
  • 网络responsibility report;Corporate Responsibility Report;Accountability Report;Reporting Social Responsibility
  1. 连续三年,司法部按白宫管理与预算办公室的要求45天内提交绩效与责任报告。

    For the third year in a row , the Department met OMB's45-day standard for issuing the Performance and Accountability Report .

  2. 同时,国有企业(SOEs)发布社会责任报告的数量要比非国有企业及外资企业发布的多,并且企业发表报告的数量与其规模没有显著关系。

    The number of State-Owned Enterprises ( SOEs ) publishing CSR reports was more than that of Non-SOEs and foreign invested corporations , and there was no significant relationship between company size and number of reports issued .

  3. 企业社会责任报告第三方审验主要标准述评

    Review of main standards for independent assurance of corporate social responsibility

  4. 公司应定期发布社会责任报告。

    The company should release the community responsibility report regularly .

  5. 企业社会责任报告及其对消费者购买意向的影响研究

    Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Its Effects on Consumers ' Purchasing Intent

  6. 企业社会责任报告信息披露问题研究

    A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Information Disclosure

  7. 商业银行社会责任报告披露的影响因素研究

    Empirical Research on Effecting Factors of CSR Report of Commercial Banks in China

  8. 企业社会责任报告的自愿性披露在我国已经越来越多。

    Corporate Social Responsibility Report of the voluntary disclosure in China has been increasing .

  9. 通过法律法规形式,进一步详细规范社会责任报告,特别是针对数据化指标,保证其可比性。

    Legally further standardize social responsibility report , esp. the comparability of numeral data .

  10. 在我国有越来越多的企业意识到社会责任报告的重要性,并设有专门的社会责任部门编制正式的社会责任报告。

    More and more companies have realized the importance of preparing the CSR reporting .

  11. 最后,要加强与各利益相关方的沟通,让社会责任报告更具可读性,更能为利益相关方服务。

    Finally , strengthen the communication with interests to let the CSR report more readable .

  12. 我国五大发电集团作为国有企业,在社会责任报告的编制上起步早,发展快,具有典型性。

    As state-owned enterprises , the start of CSR report is early , developed rapidly .

  13. 责任报告单位及报告人的法制意识和疫情报告的敏感性亟待加强。

    The consciousness of law and the sensitivity of the outbreak reports should be improved urgently .

  14. 卡夫食品公司责任报告;

    Kraft Food Responsibility Report ;

  15. 企业社会责任报告1是企业非财务报告的一种,起源于企业环境报告。

    CSR Report is a sort of non-financial report , which is derived from Corporate Environmental Reporting .

  16. 然后,笔者就印象管理对企业社会责任报告的影响进行了分析。

    Then , the author analyzes the influence for corporate social responsibility report which is from impression management .

  17. 回归分析结果表明,企业社会责任报告的质量显著正向影响市场反应。

    Results of regression analysis show that the quality of social responsibility reports positive affect the market reaction significantly .

  18. 社会责任报告的发展必然导致与之相关的编制指南、审核准则、审核机构的统一和规范。

    The development of CSR is bound to lead the establishment of related guidelines , criteria , audit institutions .

  19. 近几年来,主动发布企业社会责任报告并承担相应责任已经成为部分社会意识较强企业的共识。

    At present , publish corporate social responsibility report has become consensus of corporate with strong social responsibility sense .

  20. 特别是对企业社会责任报告可读性的研究还十分鲜见。

    Researches rarely refer to the social responsibility reports , especially the readability study of corporate social responsibility reports .

  21. 企业发布社会责任报告影响因素的研究&来自中国上市公司2008年的经验证据

    On the Influencing Factors for Enterprise Releasing Social Responsibility Report-Evidences from Enterprise Social Responsibility Reports by Listed Firms in 2008

  22. 笔者通过对国家电网和法国电力两大公司社会责任报告的比较,揭示其印象管理差异。

    The author reveals the differences of impression management by comparing corporate social responsibility reports of the two big enterprises .

  23. 在这一过程中,影响因素始终是公司社会责任报告信息披露中的重要问题。

    In this developing process , the determinants have always been playing an important part in the disclosure of CSR information .

  24. 而社会责任报告作为企业对外披露社会责任履行情况的一种较为完善的工具,其地位也显得极其重要。

    As a perfect tool of disclosure of the performance of social responsibility to others , CSR Report is very important .

  25. 在此基础上,设计了包括资产权益表、增值表和企业社会责任报告等在内的以人为本财务报告体系。

    On the basis , people-oriented financial report system including asset-equity sheet , added value statement and CSR report are designed .

  26. 环境信息披露主要是在年报或社会责任报告中披露,而且是以简单的文字描述为主,缺少货币性信息。

    Disclosure is mainly in annual report or social responsibility report , but it is simple text description lack of monetary information .

  27. 本文引入印象管理理论对企业社会责任报告的可读性进行深入分析,有一定创新性。

    This paper uses impression management theory on corporate social responsibility report , analyzing its readability . It is of a certain innovation .

  28. 同时本研究检验并分析了来自于中国56个企业的一组附有半结构调查问卷的企业社会责任报告。

    An array of corporate social responsibility reports , supported with semi-structured questionnaires , were examined and analyzed from 56 companies in China .

  29. 研究发现,社会和经济因素是企业社会责任报告在中国蓬勃发展的主要动机。

    It was found that as CSR reporting is developing in China , social and economic factors are becoming major motives for disclosure .

  30. 此外,公司应建立股份持有者参与的层次结构,确定企业与其股份持有者的良好沟通,并着手形成对企业社会责任报告的反馈机制。

    Furthermore , the companies should establish structured stakeholder engagement , communication with identified stakeholders and set feedback mechanism about the CSR report .