

    Cognition and Thought about the Quality and Management in College Maintenance Engineering

  18. 略论建设工程质量检测行业与国际接轨

    Elaborate on Construction Project Quality Examination Profession and International Connection

  19. 浅谈建设工程质量保证体系

    A Simple Talk on Quality Assurance System of Construction Engineering

  20. 正态分布在工程质量管理中的应用

    The application of normal distribution on quality management of project

  21. 室内装饰工程质量通病的预防与控制

    Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Interior Decoration Engineering

  22. 贺州市水电站工程质量监督工作的现状及对策

    Current state of HPP construction quality supervision in Hezhou City and countermeasure

  23. 乳液型外墙涂料工程质量管理技术

    Construction Quality Management Technique for Emulsion Coating for Exterior Wall

  24. 规范监理行为确保工程质量

    Standardizing the Supervision Action , Assuring the Engineering Quality

  25. 加强施工阶段监理提高建设工程质量

    Enhancing construction stage supervision and improving construction project quality

  26. 建立质量保证体系切实提高工程质量

    Establish quality assurance system and practically improve engineering quality

  27. 灌注桩工程质量检测及事故处理方法

    Bored pile project quality test and accident handling method

  28. 工程质量风险的模糊层次分析

    The fuzzy AHP analysis of engineering project quality risk

  29. 广西建筑工程质量检测中心广西建筑施工材料质量监督检验站

    Guangxi Construction Testing Centre Guangxi Construction Material Testing Station

  30. 祁临高速公路工程质量管理综述

    The Quality Control of Qi - Lin Expressway Engineering