
  • 网络debt rescheduling
  1. 此外,2013年后的欧元区国债将附带集体行动条款,规定私人债权人将参与未来任何债务重新安排或债务重组。

    At the same time , private creditors would be involved in any future debt rescheduling or restructuring through collective action clauses attached to eurozone government bonds after 2013 .

  2. 我们至少应该对债务进行重新安排或者,在更好的情况下,进行债转股的置换。

    At least we should offer a rescheduling even better , a debt-for-equity swap .

  3. 除非这些债务能重新安排偿还期限或予以免除,世界将很快面临一场金融危机。

    Unless the debts can be re-scheduled or written off , the world will soon face a financial crisis .

  4. 这个很低的数字反映了极为有限的债务的重新安排,因而商业银行逐步减少了对缺乏资金的发展国家的信贷。

    This low figure reflects very limited rescheduling as commercial banks gradually reduce their portfolio in noncreditworthy developing countries .

  5. 债务的)重新安排(偿还期)将来到期偿付的债项

    Rescheduling ( debt ) ( debt payable at a future time

  6. 债务重组:重新安排公司的未清债务,如把部圳责务转换成权益。

    Debt restructuring : a reorganisation of acompany 's outstanding debt , for instance byconverting some of the debt into equity .

  7. 默克尔表示:私营部门债权人自愿做出的贡献越大,采取进一步措施的可能性就越小。她认为,要求对希腊债务进行正式重新安排的呼吁毫无道理。

    The greater the voluntary contribution the private creditors make , the less likely will it be that further steps will be needed , she said , dismissing calls for a formal rescheduling of Greek debt .

  8. 欧元区的债务削减或“重新安排”(reprofiling),将有助于解决某些无力偿债国家的过度负债问题。

    Eurozone debt reduction or " reprofiling " will help to resolve the issue of excessive debt in some insolvent economies .

  9. 我们最近已完成了公共部门债务的磋商并重新安排了还款计划。

    We 've recently completed negotiations concerning public-sector debt and have rescheduled certain amortization periods .