
  • 网络Diffusion of Responsibility;Diffused responsibility
  1. 不要让他躲在责任分散的后面。

    Do not let him hide be-hind the diffusion of responsibility .

  2. 请注意,此实现在更新时要求使用者提供正确的修订计数器;进行纠正的责任分散到数据库、提供者和使用者三者身上。

    Note how this implementation requires the consumer to provide an accurate revision counter when it is being updated ; responsibility for correctness is spread across database , provider , and consumer .

  3. 因此,责任被分散了.正如达利和拉塔内的结论所言:人数越多越危险。

    Responsibility is diffused and as Darley and Latane concluded : There is peril , not safety , in numbers .

  4. 在企业经营全球化和我国法律环境趋势下,董监事面临诉讼风险日渐升高,公司可藉由投保董监责任险分散其财务与法律风险。

    Problem : In the world of today 's business , there is a trend for investors not only to base their decisions whether to invest in a company on the basis of its financial results .

  5. 如果是一群人,帮助的责任就会分散变小,这体现在多个方面,但最主要的想法就是我们都认为别人会帮助,所以我们就不帮助了,责任被分散了。

    If there 's a group , responsibility to help decreases and this is captured in different ways but the main idea is we all think someone else will help so we don 't.There 's a diffusion .

  6. 换句话说,当人们处在群体当中的时候,行动的责任就会被分散。

    When people are in a group , in other words , responsibility for acting is diffused .

  7. 和丰田一样,本田已经调整了运营结构,将更多权力和责任从日本分散到世界各地的区域运营中心。

    Like Toyota , Honda has been reorganizing operations to move more authority and responsibility from Japan to regional centers around the world .

  8. 出口产品责任保险在分散出口产品责任风险方面起到极其重要的作用。

    Export product liability insurance ( EPL ) has been playing a vital role in the decentralization of risks in export product liability .

  9. 推行独立董事责任保险可以分散和降低独立董事的职位风险,借以平衡独立董事的义务与利益之间的冲突。

    The liability insurance for independent directors can disperse and reduce the risk of position , thus balancing the conflict between duties and interests of independent directors .

  10. 随着经济快速发展,市场竞争越来越激烈,家庭承包责任制这种分散的小经营、小生产方式与国际国内大市场的矛盾越来越突出,抗御自然风险和市场风险的能力非常脆弱。

    Along with rapid economic development , market competition has become fiercer , the household contract responsibility system scattering of small businesses , Primary production and domestic and international market , the contradiction has become increasingly prominent .

  11. 环境责任保险强大的分散风险功能,已成为世界各国解决环境损害赔偿的重要途径。

    The environment liability insurance system can disperse risk , and becomes relief approach in many countries .

  12. 我国关于网络服务商责任的立法相对分散,需要制定统一的法律予以完善。

    Legislation concerning the responsibility of the network vendor is relatively scattered , which needs improvement with a uniform law .

  13. 此外,完善责任保险制度,分散社会风险,也是解决好意同乘难题的有效方式。

    In addition , improve the liability insurance system , which can sharing social risk , is also an useful method to solve the problem of goodwill pick-up .

  14. 普通法国家公司法典及判例多规定有董事责任保险制度,对董事、经理经营中的某些过失责任运用保险机制分散其风险。

    In the common law Jurisdiction , D & O liability insurance is generally stipulated in the written corporation law and case law , thereby the directors and officers can get away from their liability arising out of their negligent mismanagement .