
  1. 高校毕业生就业跟踪调查及对策分析&以安徽教育学院为例

    The follow-up Investigation and Policy Research of AIE 's Graduates

  2. 单位:安徽中医学院经脉脏腑相关研究中心实验室。

    SETTING : Central Laboratory of Channel and Viscera Research , Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  3. 工程技术专业应用型人才培养研究与实践&以安徽科技学院为例

    Research and Practice of Application-oriented Engineering Professional Training Model & Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example

  4. 产学研合作教育是地方高校应用型人才培养的必然选择&以安徽科技学院为例

    Cooperative Education as Inevitable Choice of Local College in Creative Applied-talent & Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as Example

  5. 构建学科生态系统,奠定地方高校的学科格局&以安徽科技学院为例

    Constructing Subject Ecosystem and Establishing Subject Pattern of Local University & Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example

  6. 拇指文化对大学生文明素养的消极影响及其对策&以安徽科技学院为例

    On the Negative Effect of Thumb Culture upon College Students ' Cultural Quality & A Case Study of Anhui Institute of Technology

  7. 地方高校纵向科研项目统计与分析&以安徽科技学院为例

    A Statistical Analysis of Vertical Research Projects in Local Colleges and Universities & Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example

  8. 研究目的:探究大学生网络交往的动机、网络行为的特点以及相互之间的关系。研究方法:选取安徽科技学院学生为研究对象,分别采用问卷法和访谈法进行相应的研究。

    Objective : To explore the relationships between internet communication motivation and internet behavior feature of college studentsMethod : To use questionnaire and interview methods .

  9. 来自安徽蚌埠学院的大一新生范成鹏(音译)手中拿着小红旗,正在协助交警指挥交通。

    With a red flag in hand , Fan Chengpeng , a freshman at Bengbu College in Anhui , is helping traffic police direct traffic .

  10. 记得有清华、北大、哈军工、安徽工学院和北京外贸学院等大学毕业的。

    They graduated from universities from around the country : Qinghua University , Beijing University , Harbin Military Industry University , Anhui Industry Institute , and Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade .

  11. 2006年4月至6月,安徽教育学院以信函问卷和回访座谈的方式对2003&2005届部分普高毕业生及其就业的单位进行了跟踪调查。

    From April to June , Anhui Institute of Education conducted a follow-up investigation of part of graduates from 2003 to 2005 and their employment units through correspondences , return visits and discussions .

  12. 结合当今计算机网络发展和新技术,针对安徽教育学院的自身条件和计算机应用基础,提出了安徽教育学院校园网的建设目标和完整的校园网建设方案。

    In connection with new techniqes in current developing network and current conditions and future needs , this paper presents designing the building outline for the campus network for Anhui Institute of Education .

  13. 在实验之前,笔者对安徽科技学院11级非英语专业的两个班的学生进行了口语测试,测试结果表明,在实验之前,两个班的同学英语口语水平相当。

    Two classes of students in Anhui Science and Technology University participated in the oral English test before the experiment . The result indicated that the oral competence in the two classes were at the same level .

  14. 利用CALIS系统统一检索的方式是适合安徽警官职业学院图书馆的一种数字资源整合方式。

    As to Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers , the CALIS online retrieval system is a better way to the digital resource integration .

  15. 《安徽建筑工业学院学报》作者队伍研究

    Analysis and research of the authors of Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture

  16. 发展中的安徽建筑工业学院环境艺术专业

    Specialty of Environmental Art , Anhui Building Industry College

  17. 安徽工程科技学院学报总目次

    Journal of Anhui University of Technology and Science

  18. 安徽建筑工业学院南校区土壤基本特性及其改良措施

    Soil Basic Characters and Improvement Measures in Southern Campus of Anhui University of Architecture

  19. 安徽经济管理学院财务管理若干问题与对策研究

    The Research on Financial Management Some Problems and Countermeasures of Anhui College of Economy and Management

  20. 安徽工商管理学院

    Anhui Institute of Business Administration

  21. 近日,安徽建工学院建筑设计院通过质量管理体系审核,并取得认证证书。

    Recently , Anhui Institute of Technology Institute of architectural design through quality management system audit , and obtain the certificate .

  22. 通过对安徽建筑工业学院新校区大门设计的剖析,阐述了笔者对传统与现代有机结合的设计方法进行的尝试。

    Through analysing the design of the new gate of AIAI , this paper illustrates the combination between the traditional design and the modern one .

  23. 我是安徽大学经济学院国际贸易专业的一名硕士毕业生。

    I 'm a postgraduate student coming from School of Economic Anhui University , majoring in International Trade and want to be a trainee in your bank .

  24. 目前,该办公自动化系统已在安徽建筑工业学院成功上线运行,运行状态稳定,确实提高了校行政办公的效率。

    The office automation system has been used in the Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry . It run stably and improved the efficiency of the administrative office significantly .

  25. 本文在简要阐述安徽建筑工业学院机器人足球队的组建过程的基础上,研究、探讨机器人足球赛相关技术问题。

    Based on the setting up the robot soccer team of Anhui Institute of Architecture & Industry , this paper discusses the correlative technique of the robot soccer tournament .

  26. 通过对问题及原因的剖析,本文试图从内部和外部构建出安徽省独立学院人才培养质量保障体系。

    By analyzing these problems and possible reasons , this paper finally tries to construct a security system of cultivating quality of talents for Anhui independent college in inner and outer .

  27. 本文重点介绍安徽建筑工业学院多媒体网络教学系统的总体结构设计和各子系统的功能。

    This paper will put emphasis on introducing design of the general architecture of the multimedia network teaching-learning system of anhui institute of architecture and technology , and function of every sub-System .

  28. 在此基础上,本文分析了安徽省独立学院人才培养质量存在的种种问题,并深层次挖掘其存在这些问题的原因。

    On the basis of these contents , this paper analyzes different kinds of problems which has existed in cultivating quality of talents of Anhui independent college , and deeply digs its possible reasons .

  29. 最后,结语部分是对本文的研究做出总结,并对安徽省独立学院人才培养质量的未来发展前景进行展望。

    Lastly , the author makes a summary for this paper , and based on this , looks forward to the future development of cultivating quality of talents of independent college in Anhui Province .

  30. 试就安徽省工商学院新校区房建工程为例,从设计、材料、配比、施工、养护等方面探讨这一课题。

    This paper , taking the new area construction project of Anhui Industrial and Commercial College as an example , centers on the issue in regard with the design , materials , the prescription , the construction and the maintenances .