
  • 网络HTTPS;Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol;secure http;SHTTP;S-HTTP
  1. 我们是否可以量化,甚至是用美元来量化,全球化安全超文本传输协议(HTTPS)能让我们得到些什么呢?

    Is it possible to quantify , even in dollar terms , what we would gain by universal HTTPS ?

  2. 自2008年起,Gmail用户便可自行选择使用安全超文本传输协议(HTTPS)链接,但由于这会降低电子邮件传输速度,故未强制使用。

    It has offered Gmail users the option of using secure hypertext transfer protocol secure ( HTTPS ) connections since 2008 , but had left it optional because that can slow the speed at which e-mails are transmitted .