
  • Safety Awareness;security awareness;safety conscious
  1. 事故主要是由于违章及误操作以及对H2S的毒害认识不够、安全意识差引起的。

    The accident are mainly caused by violation , misoperation , limit knowledge to the H2S hazards and weak safety awareness .

  2. 经过HACCP体系在石河子高中学区食堂半年的运行,该食堂的管理层及加工操作人员的食品卫生安全意识明显增强;都能够遵守HACCP体系制定的标准操作规范,在操作过程更加精确。

    After half a year of HACCP implementation , the canteen operator and management have enhanced food hygiene and safety awareness and can comply with the standards operating specifications , the operating process more precise .

  3. 即使是有强烈安全意识的计算机用户也时刻处于计算机病毒入侵的威胁下。

    Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses .

  4. 随着可扩展标记语言(XML)文档的广泛使用和用户安全意识的加强,XML数据的安全问题显得日益重要。

    With the wide use of Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) documents and the strengthening security awareness , the security issues of XML data become increasingly important .

  5. 假定您和我们的安全意识一样强,就会希望保证下载的ZIP文件确实来自ApacheSoftwareFoundation。

    Assuming you 're as security-conscious as we are , you 'll want to be sure that the ZIP file download did come from Apache Software Foundation .

  6. 近来,FDA的新药审批过程中似乎采取了更严格、更具安全意识的措施。

    Lately , the FDA 's new drug approval process has seemed to adopt stricter , more safety-conscious measures .

  7. 约瑟夫康拉德(josephconrad)表示,安全意识不当的海员,“其称职程度立刻就打了至少一半的折扣”。

    Joseph Conrad said the seaman with an undue sense of security " becomes at once worth hardly half his salt " .

  8. 这些非功能性需求是建设具安全意识的开发团队的基础,QA团队需要与IT安全团队从一开始就联手合作。

    These nonfunctional requirements are the foundation for building security-minded development teams , and the QA team needs to work hand in hand with the IT security team at the outset .

  9. 据IMO统计,全球发生的海难事故绝大多数是由于安全意识不强,安全知识和技能薄弱造成的。文章就如何加强海上安全意识和技能教育进行了探讨。

    On the basis of IMO statistics , most of the global marine disasters are resulted from lack of safety consciousness , related knowledge and practical skills .

  10. 本研究采用自编的海员安全意识量表(SSCS)对367名海员的安全意识进行了问卷调查,结果显示:(1)绝大多数海员的安全意识软强;

    The safety consciousness of 367 seafarers was surveyed by SSCS , a self-compiled scale . The result of the questionnaire indicated that ( 1 ) the majority of the seafarers showed strong safety consciousness ;

  11. 提高安全意识和技能促进企业安全生产

    Improving Safety Awareness and skill , Promoting the Enterprise Safety Production

  12. 网络安全意识已经深入人心,防火墙、入侵检测系统、防病毒、安全审计等安全技术已经得到广泛应用。

    The importance of network security has already been widely recognized .

  13. 需要更大的努力来教导孩子们的道路安全意识。

    Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety .

  14. 在一个人们的公共安全意识日益提升的时代

    In an age of increased concerns with public safety and security

  15. 同时不同类型游客安全意识存在差异。

    The safety awareness of different investigated tourists is clear different .

  16. 上海市中小学生交通安全意识的现况调查

    Study on the Traffic Safety Consciousness of School Students in Shanghai

  17. 印度当代的战略安全意识与历史传统

    India 's consciousness of the contemporary strategic security and her historic tradition

  18. 强化环境安全意识促进可持续发展

    Enhance the Consciousness of Environmental Safety to Promote Sustained Development

  19. 社区不同人群食品安全意识现状调查

    Survey of awareness on food safety in various community populations

  20. 加强对食品从业人员的教育和培训,提高其素质和安全意识。

    Strengthening education and training of food employees . 6 .

  21. 一个有安全意识的组织可以通过使用这两种技术来清楚地降低它的风险。

    A security-aware organization clearly reduces its risk by using both techniques .

  22. 从事故特性谈人的安全意识的培养

    Discussion on Development of Safety Awareness from Characteristics of Accident

  23. 大学生网络安全意识现状与对策研究

    The Research of College Students ' Awareness of Network Security and Strategies

  24. 新时期大学生安全意识的探讨

    Research of Collegian 's Safety Consciousness in the New Period

  25. 与此同时,消费者在线支付的安全意识在逐渐加强。

    Meanwhile , consumer safety awareness is growing in terms of online transactions .

  26. 调查显示,女性对性安全意识普遍不强。

    Survey of women in general do not have a strong safety awareness .

  27. 强化安全意识减少道路交通死亡事故

    Strengthen Consciousness of Safety and Reduce Traffic Casualty Accident

  28. 广西部分农村居民道路交通安全意识的调查研究

    A study on consciousness of road traffic safety among rural residents in Guangxi

  29. 采用失效模式分析和安全意识的设计和制造。

    Design and fabrication with FMEA and Safety protection .

  30. 阐明了安全意识的涵义、特征及属性;

    The connotation , features and attribute of the safety consciousness are described .