
  1. 第四部分案例分析本文通过模拟住房抵押贷款证券化交易的案例,着重分析了债券发行利率、规模以及期限的确定,同时也论述了参与各方的收益分配情况。

    Chapter four analyzes the case of MBS transaction . It describe the restructure of cash flow , rate pricing principal , credit enhancement , term and size of securities .

  2. 因为,债券发行利率关系到债券融资的主要成本,债券的利率又通常与评级机构的评级结果相挂钩。

    Because the bond interest rate is related to the major cost of bond financing , and the interest rate is usually linked to the rating results given by rating agencies .

  3. 短期回购利率是重要的货币市场利率,是短期债券发行定价和利率衍生品定价的重要基准,也是套利资金的成本,其对市场的影响越来越大。

    The short-term buyback interest rate is the important money market interest rate .