
  • 网络Financial Leasing;financial leasing company
  1. 比如商业银行纷纷设立基金公司,建立金融租赁公司,参股信托、保险公司等。

    Such as commercial banks have set up fund management companies , the establishment of financial leasing companies , equity trusts , and insurance companies .

  2. 据专家认为,这1举措对于缺少稳定的融资渠道,现金掣肘的金融租赁公司来说无疑是好消息。

    The move is expected to be good news for the cash starved financial leasing companies , which lack stable financing channels , according to experts .

  3. MS金融租赁公司于2008年在天津成立,是一家专门从事融资租赁业务和经营租赁业务的专业化金融租赁公司。

    MS financial leasing Co. , Ltd was established in 2008 in Tianjing , China . It is a company specialized in financial and operating lease .

  4. 银行控股模式下银行与金融租赁公司的战略协同

    Strategic Synergies of Commercial Banks and Financial Leasing Company in Bank Holding Mode

  5. 金融租赁公司结算中心存在的问题及对策

    The Problems Existing In the Financial Leasing Company s Centre Of Clearing And Their Solutions

  6. 金融租赁公司名称中标明“金融租赁”字样。

    Words " finance leasing " shall be indicated in the name of a finance leasing company .

  7. 2007年2月,中国银监会发布了修订后的《金融租赁公司管理办法》。

    In February 2007 , China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a revised " Financial Leasing Company Management Rules " .

  8. 为金融租赁公司进行风险管理和评价提供了有效的参考。

    The risk evaluation index system provides effective reference for risk management and evaluation of a financial leasing company .

  9. 论文试图运用我国金融租赁公司的资料进行风险计量,努力把金融租赁风险用计量的方式表现出来。

    The paper attempted to manifest the financial leasing risk by means of management models and information from our financial leasing companies .

  10. 信托投资公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司和信用社比照执行。

    The trust and investment companies , finance companies , finance leasing companies and credit cooperatives shall conduct by reference to these Measures .

  11. 但重庆却很少金融租赁公司,这与其经济发展和地位极不相称。

    However , in Chongqing there are few companies doing such business , which does not assort with the present position of the city .

  12. 金融租赁公司的久期缺口分析是利用久期管理利率风险的主要方法,但久期模型运用中也存在着诸如久期对称成本高、利率风险免疫动态性及凸性等问题。

    The financial leasing corporation usually use interest rate exposure to manage the interest rate risk although there are some problems in the exercise of duration model .

  13. 一项非正式统计研究显示,由于现实中申请金融租赁公司许可证相对困难,几乎所有的外国投资者都转向投资融资租赁公司。

    An unofficial statistics study shows that almost all foreign investors turn to invest in FLCs since it is relatively difficult to apply for CLC permit in practice .

  14. 虽然银行系金融租赁公司与其他租赁公司相比具有很多优势,但也面临着与其他租赁公司一样的问题&信用风险。

    Compared to other rental companies , the bank financial leasing companies have many advantages , but they also face the same problems as other leasing companies & credit risk .

  15. 2007年《金融租赁公司管理办法》的出台,使阔别金融租赁市场十年之久的银行系金融租赁公司又重新登上了租赁舞台。

    The introduction of The Regulation of The Financial Leasing Company in 2007 lead the bank financial leasing company re-boarded the leasing stage after the ten years absence of financial leasing market .

  16. 国务院昨日表示,它将允许国内一些大型船舶制造企业建立金融租赁公司,这类公司可进入银行间市场拆借资金和发行债券。

    Yesterday , the State Council said that it would allow some large domestic shipping companies to establish financial leasing companies , which could borrow funds and issue bonds on the interbank market .

  17. 然而,根据《金融租赁公司管理办法》,金融租赁公司可以有某些金融期权,例如依照某些核定可以吸收定期存款、接受保证金、进行银行同业拆借。

    However , under the CBRC measures , CLCS are permitted to have certain financial options , such as absorbing time deposit , accept security bonds , making inter-bank borrowings subject to certain approvals .

  18. 我国的金融租赁公司必须要积极的应对来自国外同业的挑战,同时以全球化为契机,实行走出去的战略。

    Our financial leasing companies should respond to the challenges of the pressure from the abroad . And at the same time , the companies should internationalize by holding the opportunity of the economic globalization .

  19. 针对我国租赁公司的现状,以监管对象的角度将其分为三类:金融租赁公司、中外合资租赁公司以及内资试点融资公司,并分别进行了介绍。

    From the perspective of supervised entities , according to the status of leasing companies , leasing companies are divided into three categories : financial leasing company , Chinese-foreign joint ventures leasing company and domestically funded pilot leasing companies .

  20. 五家银行系金融租赁公司依靠其母行背景,具备了注册资本较高、融资渠道有保障、资本充足率高、可依靠母行现有的技术和资源优势等先决条件,使经营业绩骄人。

    Due to their bank background , these 5 bank-established financial leasing companies achieved outstanding performance by taking advantages of high registered capital , insured financing channel , high capital adequacy rate , and sufficient technique and resource from parent bank .

  21. 然后对金融租赁公司的信用风险进行了分析,探讨了银行系租赁公司信用风险的成因以及信用风险管理的问题,为全文信用风险管理的研究奠定了基础。

    Then , this article analyze the credit risk of the bank financial leasing company , analyzing the causes of credit risk of the company and the problems of the credit risk management , laying foundation for the study of credit risk management .

  22. 2007年3月银监会正式发布《金融租赁公司管理办法》修订稿,允许银行参与金融租赁业,这无疑对我国的国际金融租赁贸易的发展起到了极大的推动作用。

    China Banking Regulatory Commission in March 2007 released " Financial Leasing Companies Management " revised version , which allows banks to participate in the financial leasing industry . To our international financial leasing trade , it no doubt has a great push forward .

  23. 金融租赁公司是从事金融租赁业务的公司,它是通过融通资金,购买选定设备,按照协议将其租给承租人使用的一种租赁方式。

    Financial leasing company is the company that is engaged in the business operation of financial leasing . It is a kind of leasing pattern : it purchases selected equipments through financing , and lease them to leasers for their use according to the agreement .

  24. 银行系金融租赁公司的成立,不仅有利于银行本身的多元化发展,提高银行的综合竞争能力,而且给我国金融租赁业注入了新的血液,促进了金融租赁市场的和谐发展。

    The set up of bank financial leasing company , not only conducive to the diversification of the bank itself , improve the comprehensive competitiveness of bank , but also injected new blood to this industry , promote the harmonious development of the financial leasing market .

  25. 然后,结合某金融租赁公司业务运营的需求,根据共享信息模型的构建层次和方法,依次设计金融租赁业务概念模型、逻辑模型,并应用到实际项目的物理模型构建和平台建设中。

    Then , combined with operation needs of a financial leasing company , according to the framework and methods of sharing information model , this paper builds concept models , logical models in sequence and applies all this to the physical models and platform infrastructure work in the Realistic project .

  26. 但TPG成功帮助其现有规模为40亿美元的亚洲基金投资的一些麻烦缠身的公司走出了困境,比如总部位于上海的恒信金融租赁有限公司(Unitrust)。

    But TPG has managed to turn round some of the more troubled firms in its current $ 4bn Asian fund , such as Unitrust , a Shanghai-based finance and leasing company , and dramatically improve results at others .

  27. 在对江苏金融租赁有限公司风险的评价过程中,单因素评价矩阵的建立再一次采用了专家调查法。

    In the evaluation process of the risk of Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co. , Ltd. , the establishment of the single factor evaluation matrix used expert survey again .

  28. 金融(融资)租赁公司是金融机构的重要组成部分,与其他金融机构一样,它有两项业务,一是提供金融产品和服务给顾客,二是从事金融中介和管理风险。

    Nowadays , like the other financial organizations , there are two things for financial leasing companies to do : ( 1 ) offering clients the financial products and services ; ( 2 ) embarking upon financial medium and managing risks .

  29. 其它金融机构则与金融租赁公司结盟方面状态良好。

    Other financial institutions are in good positions to ally themselves with financial leasing firms .

  30. 加快农村金融体制改革步伐,支持信托、财务和金融租赁公司的发展。

    The reform of rural financial institutions will be stepped up , and support will be granted to trust , finance and financial leasing companies .