
  • 网络Creditor’s equity;Creditor's equity;creditor's claim
  1. 通过执行实现债权人的权益,可最终解决当事人之间的民事纠纷。

    Dispute between parties could be resolved by enforcement of right of creditors .

  2. 从这部法案的字面上看,它似乎要维护三大汽车公司现有债权人的权益,同时也要避免纳税人救助底特律三巨头的资金打水漂。

    Language in the proposed legislation seemed to uphold the rights of existing car-company creditors while also protecting any taxpayer funds used to prop up Detroit .

  3. 本文主要是通过几件破产案件的审理情况以及破产案件的最终处理结果,揭示我国破产法及相关司法解释对破产企业的债权人合法权益的忽视与践踏。

    The passage discovers the ignorance and sabotage from the coordinate judicial interpretation on the insolvent through the inquisition of some insolvent cases and their final trial .

  4. 在这过程中,处于弱势地位的公司债权人的权益经常受到分立公司股东以及公司管理层的损害。

    In these courses , creditors of these companies are in the weak position and that their interests are often harmed by the shareholders and management of the divided company .

  5. 它突破传统民法债的相对性原则,赋予债权以对外效力,目的在于保全债权,以保障债权人的权益,维护交易安全和经济秩序稳定。

    It breaks up principle of relativity of obligation in traditional civil law to safeguard the interests of creditors and to defend safety of dealings and stability of economic order .

  6. 效率机制用来确保负债资金能得以有效利用;风险机制用来防范债权人合法权益免受侵犯。

    The efficiency mechanism is to ensure that debt capital will be used efficiently and the risk mechanism is to protect the creditor 's legal rights and interests from being violated .

  7. 因此,笔者建议我国从立法上确立实质合并原则,以保障关联企业中各债权人合法权益的公平实现。

    Therefore , the author of this paper proposes to establish the principle of substantive consolidation legislatively , to guarantee the realization of the lawful rights and interests of all creditors in the affiliated enterprise .

  8. 这种瑕疵性使得母公司的控制欲在不断的侵犯着子公司债权人的合法权益。

    This results in that the controlling parent company keeps violating the rights of creditor .

  9. 从而损害了债权人的合法权益,破坏了正常的社会经济活动秩序。

    Thus this has harmed creditor 's legitimate rights and interests , destroyed the normal social economy activity order .

  10. 为此,在法律上必须采取针对性的措施,以保护债权人的合法权益,维护社会交易秩序的安全。

    It must be adopt pertinent measure to protect the legal rights of the creditor , and vindicate the trade order .

  11. 另外,还对瑕疵股权受让人及公司债权人的合法权益如何保护作出了一些分析还探讨。

    In addition , the defects of the assignee and the legitimate interests of creditors to protect made some analysis is also discussed .

  12. 近年来,控制股东采用各种方式侵害公司和其他中小股东、债权人的合法权益等恶意违规现象层出不穷,屡禁不止。

    In recent years , the vicious violative phenomena that controlling shareholders damage the legal rights and interests of the company , other medium and small shareholders repeatedly .

  13. 在离婚案件中,对夫妻共同债务偿还问题处理得好坏,直接关系到债权人的合法权益能否得到切实的保障。

    In divorce cases , paying off husband and wife 's debts has to be properly handled since it directly relates to the guarantee of the creditor 's rights .

  14. 这说明在中国目前的转型经济背景下,债权人的合法权益并没有得到高质量审计师的有力保护。

    We suggest that in our current context of transition economies , the legitimate rights and interests of creditors and did not receive high-quality auditors to protect the powerful .

  15. 这种现象的存在,不仅侵害了公司债权人的合法权益,而且破坏了社会信用基础,危及到市场经济健康有序的发展。

    This consequence not only injures the creditor 's lawful rights and interests but also the social credit base , which does harm to the development of marketing economic .

  16. 通过揭开公司面纱原则或公司人格否认来保障债权人的合法权益;

    By using the doctrine of " Piercing the Corporate Veil ' " or " Disregard of the Corporate Entity " to protect the interest of the creditors of subsidiaries ;

  17. 一人公司的完美顺应本人国树立现代企业轨制的需求,其可充沛维护一人公司股东和债权人的正当权益。

    One-man company consummates adapts our country to establish the modern enterprise system the need , its may fully protect one-man company shareholder and creditor 's legitimate rights and interests .

  18. 因此,它更注重企业法人营业执照被吊销后的诉讼主体资格问题,能够使债权人的合法权益不因债务人营业执照被吊销而受到损失。

    So it pay attention to lawsuit subject qualification after business license is revoked , make the creditor 's legitimate rights and interests not incur loss because debtor 's business license is revoked .

  19. 但是它很容易被股东用来规避法律与侵权责任,由此造成有限责任制度被滥用的危险,这严重损害了债权人的合法权益。

    However , it can easily be used to evade law and legal duty , which brings about the problem of misusing the limited liability and does seriously harm to interests of creditors .

  20. 特别是在债务契约缔结以后,契约双方之间的信息不对称,将无法完全保障债权人的合法权益。

    Particularly after the conclusion of debt contracts , because of the information asymmetry between the two sides , the legitimate rights and interests of creditors will not be able to fully protected .

  21. 为了更好的保护其他中小股东和债权人的合法权益,应加强控制股东对第三人的民事责任。

    The civil liability that the controlling shareholders to the third party should be strengthened in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the other medium and small shareholders and creditors better .

  22. 破产撤销权有利于规制各种逃债行为,保护债权人的合法权益,从而保障破产制度功能的实现。

    The right of bankruptcy rescission regulate the behavior of various escape debts , protect the lawful rights and interests of creditors so as to ensure the realization of the function of the system .

  23. 房地产抵押制度的确立,对于保障债权人的合法权益,促进房地产交易的达成,维护市场信用等都是有极大意义的。

    The establishment of real estate mortgage system has a fundamental significance to protecting the legitimate interest of creditors , to the agreement of real estate transactions , and to defending the credibility of the market .

  24. 该项法律通过强化破产公司董事(高级管理人员)的个人责任,规范董事在公司治理中的诚信勤勉义务,增进企业信用,维护债权人的合法权益。

    This paper focuses on the director 's personal liabilities on creditors of insolvent companies to regulate director 's credibility duties and duties of care to improve enterprises ' credit standing and to protect the legal rights of creditors .

  25. 我们应严厉打击和杜绝破产无效行为,从而保障债权人的合法权益,防止国有责产的大量流失,维护社会主义法制的尊严。

    We should punish and put an end to void bankruptcy act so as to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the creditor , prevent the loss of state assets and maintain the sanctity of the socialist legal system .

  26. 当企业因为各种各样的原因不能清偿到期的债务,资不抵债时,通过企业破产制度的调节,启动和解、清算或者重整的破产程序,公平合理地保障债权人的合法权益,顺利解决债权债务关系。

    When an insolvent enterprise fails to settle any mature debts , the legitimate rights and interests of creditors could be fairly protected and the debts could be paid by the bankruptcy system from the reconciliation , liquidation or reorganization proceedings .

  27. 控制股东在资本多数决原则下控制、支配着公司,追逐自身利益最大化,极易滥用控制权损害公司、其他中小股东和债权人的合法权益。

    According to the capital majority rule , controlling shareholders dominate the company and pursue the maximization of their own interests , easily abuse the control power and damage the interest of the company , other medium and small shareholders and creditors .

  28. 为切实维护债权人的合法权益,降低交易成本,贷款人对其贷款形成的资产应当自然拥有法定优先受偿权,而不需要办理抵押登记手续;

    Firstly , the assets that are formed based on a loan should be mortgaged directly to the creditor and the mortgage contract and registration are not needed so as to ensure the creditor 's rights and lower the costs for the dealing .

  29. 试图寻求法律层面上的补救措施,从而完善立法环节之不足,以期实现经济法律之终极目的,以便更好地保护债权人的合法权益,维护和营造健康良好的市场经济秩序。

    The text tries to look for the remedy measure of the law lay , accordingly perfect the shortages of legislation and realize the ultimate purpose of economic law in order to protect the creditor 's legal profits and maintain the health order of market economy .

  30. 公司法的基本立法目的是支持和促进公司组织形式的发展和保护公司、股东和债权人各方的合法权益。

    The basic purpose of company is support development of company and protect creditors and shareholders .