
  1. 几个月的咨询建议产生的效应是:工厂利润增长了近五分之一,一年多达数十万美元。

    The effect of a few months of consulting advice was that profits rose by almost a fifth , to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars a year .

  2. Kamala用工厂的利润聘请了中国教练谢芝华,在她的儿子羽毛球事业取得发展时加以指导。

    Ms. Kamala used her earnings from the factory to hire a Chinese coach to train her sons as their careers blossomed .

  3. 此后,工厂的运营利润相当可观。

    Thereafter plants operate at considerable profit for the remainder of the contracted term .

  4. 以工厂最大化利润为目标建立了在加工能力和库存能力受限情况下同时考虑订单选择的数学规划模型。

    The objective is to maximize the total profit of the plants under the product capacity restriction and inventory capacity restriction with the choice of menu considered .