
  • 网络debt currency;Money As Debt;Money As Debt III
  1. 只要efsf的退出机制是可信的,这就不会造成不合法的债务货币化。

    This would not constitute an illegal monetisation of debt , as long as the endgame for the EFSF is credible .

  2. 根据法规,欧元体系,包括欧洲央行(ecb)和各国央行,不得把新的主权债务货币化(即购买)或批准透支工具。

    Under its statutes , the euro system , which includes the ECB and the national central banks , is not allowed to monetise ( that is , buy ) new sovereign debt or to grant overdraft facilities .

  3. 他们决意不让外界认为,他们是在将债务货币化。

    They are determined not to be seen as monetising the debt .

  4. 在美联储债务货币化的过程中,经济能获取另一剂信贷扩张的强心针。

    During the Fed 's debt monetization process , the economy will get another injection for credit expansion .

  5. 但在欧元区,由于货币发行权掌握在欧洲央行手里,因此对于个别国家而言,债务货币化难以实施。

    A further curse is that countries of the euro zone do not independently control their own money .

  6. 当他表示购买债券几乎等同于债务货币化的非法行为时,他所表达的是德国经济学家、律师和政界人士的共同看法。

    When he says that bond purchases border on an illegal act of debt monetising , he is expressing a consensus view among German economists , lawyers and politicians .

  7. 因此,央行应购买大量政府债券或者采取其他措施,使财政和货币措施协调地发挥作用,将公共债务货币化。

    Thus the central bank needs to monetise the public debt by buying lots of government bonds , say , or take other steps to co-ordinate fiscal and monetary measures .

  8. 弗格森指出,美联储第二轮货币发行计划的目标是更大规模的债务货币化,可能达到1万亿。

    Ferguson said the aim of the second round of the Federal Reserve 's ( Fed ) currency printing plan is monetization of debt on a much larger scale , maybe up to $ 1 trillion .

  9. 在对美国赤字开支和债务货币化的一片忧虑论调中,一个问题逐渐进入视野:“如果中国和其它国家不再大举买入美国国债,那么谁来购买?”

    Rising above the drumbeat of worries about US deficit spending and monetisation of debt , one question looms : " if China and other nations will not keep buying record amounts of US Treasuries , who will ? "

  10. 它又可以进一步划分为债务型货币错配和债权型货币错配。

    It can be further divided into the currency mismatch on debt and the currency mismatch on credit .

  11. 与此同时,内地保险公司亦可投资于外国债务及货币市场工具。

    Similarly , mainland insurers have also been allowed to invest in foreign debt and money market instruments .

  12. 80年代拉美国家的债务、货币危机,90年代肇始于泰国的亚洲金融风暴均从经验事实上揭示了:不适当的汇率制度是引发危机的重要因素之一。

    Both Latin American debt crisis , currency crisis in 1980s , and Asian financial turbulence in 1 990s which took off in Thailand have shown that inappropriate exchange rate regime is an important causal fac ~ or for crisis .

  13. 债务与货币死锁在一起,其逻辑的必然结果就是,债务永远增加,直到其债务货币遭人彻底抛弃或其利息重负压垮自身经济发展,导致整个体系的最终崩溃。

    Debt and money are locked up together to death , its logistic inevitable result is , debt increases forever , till its debt money abandons thoroughly by the person or its interest heavy burden collapses oneself economy to develop , those who cause whole system is final break down .

  14. 在苏格兰,唯一可用以清偿债务的法定货币是英国皇家铸币局(royalmint)发行的硬币。

    The only legal tender for the settlement of a debt in Scotland is coins from the Royal Mint .

  15. 这意味着增加国家债务和扩大货币基础。

    That means increasing national debt and extending the monetary base .

  16. 火海是主权债务违约以及货币自主。

    The deep blue sea is sovereign default and monetary sovereignty .

  17. 分析后发现债务危机和货币危机有着明显的正相关关系,表明债务危机的发生将显著增加货币危机发生的概率,货币危机的发生也将显著增加债务危机发生的概率。

    Then we find that the occurrence of a currency crisis significantly increases the risk of a contemporaneous debt crisis and vice versa .

  18. 这意味着,如果政府债务确实不得不货币化,额外的货币在不引发恶性通胀的情况下,或许可以被吸收。

    This means that if public debt did have to be monetised , the additional currency could probably be absorbed without triggering hyperinflation .

  19. 一般人看到银行业危机、债务危机、货币危机或其他形式的危机时,而学者们可能看到了更令人担忧的事情。

    Where one sees banking crisis , debt crisis , currency crisis or some other crises , academics may see even more worrying developments .

  20. 阿根廷经济最终陷入债务违约和货币贬值的境地,并为比索与美元挂钩的十年岁月画上了句点。

    Argentina subsided into a debt default and devaluation , ending a decade in which the peso had been fixed at par to the dollar .

  21. 美联储的数据显示,过去3周,逾2000亿美元的资金被抽离商业票据市场。商业票据是一种短期债务工具,货币市场基金普遍购买这种工具。

    In the past three weeks , the Fed data have shown that more than $ 200bn has been taken out of CP , a type of short-term debt that was widely bought by money market funds .

  22. 二十世纪八十年代拉美国家的债务危机、货币危机,二十世纪九十年代肇始于泰国的亚洲金融风暴均向世人昭示:不恰当的汇率制度是引发金融危机乃至经济危机的重要因素。

    The debt crisis and the monetary crisis in the 1980s in Latin America and the Asian financial crisis commencing in Thailand in the 1990s have illuminated us that improper adoption of exchange rate regime can trigger financial crisis or even economic crisis .

  23. 重组银行、偿还债权人债务、稳定本国货币,这些都是国际货币基金组织(IMF)和欧洲国家去年向冰岛提供100亿美元救助计划的条件。

    Restructuring its banks , repaying creditors and stabilising its currency were all conditions of the $ 10bn rescue package granted to Iceland by the International Monetary Fund and European countries last year .

  24. 一些分析家争辩说让人心寒的美国经济数据可能会促使联邦财政部通过购买国库债务来进一步加大货币发行量。

    Some analysts argue that the disappointing recent US data may encourage the Fed to indulge in more quantitative easing , by buying Treasuries .

  25. 过去,主要的系统性风险来自风险敞口过大的国家,这些国家有过多的美元计价债务、大量的货币错配、以及/或者实行固定汇率制度。

    In the past the major systemic risks emanated from overexposed sovereigns with excessive dollar-denominated debt , large currency mismatches , and / or fixed exchange rate regimes .

  26. 我们正在见证的是上世纪90年代亚洲危机的镜像,当时背负巨额美元外部债务的国家因货币贬值而被推向破产的边缘。

    What we are witnessing is the mirror image of the 1990s Asian crisis , when countries with heavy dollar-denominated external debts were driven to the brink of bankruptcy by currency declines .

  27. 它的债务是以本国货币计价的;虽然进口价格的上升可能推高通胀率,但外国公司往往会调整价格,以保住在美国的市场份额。

    Its debts are denominated in its own currency , and while rising import prices could push up inflation , foreign firms tend to price to keep their share of the US market .

  28. 有些市场将受益于大宗商品价格下跌和需求降温,而另一些已经建立起可供利用的强大缓冲机制:更高的外汇储备、更低的债务以及可靠的货币政策框架。

    Some will be helped by falling commodity prices and cooling demand , while others have built strong buffers of higher reserves , lower debt and credible monetary policy frameworks that they can draw on .

  29. 乍看上去,黄金和日元之间似乎没有多少共同点&前者自古以来就是价值储藏手段,后者则是一个经济增长乏力、政府债务庞大国家的货币。

    At first there seems little in common between the yellow metal , which has been a store of value through the ages , and the currency of a country with feeble economic growth and Godzilla-sized government debt .

  30. 居高不下的银行间借贷利率表明,虽然美国、英国和众多欧洲国家政府已承诺向银行直接注资,并为多种类型的银行债务提供担保,货币市场的紧张局势依然存在。

    Stubbornly high interbank lending rates indicate that tensions remain in the money markets even though the US , UK and various European governments have pledged to inject capital directly into banks and guarantee many types of bank debt .