Given its debt , its budget and current account deficits and its woeful lack of competitiveness , Greece cannot escape the debt trap .
Against the background of a weakening global economy this formula ensures a worsening of the debtors ' budget deficits as tax revenues are eroded by recession .
We will establish a standard financing mechanism for local governments to issue bonds and place local government debt under budgetary management . We will implement a comprehensive government financial reporting system and guard against and defuse debt risks .
Look at their trade balance , their debt , and budget .
Investors have been looking nervously at debt-levels and budget deficits in Spain , Portugal and Ireland for months .
Countries will be monitored not just for excessive deficits and debts , but also for imbalances and falling competitiveness .
The euro zone 's No. 4 economy , Spain has an unemployment rate of 19 % , a deflating housing bubble , big debts and a gaping budget deficit .
Still , Obama administration officials say they will come close to achieving a key fiscal goal : a primary balance , excluding interest on the debt , by 2015 , with a budget deficit just above 3 per cent of GDP .
The Greek government budget cuts aimed at reducing the debt burden only makes the growth picture worse .
In the coming years , China will have plenty of cash for great leaps forward in space , while the United States will be hamstrung by higher debt and tighter budgets .
Second , by the county and township government debt should be included in provincial and municipal financial budget management , through the financial transfer payment of compensation to defuse County township debt .
She negotiated significant debt relief , more than quadrupled the national budget , opened a large investigation into corruption and started a truth and reconciliation commission to address crimes committed during the civil war .
With low external debt , a manageable budget deficit , a bulging current account surplus and a $ 360bn pile of reserve assets – Asia 's third largest – Taiwan seems well placed to ride out any storm .
The government , which came to power after a landslide victory in early October elections , does not have much time either since Greece will have to borrow some € 54bn ( $ 78bn ) next year to finance the budget deficit and roll-over its maturing debt .