
  1. 风险价值(VaR)法是现代金融产品投资风险控制中普遍使用的工具。

    Value at Risk ( VaR ) is one of the important methods used in the risk control of financial tools investment .

  2. 在度量金融产品的风险时,通常采用的是VaR方法,在市场正常的情况下,该方法可以根据金融资产的收益率特征较为准确的估计金融资产的风险。

    When measuring risk of financial products , usually we use the VaR method , in the case of normal market ; this method could estimate accurately financial products ' risk according to the feature of financial products ' return .

  3. 金融产品市场风险管理技术的变迁

    Evolvement of Management Technique of Financial Commodities ' Market Risk

  4. 金融衍生产品风险的形成、传导及防范

    Formation , Transmission and Prevention of Financial Derivatives Risk

  5. 监管将依据基础金融产品的风险和透明度规定资本充足率。

    The regulation would specify capital adequacy ratios that depend on the risk and transparency of the underlying financial products .

  6. 当前,学者广泛采用收益波动性来刻画金融产品的风险。

    At present , domestic and foreign scholars widely utilize the volatility of returns to depict the risk of financial products .

  7. 如何从金融创新产品风险的监管模式与机制角度防范金融风险及金融危机,是本文研究的主要出发点。

    How the risk of financial innovations and mechanisms of regulation point to guard against financial risks and financial crisis is the main starting point for this study .

  8. 本文试图从分析金融衍生产品风险产生的原因着手,探索如何对金融衍生产品风险进行监督和管理。

    This paper attempts to analyze the financial derivative products from the causes of the risk of starting to explore ways of financial derivative products to monitor and manage risk .

  9. 已有的实践证明,小额贷款公司的出现为民间资本合法化创造了机会;为金融产品分散风险开拓了新渠道。

    Has been proved that there is a small loan company has created opportunities for the legalization of private capital ; to spread risk financial products , opening up new channels .

  10. 文章介绍了金融衍生产品风险尤其是法律风险,探讨了在我国发展金融衍生品市场中面临的若干法律问题,并对我国金融衍生品交易立法过程中需要注意的问题提出了若干建议。

    This essay introduces the risks of financial derivatives , especially the legal risks , and discusses some legal problems faced in the development of our financial derivatives market , and gives some suggestions on several notable problems during the legitimating process .

  11. 我国国债金融衍生产品利率风险管理研究

    The Study of Interest-rate Risk Management on China 's Bonds Financial Derivatives

  12. 金融衍生产品市场风险衡量方法研究

    Methods to measure the market risk of financial derivative products

  13. 我国商业银行金融衍生产品的风险防范

    Risk Precaution of Derivative Products of Chinese Commercial Bank

  14. 论衍生金融产品与企业风险管理&终端使用者的视角

    Financial Derivatives and Corporate Risk Management

  15. 从终端使用者的角度探讨了衍生金融产品在企业风险管理中的作用。

    This study examines the functions of financial derivatives in the corporate risk management from the end-users ' standpoint .

  16. 金融产品的投资风险较大,而普通住房的投资近期面临国家调控政策的巨大压力。

    Investment is risky for financial products , while the average investment in housing recently faced with the enormous pressure of national regulatory policies .

  17. 第五章分析了金融衍生产品的风险,并提出要加强我国商业银行的金融衍生产品风险管理,必须坚持国有商业银行的股份制改革,同时要健全我国商业银行的内部控制体系。

    In the last chapter , I explain the risk management about the business , and suggest our banks mature the system to control risk .

  18. 投资收益率的统计分布是证券投资组合、金融产品定价和风险管理的基础,因此是金融经济学的非常重要的问题。

    The distribution of return is an important problem in financial economics because it is the basis of portfolio selection , asset pricing and risk management .

  19. 然后,从金融衍生产品的风险管理功能出发,从宏观和微观层面深入探讨了当前形势下深化金融衍生工具发展的必要性和紧迫性。

    Then , from the angle of risk management function of the financial derivative products , this paper discusses the necessity and urgency of deepening the development of FDI .

  20. 可转换债券作为一种主要的投资和融资工具,是一种兼具固定收益债券特征和美式期权属性的金融产品,其风险性和收益性介乎于普通债券和普通股票之间。

    As a primary financial tool , convertible bond has the characteristic like common bond and American option and its risk and income are also between fixed income bond and stock .

  21. 我国证券市场经过15年的发展,市场规模不断扩大,有利用金融衍生产品进行风险控制管理的潜在要求。

    The securities market has been constantly expanded in China since the past 15 years of development , so there is a potential demand to use financial derivatives for risk control management .

  22. 金融产品创新与金融风险是天生的一对。

    Financial products innovation and financial risks is an innate couple .

  23. 我国个人金融理财产品选择与风险控制问题研究

    Study on Individual Financial Managing Products and Risk Control of China

  24. 运用金融衍生产品防范财务风险

    Preventing Financing Risks by Applying Financial Derivatives

  25. 在特征验证部分,研究了货币市场基金与其它可比金融产品收益性、风险性、流动性的差异,在验证准储蓄特征的同时也为投资者提供了备选资产。

    It compares MMF with comparable financial instruments to find out its characteristics of yield , risk and liquidity .

  26. 然而,但凡金融产品都有其风险所在,对于风险地控制往往是决定收益回报的关键所在。

    However , every financial instruments has its risks , and the risk control is often believed to be the key of returns .

  27. 他们认为基金投资基本上是无风险的投资,而事实上任何的理财产品或者投资的金融产品都是有风险的,只是分风险大小不同而已。

    They think that investing funds is a risk-free investment , but any financial product is risky , just the size of risk different .

  28. 正是基于以上原因,本文将研究金融衍生产品在外汇风险管理中的应用并探索如何发展我国外汇衍生产品市场。

    From this prospective , the paper will explore how to protect against losses from fluctuation of foreign exchange rate and how to develop financial derivatives market in China .

  29. 再次,运用量本利分析法,说明消费金融产品的定价与风险,并在前文的基础上分析了消费金融公司消费贷款业务在同类业务竞争中的比较优势。

    Next , use the amount of principal and interest analysis , that the pricing of consumer financial products and risk ; previous paper , based on the analysis of competition in its business in the same comparative advantages .

  30. 在案例分析的基础上,本文针对中国涉外企业在风险管理以及衍生产品的运用上存在的问题,借鉴华菱集团的成功经验,提出了我国企业使用金融衍生产品管理外汇风险的几点建议。

    Finally , grounded on the case analysis and drawing on the experience of Valin Group , some suggestions about how Chinese enterprises to discern the risks and use derivative products to effectively manage the exchange risks are put forward .