
  1. 研究基本社会保障资金所有权关系主要是从理论上搞清其所有权主体。

    Studying basic social security fund ownership relations is to get their ownership subject theoretically mainly .

  2. 笔者认为,无沦从实证的角度分析还是从信托理论的角度分析,基本社会保障资金所有权主体都是所有参保人员。

    I think , no matter analysing in terms of real example or in terms of trust theory , basic social security fund ownership subjects are all insurance persons .

  3. 资金所有权与管理权的分离会导致投资者和管理人之间的委托代理问题,管理人在追求自身利益最大化的过程中所表现出的道德风险可能导致机构投资者投资行为的非理性。

    The separation of ownership and management of funds leads to the principal-agent problem . The moral hazards of investment managers in the process of maximizing their own interests may induce the irrational investment behaviors of the institutional investors .

  4. 她说,企业主们将焦头烂额,很难出示证据证表明他们所深信不疑的事情&他们对那笔庞大资金的所有权。

    The business owners would be hard pressed to argue they honestly believed they were entitled to such a huge sum of money , she said .

  5. 在我国很多行业,外资凭借其技术、资金和所有权优势,已经确立了其优势竞争地位。

    In many business sectors in our country , foreign investment has established its favorable competitive position based on its technology , investment and ownership advantages .

  6. 目前,单位实施贷款诈骗行为频繁发生,严重侵害了国家对金融机构的贷款管理制度和金融机构对所贷资金的所有权。

    At present , it frequently takes place that the unit implements the behavior of fraud of the loan , which have encroached on the management system of the national loan to financial institution and ownership to the fund borrowed of financial institution seriously .

  7. 此表格旨在确立账户上资金的最终所有权。

    This form serves to establish the final ownership of the funds on account .

  8. 企业所筹资金按其所有权分为权益性筹资和债权性筹资。

    The fundraising is divided into the owner 's equity fundraising and creditor 's right fundraising by its ownership .

  9. 一种观点认为:存款客户对银行帐户资金拥有物权,存款客户享有直接支配银行帐户资金的权利,也就是说,客户对银行帐户资金享有所有权;

    One viewpoint is described like this : A customer enjoys property right of his bank account funds and he enjoys the right to control the funds directly , in other words , he enjoys ownership of bank account funds .