
  • 网络avon;Avon Products;AVP;Avon Products Inc
  1. 目前,钟彬娴是苹果电脑公司(AppleComputer)、通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)和雅芳公司的董事会成员。

    Jung is on the boards of Apple Computer ( APLL ) and General Electric ( GE ) , as well as Avon .

  2. 当时,她在公司CEO的首次角逐中败北,时任雅芳董事会成员、时代集团(TimeInc.)前任CEO的安•摩尔给了她这条忠告。

    Former time Inc. ( TWX ) CEO Ann Moore , on the Avon board at the time , gave Jung this advice .

  3. 今年6月,雅芳向美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提出1200万美元的和解提议,结果遭到拒绝。

    Avon made a settlement offer to the Department of justice and SEC in June for $ 12 million , which was subsequently rejected .

  4. 今年四月,雅芳(Avon)曾是炙手可热的收购对象。

    Back in April , Avon was a hot target .

  5. 其中一位联席董事是雅芳化妆品公司(AVON)的CEO钟彬娴,她同时也是薪酬委员会主席。

    One co-lead director is Avon ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung , who also chairs the compensation committee .

  6. 钟彬娴当时接到的任务是,打造一个全球化的雅芳品牌,三年后,她出色地完成了任务,成为公司CEO的热门人选,但最后却未能如愿。

    Jung was assigned to create a global Avon brand and did that so impressively that she was considered for the top job three years later .

  7. 不管公司记录如何,全国女性主管协会目前评出了七家公司作为女经理们的最佳工作之地&其中包括雅芳、丽诗加邦和IBM。

    Despite the firm 's track record , the National Association of Female Executives currently ranks seven companies including Avon , Liz Claiborne and IBM as better places for women managers .

  8. 可以说,雅芳产品公司(AvonProducts)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。

    Avon products ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice , ever since she got passed over the first time around , for the CEO job .

  9. 雅芳(Avon)一位女继承人30年前创立的EdnaMcConnellClarkFoundation就清楚说明了这种改变如何已成为主流。

    The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation , started 30 years ago by an Avon heiress , illustrates how change has reached the mainstream .

  10. 雅芳(AvonProductsInc.)宣布将取消一个1.25亿美元的SAP软件系统,因为雅芳驻加拿大的许多销售人员觉得这个系统对他们的日常工作来说过于繁琐,因而辞去了工作。

    Avon Products Inc. said it is cancelling a $ 125 million SAP software system after sales workers in Canada left because it proved too onerous to their routines .

  11. 钟彬娴从1999年便一直担任雅芳公司CEO,是《财富》500强公司(Fortune500)中任期最长的女性CEO。同时,她还在苹果公司(Apple)与通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)董事会任职。

    In the CEO role since 1999 , she 's now the longest-serving female chief in the Fortune 500 , and she 's on the Apple ( AAPL ) and General Electric ( GE ) boards .

  12. 雅芳首席运营官Manoucher透露,好莱坞的名人BowlConcertVenue已经安装了这套无水系统,这套系统为他们每年节约了3百万加仑的水,

    The famous Hollywood Bowl Concert Venue has installed waterless urinals , saving them about 3 million gallons of water a year , according to COO , Avon Manoucher .

  13. 举例来说,雅芳公司(Avon)最近就已经宣布将退出韩国和越南市场。

    Avon ( AVP ) , for example , recently announced that it would exit South Korea and Vietnam .

  14. 琳达·斯科特(LindaScott,音译)是牛津大学研究项目的带头人之一,她表示,那些直销人员谈起雅芳公司总会用到一些有宗教色彩的词,比如“救世”。

    Linda Scott , one of the Oxford project 's leaders , says that reps spoke of Avon in semi-religious terms , using words like " salvation . "

  15. 其中包括雅芳(Avon)、特百惠(Tupperware)和玫琳凯(MaryKay)等知名公司,但大部分都是名不见经传的小公司。

    Some are well-known , like Avon ( AVP ) , Tupperware ( TUP ) , and Mary Kay , but most are less familiar .

  16. 这样的产品包括露得清(Neutrogena)的高级日常润肤解决方案和雅芳(AVON)的新活高效全能护肤霜。

    Such products include Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Daily Moisturizerand Anew Advanced All In One Cream by Avon .

  17. 论体验营销6E组合应用&以雅芳为例

    On Applications of 6E Combination of Experience Marketing Based on Avon

  18. 这一情况是在一名员工致信雅芳首席执行长钟彬娴(AndreaJung),指控有同政府官员旅行有关的不当支出之后发现的。

    The alleged wrongdoing was detected when an employee wrote a letter to Avon Chief Executive Andrea Jung alleging improper spending related to travel with government officials .

  19. 来自俄亥俄州雅芳湖的美兰妮邓斯坦(MelanieDunstan)在过去的三年中一直为她患有过动症的8岁儿子亚历克斯(Alex)实施法因戈尔德饮食法。

    Melanie Dunstan of Avon Lake , Ohio , has kept her eight-year-old son , Alex , who has ADHD , on the Feingold program for the past three years .

  20. 包括雅芳(AvonProducts)、通用电气(GeneralElectric)、柯达(Kodak)和宝丽来(Polaroid)在内的“漂亮50”(NiftyFifty)拥趸者们建议买进持有。

    Buy them and never sell , advised the boosters of the ' nifty fifty , ' the roll call of which included Avon products ( AVP ) , General Electric ( GE ) , Kodak , and polaroid .

  21. 很巧的是,钟彬娴是在1993年到雅芳面试时第一次看到悬挂在雅芳前老板詹姆斯。雷斯顿(JamesPreston)办公室中的这块匾。

    Appropriately enough , Ms Jung first saw the plaque hanging in the office of James Preston , the previous boss of Avon , when she was interviewed for a job at the firm in1993 .

  22. 当然,偶尔也会有亚裔走上企业高管的位置,比如雅芳公司(AvonProducts)首席执行官钟彬娴,还有花旗集团(Citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪。

    Granted , every now and then someone who identifies as Asian or Asian American scales the corporate heights , like Andrea Jung , CEO of Avon products ( AVP ) , and Citigroup ( c ) chief Vikram Pandit .

  23. 虽然雅芳董事会还考虑过其他的人选,其中包括最近加入百事可乐(PepsiCo)的沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)前高管布莱恩•康奈尔,但董事们认为麦柯伊才是正确的选择。

    While the Avon Board considered other candidates , including Wal-Mart ( WMT ) executive Brian Cornell who recently joined PepsiCo ( PEP ) , the directors agreed that McCoy was the right package .

  24. 上周,雅芳(Avon)公司公布第三季度业绩的时后,分析师们瞄准的却是这家公司正在接受的《海外反腐败法》(FCPA)调查。

    When Avon products ( AVP ) reported third-quarter earnings last week , analysts zeroed in on the ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ( FCPA ) investigation into the company .

  25. 雅芳(Avon)首席执行官钟彬娴2008年进入苹果董事会时获得了3000股受限股,但这些股票有行权价(180.05美元),且需要三年后才能完全行权。

    When Andrea Jung joined the board in January 2008 , she received 3,000 restricted shares , but those shares had a strike price ( $ 180.05 ) and took three years to become totally vested .

  26. 去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。1999年11月,43岁的钟彬娴接管了雅芳,而此时公司正处于困境之中。

    Last winter , Avon launched Retroactive , an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit . When Jung , 43 , took over Avon in November 1999 , the company was in deep trouble .

  27. 可以说,雅芳产品公司(AvonProducts)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。当时,她在公司CEO的首次角逐中败北,时任雅芳董事会成员、时代集团(TimeInc.)前任CEO的安•摩尔给了她这条忠告。

    Avon Products ( AVP ) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice , ever since she got passed over the first time around , for the CEO job . Former Time Inc. ( TWX ) CEO Ann Moore , on the Avon board at the time , gave Jung this advice .

  28. 如果最终雅芳的罚款在1亿美元左右,FCPA的执行可能会遇到新的挑战。

    If , in the end , Avon does end up with a fine even in the $ 100 million range , it could signal a new , tougher era for FCPA enforcement .

  29. 而虽然雅芳目前麻烦缠身,包括香水巨头科蒂(Coty)主动提出的100亿美元收购要约,但这次权力交接看起来同样不失为一个明智之举。

    While Avon is mired in all sorts of trouble including an unsolicited $ 10 billion takeover bid from fragrance giant Coty this succession also looks like a smart one .

  30. 如今,作为雅芳(Avon)的董事,在他不忙于保卫雅芳免于被收购之时,他有一份或许最不“内向”的工作:他常常要站在一屋子人面前,告诉他们,你们也可以成为领导。

    Now , when he 's not busy fending off takeover bids on Avon 's ( AVP ) board of directors , Conant has perhaps the least-introverted job out there : He often stands in front of a roomful of people and tells them how they , too , can be leaders .