
  1. 作为税务部门的一名基层工作人员,笔者认为应尽快改变这种征纳双方权利失衡的不良状况。

    As of the tax department a grass-roots staff as soon as possible , the author thinks that should change this mutual rights and publicans the imbalance of the adverse conditions .

  2. 征纳主体的权利义务只以法律规定为依据,没有法律依据,任何主体不得征税或减免税收。

    We designate the right and duty as the basis in the acts only .

  3. 任何一项税收资源的获得,都是国家与社会经过长期的冲突以后形成的一种既定契约,在这种契约下形成了征纳双方的权利与义务。

    Any achievement of tax revenue is a fixed contract formed after a long-term conflict among nation and society . Under this contract , both sides of the tax system have established their respective rights and obligations .