
zhài wù ɡuán lǐ
  • debt management;liabilities management
  1. 斯托纳拉斯还担任过国有企业PublicGasCorporation副董事长、曾为国有银行的EmporikiBank董事长兼首席执行长、希腊银行业协会(AssociationofGreekBanks)副会长,以及公共债务管理局(PublicDebtManagementOffice)董事会成员。

    Other jobs have included serving as vice chairman of the state-owned Public Gas Corporation ; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of formerly state-owned Emporiki Bank ; Vice-Chairman of the Association of Greek Banks , and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Debt Management Office .

  2. 该公司位于伦敦TowerHamlets居民区中部的一个购物广场,它还向该社区的其它小型企业提供融资,并为200名当地居民提供债务管理咨询,帮助他们管理100万英镑无力偿还的债务。

    The business , located on a shopping parade in the middle of a Tower Hamlets housing estate , also provides finance for other small businesses in the community as well as debt management advice to 200 local residents , helping them to manage 1m of over-indebtedness .

  3. 例如,去年花旗集团(citigroup)在东京组织了一次会议,会上5家欧洲债务管理机构对购买了它们政府证券的100位日本投资组合经理表示了感谢。

    Last year , for example , Citigroup arranged a conference in Tokyo , where five European debt managers addressed 100 Japanese portfolio managers on the merits of buying their government securities .

  4. 希腊债务管理局局长佩特罗斯克里斯托多罗(PetrosChristodoulou)表示:在经历过一段非常关键的时期后,我们已重启希腊政府债券发行。

    We have re-opened Greek government issuance after a very critical period , said Petros Christodoulou , head of the country 's debt management agency .

  5. 英国国债做市商协会(Gilt-EdgedMarketMakersAssociation)拥有直接从英国债务管理办公室(DMO)购买证券的排他性权力。该协会的诸多大型成员银行都位于往来奥运场馆的交通线上,其中很多银行都安排员工奥运期间在家里工作。

    With many of the largest banks - which make up the elite Gilt-Edged Market Makers Association exclusively allowed to buy securities directly from the Debt Management Office - dotted along the transport routes to and from the main Olympic site , many employers are making arrangements for staff to work from home .

  6. 也使得他们对债务管理采取更加专业的办法。

    So too has a more professional approach to debt management .

  7. 加强地方债务管理,助推农村经济发展

    Strengthening of local debt management , and boost rural economic development

  8. 做好债务管理,既节约金钱,又可以生活得更加简单。

    Manage your debt , save some money and live simple .

  9. 第五,资本的高度流动性使债务管理变得复杂。

    Fifth , high levels of capital mobility complicate debt management .

  10. 政府债务管理的关键是建立具有高流动性的二级市场。

    Secondary market liquidity is essential to government liability management .

  11. 中美高校债务管理与风险防范的比较研究

    Comparative Study to the Debt Management and Risk Prevention College in Sino-US

  12. 如今,巴西的债务管理工作被认为是最佳实践。

    Today , debt management governance in Brazil is considered best practice .

  13. 美国地方政府债务管理制度研究

    The Research of the US Local Authority Debt Management System

  14. 四是继续加强地方政府性债务管理。

    Fourth , we will continue to strengthen management of local government debt .

  15. 很快,债务管理的阴云笼罩着所有话题。

    Soon debt management loomed over every other topic .

  16. 加强政府债务管理减少财政偿债风险

    Improving Debt Supervision and Reducing the Paying Risk ; financial claims of government

  17. 首先,我们必须搞清楚债务管理。

    First , we need to find out exactly what debt management is .

  18. 分析了常用现金流模型在债务管理上的不足,提出了两个问题,a。

    The daily deficiency in debt management based on cash flow model is analyzed .

  19. 欧元区政府债务管理的趋同性研究

    Convergence of Government Debt Management in Euro Area

  20. 特定支出的随机现金流模型在债务管理上的应用分析

    Model of random cash flow with special expenditure and its application to debt management

  21. 什么是债务管理项目?

    What is a debt management program ?

  22. 本文在第四部分对国外的地方政府债务管理实践进行了总结。

    The fourth part of this paper summarized practices from foreign local government debt management .

  23. 债务管理策略的其它改革可以有助于进一步稳定全球金融体系。

    Other reforms in debt management strategies could help further stabilise the global financial system .

  24. 债务管理和金融分析体系

    Debt Management and Financing Analysis System

  25. 鉴于借贷的巨大数额,政策制定者必须找到办法,来升级债务管理方式。

    Given the huge numbers , policymakers must find a way to upgrade liability management approaches .

  26. 国外政府债务管理方式有以下特点:一是政府级次较少,易于管理。

    Foreign debt management mode has the following characteristics : the level of government easy to manage .

  27. 世行将继续与巴西各州政府开展合作,提高其债务管理能力。

    The Bank also continues to work with individual state governments to improve their debt management capacity .

  28. 建立规范合理的中央和地方政府债务管理及风险预警机制。

    Establish a standard and reasonable debt-management system for central and local governments and a risk-alert system .

  29. 因此,公司债务管理是在信息不对称理论和公司治理理论下的管理行为。

    Thus , corporate debt management is managerial behaviors under asymmetric information theory and corporate governance theory .

  30. 例如,在美国财政部,有关债务管理政策的讨论强调的就是这点。

    In the US Treasury , for example , discussions of debt management policy have had exactly this emphasis .