
zhài wù rén
  • debtor;obligor;loanee
债务人 [zhài wù rén]
  • [obligor] 使自己受约束和受他人的债务证书约束的人

债务人[zhài wù rén]
  1. 指定一位监护人或管理人来监管债务人的财产免受损失。

    A custodian or trustee is appointed to oversee the debtor 's property to protect it from loss .

  2. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。

    Bankruptcy . A debtor may file for bankruptcy , which is called " voluntary bankruptcy " .

  3. 花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。

    Having spent his rich wife 's fortune , the Major ended up in a debtors ' prison .

  4. 一九三三年,一九三四年和一九三五年通过的修正案是为了帮助诚实的债务人恢复自己的地位。

    Amending acts in 19331934 , and 1935 attempted to help honest debtors rehabilitate themselves .

  5. 按揭是不动产的一种物权担保。其财产被按揭抵押的债务人被称为抵押人。

    Mortgage is a security interest in real property . The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor .

  6. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  7. 应该赞许的是,众议院法案提出成立“消费者金融保护局”(consumerfinancialprotectionagency),来保护债务人抵御掠夺性放贷行为。

    To its credit , the House bill does create a consumer financial protection agency to protect borrowers from predatory lending .

  8. 就像普通担保权的创设一样,债务人必须首先签订一个适当的担保协议(securityagreement),担保权人必须支付价款并且债务人必须在担保物上拥有权利。

    Like the creation of the general security interests , the debtor must first sign an appropriate security agreement , the creditor must pay the price and the debtor must have rights in the collateral .

  9. KMV模型具有较强的对违约债务人的识别力;

    KMV model has a capacity of discriminating the bad borrowers from good borrowers .

  10. 此次峰会的不同寻常之处在于,承受风险的债务人的规模比以往大得多,而且欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)这次可能也无法让金融市场恢复平静。

    What makes this summit different from the many others is that the debtors at risk are much larger than before and that the European Central Bank may not be able to help calm financial markets this time around .

  11. 按照现在流行的说法,形势已逼得巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)被迫扮演一贫如洗的债务人角色他正拜访苛刻的银行经理,要求再贷一笔款子。

    As has become fashionable to note , events have instead obliged Barack Obama to play the role of washed-up debtor visiting his stern bank manager for yet another loan .

  12. 在上月韩国总统大选前的竞选活动期间,现代(Hyundai)前高管、当选韩国下届总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,将为消费债务人提供帮助。

    President-elect Lee Myung-bak , an ex-Hyundai executive , promised help for consumer debtors during the campaign leading up to last month 's presidential election .

  13. “保证人”包括担保人或者其他次级债务人。

    " Surety " includes a guarantor or other secondary obligor .

  14. 兼顾债务人的利益是现代自然人破产制度的一项进步。

    It is an important progress of natural person bankruptcy system .

  15. 否则,转让对债务人不发生效力。

    Otherwise , the transfer of the debtor has no effect .

  16. 我争论述债务人很年夜略处在双重窘境中。

    I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles .

  17. 发行方或债务人发生严重财务困难;

    A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor ;

  18. 债务人在代位权诉讼中为无独立请求权的第三人;

    The debtor is the third party without independent request right ;

  19. 债权人比债务人记性好。&富兰克林

    Creditors have better memories than debtors . & Ben jamin Franklin

  20. 生效后的和解协议对债务人和无财产担保的债权人具有约束力。

    The settlement agreement binds debtor and creditor without property guarantee .

  21. 基于住房抵押贷款证券化的权益人与债务人信用的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Originators and Obligors Credit in Mortgage Backed Securitization

  22. 论债权质权中第三债务人的保护

    On the Protection of Third Debtor in Pledge of Credit

  23. 论合同履行中违背债务人意思的第三人清偿

    Discharge By The Third Party Which Breach The Will Of The Debtor

  24. 法律环境、金融结构与企业最优破产机制的经济学分析&对我国新企业破产法债务人机制的商榷

    Law Environment , Financial Structure and Economic Analysis on Optimal Bankruptcy Law

  25. 学生贷款将使学生以债务人的身份毕业。

    Student loans will cause students to graduate as debtors .

  26. 债权人和债务人之间的纷争一般是由民法来解决的。

    Strife between creditors and debtors is usually resolved by civil law .

  27. 我们打算控告我们的债务人。

    We 're going to bring action against our debtors .

  28. 债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。

    Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors .

  29. 债务人把戏之二:失去主要客户/等待客户付款

    Debtor game # 2 : Lost major customer / awaiting customer payment

  30. 支付令能够送达债务人的。

    The order of payment can be sent and reach the debtor .