
  1. 广东省阳江市六六圈橡胶制品厂

    " Liuliuquan Rubber Products Factory , Yangjiang , Guangdong . "

  2. 尼龙六六盐粉尘对大鼠肺致纤维化实验研究

    Experimental Study on Pulmonary Fibrosis of Nylon-66-salt Particulate in Rat

  3. 诺曼人于一○六六年入侵英国。

    The Normans invaded England in 1066 .

  4. 第三章探讨六六小说的创作策略。

    The third chapter discussed writing strategy .

  5. 目的探讨石化生产中产生的聚乙烯、聚丙烯、尼龙六六盐3种有机粉尘的危害性及预防措施。

    Objective To investigate the hazardous effects and preventive measures of organic dusts of polyethylene , polypropylene and Nylon 66 salt .

  6. 六六更是被媒体推崇为继张爱玲,虹影之后第三代海外女作家的领军人物。

    Liuliu was then praised by the media as the leading figure of the third generation of overseas Chinese women writers .

  7. 第二章对王海鸰、六六家庭伦理叙事的核心内容、类型人物、环境三个方面分析,进而显示她们家庭伦理故事具有的现实普遍性。

    The second chapter analyzes narrative core , typical characters and the environment in novels about Wang Hailing , Liu Liu , displayed universality of family ethics .

  8. 2009年五月,六六再次以电视连续剧《王贵与安娜》被第十五届上海电视节提名为白玉兰奖最佳编剧之一。

    For the success of Wanggui and Anna , Liuliu was once again nominated as one of the best playwrights in the Fifteenth Shanghai International TV Festival in2009 .

  9. 第五章从情节、人物、情感、文化心理四个方面分析王海鸰、六六家庭叙事中显示出的局限。

    The fifth chapter gives the analysis of the plot , character , emotion , and cultural psychology in their novels , showing the limitations of Wang Hailing and Liu Liu in their writing narrations .

  10. 另外传说这一天最受欢迎的是年满12岁的男孩子,因为12是6的二倍,寓意“六六大顺”。

    It is said that boys of the age of 12 are the most welcomed as the number of " 12 " as double of " 6 , " which means " everything will go well smoothly . "

  11. 该剧根据作家六六的同名小说改编而成,六六以犀利风格点评热点话题而著称。《心术》以一家医院的神经外科为背景,揭示了医患关系状况。

    Based on the same-titled novel by Liu Liu , who is known for writing sharply about topical issues , Angel Heart is based in the neurosurgery ward of a hospital and reveals the relationship between doctors and patients .