
An Analysis of Creditors ' Right to Revoke and Trade Security
Study of the System of the Creditor 's Canceling Right
A Study on the Subject of the Creditor 's Right of Revocation
Understanding and Application of the Creditor Right of Rescission
The creditors ' canceling right is composed of subjective documents and objective documents .
To analyse the current situation and deficiency of ChineseCreditors ' right of revocation system .
The first part of this chapter focus on the nature of the creditor the right to revoke its elements to start .
The creditor 's recalling right is the important content of the debt preserving system , which is one of the rights in the entity law .
The article 74 and 75 of the Chinese Contract Law in the legal fraternity provide bases in regulations for the creditor 's right of revocation .
On the Suit of the Third Party Discharging the Judgement ; Application and Observation of the Principle of Good Faith in Litigation of Creditor 's Rescission Right
Through the case , it presents the problem about the selection of the two systems and the problem that the invalid contract system can be cancelled .
The establishment of the system meets the need that society should prevent debtors to escape debt , and is effective legal means of ensuring creditors ' rights to realize .
Secondly by selecting some typical cases in recent years the author , regarding the elements of rescission , analyzes the practical situation and the typical problems in juridical system .
The value of creditors ' canceling right lies in resuming the responsibility property that is reduced improperly because of active behavior of debtors , and protecting the creditors ' interests .
Production of this system in our country has deep foundations : ( 1 ) It is the inherent requirement for the principle of honesty and trustworthiness that we establish the system ;
Creditors the right to withdraw from some elements of objective and subjective elements of the two elements , in order to rely on legal norms and with the relevant theory is discussed .
Creditors the right to withdraw the request to clarify the nature of some of the major power , and compromise formation theory that the three views , and compromise that focuses on the merits .
The forth section discusses the creditor the right to rescind in the exercise of the special exercise of the proceedings , the nature of the proceedings and litigants , the author compares the four doctrines .
Firstly , by analyzing the legal basis of the obligee 's cancellation right , we can know that the system of debtor 's liability assets and external effectiveness are the foundation of the obligee 's cancellation right .
The study of creditor 's right of revocation is quite mature abroad For example , Germany , Swiss , Japan , Italy and so on have done a perfect research on it , and have made a deep theoretical research .
The second part in general introduces the historical evolution of the system and gives a brief analysis about the nature of the said system , maintaining that the nature of the system be the right of formation and illustrating the corresponding legislative purpose .
For creditors the right to revoke the establishment of elements , the paper trying to creditors the right to withdraw from the main point of the relevant system to build more operational elements of the creditors the right to revoke the establishment of the system .
The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system .
An Analysis on the Cancel Rights of Creditor
Issues about the Creditor 's Exercising Annulment
The necessary expenses for the obligee 's exercise of its cancellation right shall be borne by the obligor .
The contract law of our country regards the creditor 's right of cancellation as one of the means that the contract saves from damage .
It includes the obligee 's conception quality and the comparation of the withdrawing right between the withdrawing right of the obligee and the relative rights .
Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission , it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts .
After the creditor performs recalling right , its force is to be established after the judgement , and has validity on the creditor , the debtor and the relative person .