
  • 网络industrial and trading company
  1. 本文以邯钢工贸公司物流管理信息系统为背景,对基于J2EE技术的企业应用系统的安全进行了研究。

    The security of the enterprise application system based on J2EE technology is studied in this paper which is based on the background of logistics management information system in Handan steel trading company .

  2. 我公司是一家汽车工贸公司。

    Our company is an automobile industry and trade company .

  3. 爱尔蓓林轴承在线工贸公司,是致力于为全球的轴承用户及经销商提供解决方案的电子商务服务中心。

    LA Bearing Online is a leading E-business service center , dealing with all kinds of bearings in stock or for orders .

  4. 采用灰色关联分析法,对青海省6个饲料厂生产的育肥猪饲料进行了综合质量评价,结果表明:丁香集团新禾工贸公司生产的育肥猪饲料关联系数最大,为0.7796;

    The qualities of the fattening feed produced by 6 feed manufacturing in Qinghai province were synthetically evaluated by means of the gray-model associated analysis method .

  5. 经贸部(运输局)应当对各外贸、工贸公司使用的唛头代号,定期进行检查和清理。

    The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade ( or its Transport Bureau ) shall conduct regular check-ups of the marks and codes used by various companies .

  6. 最后以北京马尔思工贸有限公司ERP的实施及与CRM整合的案例进一步深化了客户关系管理与企业资源计划整合的研究,对商务整合的实现步骤及实现过程进行详细探讨。

    The paper researches the integrating CRM and ERP of Beijing Mars Trade and Industry Ltd. as an example to study the integrating the CRM with the ERP further , step to achieve the integration of business processes and achieve detailed discussion .

  7. 是一家集生产和销售一体化的工贸性公司。

    Is a production and marketing company , industry and trade integration .

  8. 安庆市中加工贸有限公司是集生产、贸易为一体的股份制公司。

    We are a manufacturing and trading company which specializes in fiberglass materials and tools .

  9. 青岛永嘉盛工贸有限公司,是从事生产加工经营铅板为主的企业。

    Company : Qingdao Yongjiasheng Industry & Trading is engaged in design and manufacture lead plate .

  10. 上海史坦第工贸有限公司创办于1995年,是一家专业生产抛光磨具的厂家。

    On the first · was founded in1995 , is a professional manufacturer of abrasive polishing factories .

  11. 上海拓达工贸有限公司,专业生产吸塑包装、吸塑广告牌、折盒、圆桶、零部件托盘的民营企业。

    We are a privately owned company specializing in producing blister packaging , folding box , cylinder and parts salver .

  12. 江苏久鼎工贸有限公司是一家生产高档密胺仿瓷塑料专业化企业。

    Industry and Trade Co. , Ltd , Jiangsu Jiu Ding is a professional production of high-grade melamine melamine plastics business .

  13. 山东力扬工贸有限公司是是专业生产塑料托盘及垃圾桶的生产企业。

    One plastic stent cable , plastic cable pallets are the development of our plant and the development of new products .

  14. 企业介绍:惠安县立方石材工贸有限公司座落在“中国石雕之乡”&惠安县。

    The Hui'an Cube stone products co. , Ltd is located " township in the Chinese stone carving " & Hui'an County .

  15. 南京铭灿工贸有限公司成立于2003年,公司有着多年的反光材料制作经验!

    Industry and Trade Co. , Ltd. , Nanjing Ming-Can was established in2003 , the company has many years experience of reflective material !

  16. 成都和诚通工贸有限公司是一家专业从事电子产品材料和电子产品包装材料行业的高新技术公司。

    He Cheng Tong ( Chengdu ) co. , Ltd is a high tech company specializing on the electronic material and electronic packing material .

  17. 上海祺皓瑞工贸有限公司是一家集钢铁贸易,加工配送,五金冲压为一体的综合性公司。

    Shanghai felicity white Swiss Trade and Industry Ltd. is a collection of steel trade , processing and distribution . metal stamping for one integrated company .

  18. 永康九州工贸有限公司,是一家专注于礼品业的开发、设计、生产和销售为一体的多元化企业。

    Kyushu Yungkang Industry Co. , Ltd. , is a focus on the gift industry development , design , production and sales of the diversified enterprise .

  19. 阳江市芳容工贸有限公司位于有“五金用具王国”之称的广东省阳江市内,是一家专业设计、开发、生产、贸易美容工具的民营企业。

    Yangjiang Fong & Rong Beauty-tools Manufacture and Trading Limited Company locates at " the Hardware appliance kingdom ", Yangjiang , a city of Guangdong province in China .

  20. 民族历史情结与民间文化立场&李昌旭剧作文学创作论稿南京鑫旭工贸有限公司全体员工真诚希望成为各界同仁生意上的伙伴、活上的朋友!

    The Historial Feeling of Nation and the Cultural Position of Common People ; Nanjing Xin Kotewall Trade and Industry Limited staff sincerely hopes to become a business partner of colleagues , their friends !

  21. 基于在国内丰富的资源和经验,上海恩钢工贸有限公司已衍生出一个新的公司战略:中国的特约采购办事处。

    Based on familiarization and enough resource , N-STEEL ( SHANGHAI ) are issuing to a new strategy : buyer office in china Our goal : will be your necessary , reliable and professional Chinese partner .

  22. 中国工贸总公司(简称中工总)是隶属于中央直接管理的以贸易为龙头,集产业、科研设计开发、仓储、服务于一身的外向型企业集团。

    China National Industry and Trade Corporation ( hereinafter referred to as CNITC ) is an export-oriented group company directly under the central government , who mainly involves in trade with integration of production , research & development , warehousing and various services .

  23. 公司成立于1997年,原名“益阳旭欣工贸有限责任公司”。

    Our company was established in1997 , using the name of " Yiyang Xuxin Garment Co. , Ltd. " .

  24. 我司是一家工贸结合的贸易公司。

    I was the Secretary for Trade and Industry combination of a trading company .

  25. 本公司还向建筑材料、化工、国际贸易等方面大力发展,逐步发展成为一个多元化发展、工贸结合的集团公司。

    The company also develop building materials , chemical industry , international trade development and gradually developed into a diversified development , combining industry and trade group of companies .