
zé rèn xīn
  • responsibility;sense of responsibility;conscientiousness
责任心 [zé rèn xīn]
  • [sense of responsibility] 做好分内事情的自觉性

  • 责任心强

  1. 具有团队合作精神,责任心强。

    Good spirit of team work , Strong sense of responsibility .

  2. 保持办公桌整洁反映出你的责任心。

    Maintain a neat desk to reflect a sense of responsibility .

  3. 他们想要个有责任心的人夜间照管这个地方。

    They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time

  4. 编程者似乎对大批量制造含暴力因素的产品处之漠然,毫无责任心。

    Programme-makers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence .

  5. 他是个非常有责任心的人。

    He 's a very responsible sort of person

  6. 经理决定挑选一名有责任心的人来执行这项任务。

    The manager decided to choose a responsible person to perform the task .

  7. 假如我们仔细地考量下responsibility(责任心)这个词的话,我们会发现它的词根是由两个词组成:response(反应)和ability(能力)。

    When we take a closer look at the word responsibility we find its roots come from the two words ; response and ability .

  8. IB数学课程鼓励学生对多元文化理解和接受,并且重视培养学生的国际意识及有责任心的公民意识。

    The course encourages students ' multicultural understanding and acceptance , lays stress on developing international awareness and responsible civic awareness of students .

  9. 通过对圣诞木制品的考察,总结了圣诞制品中所反映出来的意义、ERZ山脉地区人们对传统工艺品的爱心和责任心,并对圣诞习俗的主题作了初步的归纳。

    Through the careful review of the origin , content , trait of those woodworks , we have a primary view of people 's love , responsibility , and the theme of Christmas custom .

  10. 烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心之外国人客户无意识。

    The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious .

  11. 高中生责任心与父母教养方式的相关研究

    Relationship between Responsibility and Parental Rearing Patten of High School Students

  12. 提高教师从事教育事业的责任心。

    Advance the obligation of the teachers engaging at Education Cause .

  13. 良好的表达能力及独立工作能力,高度的工作责任心。

    Good communication skills , highly motivated and individual work ability .

  14. 但是责任心让他们都加入洛杉矶警察局。

    But duty brought them to the Los Angeles police department .

  15. 我体贴他人,性格活泼,富有责任心。

    I am a very caring , loving and responsible man !

  16. 你的意思是说他并不一直都是这样有责任心?

    Do you mean that he wasn 't always so responsible ?

  17. 良好的沟通与组织协调能力,主动性,责任心强。

    Good communication organization ability , initiative , sense of responsibility .

  18. 具有责任心,有良好的沟通能力和协调能力。

    Have strong responsibility and good ability on communication and coordination .

  19. 中学生责任心问卷的编制

    A Designing of the Middle School Students ' Responsibility Questionnaire

  20. 正直,领导力,责任心,信任,生而为赢。

    Integrity , leadership , ownership , trust , passion for winning .

  21. 尽管他有缺点,他还是很有责任心的。

    In spite of his shortcomings , he is responsible .

  22. 中学生家庭责任心研究

    A Study on the Family Responsibility of Middle School Students

  23. 青少年学生责任心问卷的初步编制

    A Preliminary Design of the Adolescent Students ' Responsibility Questionnaire

  24. 企业管理者责任心研究

    An Inquiry into the Corporate Administer 's Sense of Administrator 's Responsibility

  25. 男子汉应该具有野性、勇气、坚强的意志品质和责任心。

    A man should be wild , brave , tough and responsible .

  26. 此外,大量利用自愿撤回会削弱行政机关的责任心。

    Moreover , extensive use of voluntary recalls can undercut agency accountability .

  27. 有较强的上进心和责任心。

    Have stronger desire to advance and sense of responsibility .

  28. 我们应将该工作委托给一个有责任心的人。

    We should give the job to a responsible person .

  29. 精力充沛,有良好工作热情和良好的责任心。

    Energetic , enthusiastic with good work and good sense of responsibility .

  30. 正直诚实,主动积极并富有责任心!(核心理念)

    Integrity , initiative and responsibility with positive attitude !( core value )