
  • Shiseido;Shiseido Co.
  1. 日本知名化妆品品牌资生堂将在上海设立创新研发中心,研发环保的化妆品以促进健康和美容行业的发展。

    According to a strategic cooperation agreement signed Tuesday between Shiseido and the city 's Oriental Beauty Valley in Fengxian District , the company will carry out advanced research into eco-friendly technologies and prototype development of related cosmetics .

  2. 日本化妆品公司资生堂(Shiseido)在中国销售额的增幅一直在30%以上。

    Shiseido , a Japanese cosmetics company , has been racking up 30 per cent Chinese sales growth .

  3. 资生堂MGC18色谱柱分离后三重四级杆串联质谱测定。

    Four aflatoxins were separated in MG C18 column and detected by tandem mass spectrometry .

  4. 在中国12个面向消费者的市场上,麦肯锡筛选出24家领先外国公司,其中只有4家是日本企业:丰田(Toyota)、夏普(Sharp)、三得利(Suntory)和资生堂(Shiseido)。

    Out of 24 leading foreign players identified by McKinsey across 12 consumer-oriented markets in China , only four are Japanese : Toyota , Sharp , Suntory and Shiseido .

  5. 奢华美容产品的销售额较高,这些产品通常在百货商店和丝芙兰、MAC或资生堂等美容产品专卖店出售,反映了美国经济复苏仅限于最高端的消费者。

    The higher sales of luxury beauty products that are typically sold at a department store or stand-alone beauty stores such as Sephora , MAC , or Shiseido reflect the economic recovery that 's confined to the upper echelon of consumers .

  6. 资生堂(Shiseido)从7月中旬起,开始在阿尔巴尼亚、科索沃和马其顿销售产品,从而成为首家进军巴尔干国家的日本化妆品集团。

    Shiseido becomes the first Japanese cosmetics group to enter the Balkan countries of Albania , Kosovo and Macedonia when it starts selling its products there from mid-July .

  7. 她说,顾客们很感兴趣,而且不只是对韩国品牌,迪奥、资生堂和SK-II等品牌受韩国美容产品启发开发的面膜和精华液也开始流行。

    And not just for Korean brands . Korean-inspired masks and essences from Dior , Shiseido and SK-II are emerging as popular , she said .

  8. 从中国开始,亚洲的中产阶层将迅速增加,资生堂高管原田康彦(YasuhikoHarada)表示。

    Beginning with China , the middle class will rapidly grow in Asia , says Yasuhiko Harada , a senior Shiseido executive .

  9. 虽然法国人向来是时装潮流的全球领导者,不过在美容领域,过去几十年的创新主要是由SK-II和资生堂等日本化妆品公司引领的。

    While the French have long been the global style leader in the sartorial stakes , for decades beauty innovation was being led by Japanese cosmetics companies such as SK-IIand Shiseido .

  10. 他们给出了一些在亚洲从任用女性中获利,并取得成功的公司,如资生堂(Shiseido),一家日本化妆品公司(它的顾客主要是女性),以及思科(Cisco),一家美国抢夺亚洲女性人才的科技公司。

    They point to companies in Asia that have done well out of recruiting lots of women , such as Shiseido , a Japanese cosmetics company ( whose customers are mainly female ) , and Cisco , an American technology firm which snaps up Asian female talent .

  11. 平均多久一次会在资生堂购买彩妆品?

    How often do you buy the make-up products in Shiseido ?

  12. 自2010年以来,资生堂国内销售额每年都下降或停滞。

    Domestic sales have fallen or stagnated each year since 2010 .

  13. 使用资生堂产品一贯的积分制服务。

    To make use of the consistent bonus point system of Shiseido .

  14. 资生堂今年进入了蒙古市场。

    This year , Shiseido entered the Mongolian market .

  15. 我使用的是资生堂睫毛夹。

    I 'm using Shiseido 's Eyelash Curler .

  16. 有些日本公司如资生堂化妆品公司正在努力这样做。

    A few , such as Shiseido , a cosmetics firm , try hard .

  17. 平均一个月花多少钱在购买资生堂彩妆品上?

    What is the average amount on purchasing the make-up products in Shiseido each month ?

  18. 但资生堂是该行业的落后者。

    But Shiseido is an industry laggard .

  19. 但在日本以外地区,资生堂是一个相对小众的品牌,更受那些富裕讲究的消费者的喜爱。

    But outside Japan , Shiseido is a relatively niche brand , favoured more by well-heeled consumers .

  20. 资生堂正在开发这样一个品牌,计划从2011年开始在亚洲市场全面推出。

    The company is developing such a brand to be rolled out from 2011 throughout Asian markets .

  21. 去年该公司发起了一项营销活动,以提高资生堂品牌在海外市场的知名度。

    Last year Shiseido launched a campaign to boost the visibility of the Shiseido brand in overseas markets .

  22. 资生堂面临的挑战是:开发出一个能够吸引更广泛客户群体的全球品牌。

    The challenge Shiseido faces is to develop a global brand that will appeal to a broader consumer base .

  23. 他们还定期推出企业活动,比如像日本的化妆品公司资生堂这类大品牌的新品上市活动。

    They also host regular corporate events , such as product launches for big brand names such as Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido .

  24. 资生堂使用客人个人资料,仅供作指定用途,以及经客户同意的其他用途。

    Shiseido will only use personal data for the stated purposes , and for other purposes as agreed by the data subjects .

  25. 但他说,考虑到资生堂在高品质产品方面的声誉,公司扩充客户基础的潜能巨大。

    But given its reputation for high-quality products , there is huge potential for Shiseido to broaden its customer base , he says .

  26. 他们的经营方式完全不同,我们花费了一些时间了解资生堂能够带给他们什么。

    Their way of doing business was completely different and it took us a little while to understand what Shiseido could offer them .

  27. 在资生堂提供广泛化妆品系列的日本以外地区,该公司一直注重于塑造自身作为奢侈品品牌的声誉。

    Outside Japan , where it offers a broad cosmetics line-up , the company has focused on burnishing its reputation for luxury products .

  28. 资生堂在任命他时强调了他在全球企业界的经验以及他的高超营销能力。

    In appointing him , the Shiseido board highlighted his experience in the global business field and his high level of marketing ability .

  29. 该公司已创造出专供中国市场的品牌,并对当地人才进行提拔,不过在如何为顾客提供服务方面,资生堂仍然实行着严格的日本规定。

    It has created brands exclusively for the Chinese market and promotes local talent , albeit with strict Japanese rules on how to serve customers .

  30. 让这家公司实现增长就像是为日本工作,他表示,资生堂是日本的象征,是日本皇冠上的宝石。

    Get-ting growth into this company is like working for Japan , he says . Shiseido is a symbol of Japan , a crown jewel .