
  • Work Experience;Working Experience;work history
  1. 能否有机会要看你的工作经历和学历。

    The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and qualifications .

  2. 在开展创造就业项目的同时,他们还启动了工作经历项目。

    Alongside the Job Creation Programme they launched a Work Experience Programme .

  3. 他开始啰啰唆唆地讲述自己的工作经历。

    He launched into a lengthy account of his career .

  4. 能不能把你的工作经历填得详细一点?

    Can you fill in some of the details of your career ?

  5. 工作经历相同的人应拿同样的工资。

    People with the same experience in the job should be paid the same

  6. 我唯一一次真正的工作经历是在当地咖啡馆当经理。

    The only real job I 'd ever had was as manager of the local cafe .

  7. 回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?

    Can you look back and see a well-defined path , or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure ?

  8. 他谈到他的工作经历时有点含糊其词。

    He was rather equivocal about his working experiences .

  9. 辞职面试的目的是收集员工工作经历的反馈信息,由此改善工作环境并留住员工。

    The purpose of an exit interview is to gather employees ' feedback on the work experience in order to improve working conditions and retain employees .

  10. 在MBA学生录取中,笔试成绩、面试成绩、资历(工作经历)各占多大比重?

    How many percent of the written exam , interview and working experience is respectively in the selection of MBA candidates ?

  11. 结合工作经历说明危害识别与风险评价工作是企业安全管理乃至整个HSE管理体系的基础。

    Identification of harm and hazard evaluation is basis of safety management , especially , HSEmanagement system in an enterprise .

  12. 由此可见,大部分CEO都是其公司所在国的本土人士,且大多数情况下,他们并没有长时间的海外工作经历。

    Most CEOs are natives of their companies ' home countries , and they have not spent , for the most part , considerable lengths of time abroad .

  13. 第一个简历具有的字段包括:名、姓、电话号码、电子邮件地址、Twitter帐户、特长以及详细的工作经历。

    The first resume comes in with fields for first name , last name , phone number , e-mail address , Twitter account , a list of qualifications , and a detailed work history .

  14. 经营慈善连锁机构的金融家GeorgeSoros表示,他们的工作经历表明,穷国没有几个人明白气候变化及应对方法问题。

    George Soros , a financier who runs a chain of philanthropic organisations , says that in their experience , few people in poor countries have a clear idea about climate change and how to cope with it .

  15. 现年46岁的托里•伯奇早年在拉夫•劳伦(RalphLauren)和其他时尚大品牌的工作经历为她奠定了创业基础,但直到最近历尽波折,她才认识到投资人的重要性。

    Burch , 46 , earned her entrepreneurial chops while working early in her career for Ralph Lauren ( RL ) and other fashion icons , but lately learned about partnerships the hard way .

  16. 赫维茨作为第四季的执行制作人和副导演,称与Netflix的合作是我人生遇到的最专业的团队经历,比此前我最喜爱的非专业工作经历还要棒。

    Hurwitz executive produced and co-directed Season 4 , and it was that collaboration with Netflix , which Hurwitz describes as being the best professional experience of my life , even topping some of my favorite unprofessional experiences , that led to the new deal .

  17. 本文通过学习和总结他人的经验,结合自己的工作经历,从实际出发,希望能为XLD建筑拆除公司的走出困境做出一点贡献,也为其他类似企业提供示范和启示。

    This article through learning and summarize the experience of others , combined with their own work experience from reality , hoping to make some contribution to the successful transformation of the company for the the XLD demolition company , demonstration and inspiration for other similar enterprises .

  18. 具有较强的英语沟通交流能力,有海外工作经历为佳。

    Strong communication skills in English , oversea experience is preferred .

  19. 女:当然,这样的工作经历对一个商业管理的学生来说尤其重要。

    W : Sure , especially for a business management major .

  20. 这里有一个来自我自己的工作经历的尴尬例子。

    Here is an embarrassing example from my own work experience .

  21. 写你的工作经历这部分时要清楚、简明。

    Be clear and concise when writing your experience section .

  22. 资格并不是最重要的,但有一点过去工作经历却有帮助。

    Qualifications are not essential , but some previous experience is useful .

  23. 你可以说说你的工作经历吗?

    Would you please say something about your career experience ?

  24. 八年汽车电子电器零部件制造业工作经历。

    Eight years in Automotive Electronics and Electrical Component Manufacturing .

  25. 第三种,求职者为了填补工作经历中可疑的空白。

    Third , applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history .

  26. 这可能是我目前为止最糟糕的工作经历。

    It was probably my worst professional experience to date .

  27. 这儿有一份材科,简短地记录了我四十三年的工作经历。

    Here 's a brief description of forty-three years of on-the-job training .

  28. 随信附上本人的履历表及学历和工作经历详情。

    Enclosed are my resume and details of my experience and education .

  29. 详述自己工作经历的时候也只需列举要点,不要写大的段落。

    Use bullet points , not lengthy paragraphs to detail your experience .

  30. 工作经历:交通部广州海运管理局。

    Work Experience : Guangzhou Sea-Transport Administration Bureau , Ministry of Communications .