
  • 网络liability insurance
  1. 再保险合同是责任保险合同吗?

    Is reinsurance contract an liability insurance contract ?

  2. 其次,还要对董事责任保险合同存在的不足进行修改和完善。

    Second , liability insurance for directors but also the shortcomings of the contract be modified and improved .

  3. 2002年1月,平安保险公司与深圳万科股份有限公司签订了中国第一份董事责任保险合同。

    In January , 2002 , Ping'an Insurance Co.

  4. 第四部分是关于工程质量责任保险合同的问题。

    The fourth part discuss a question about the contract of insurance of quality responsibility of project .

  5. 诘问与正名:对董事责任保险合同功能之责难与回应

    Interrogation and Nominal Rectification : Censure and Response to the Function of Directors ' and Officers ' Liability Insurance Contract

  6. 无论在成文法和判例上,对董事和高级管理人员责任保险合同的适用、赔偿、纠纷解决等具体问题的法律分析都比较全面。

    The application of D & 0 Insurance contracts , compensation and solution is analysed comprehensively both in statutory law and case-law .

  7. 董事责任保险合同的主要内容包括保险责任范围、除外责任、保费的负担等。

    The main terms of D & O insurance contracts includes insurance coverage , insurers ' exclusive liability and the distribution of insurance premium .

  8. 218第三人虽然不是合同当事人,但是其在海上责任保险合同下却具有一定的法律地位。

    Though the third party in Article 218 is not a contracting party , it has certain legal position under the marine liability insurance contract .

  9. 董事责任保险合同中重要事实的判定

    The core of the applicant ′ s duty of disclosure in directors ' and officers ' liability insurance : the judgment on " material facts "

  10. 工程建设的特殊性决定了工程质量责任保险合同在很多方面不同于普通的保险合同。

    The particularity of engineering construction has determined that the contract of insurance of quality responsibility of the project is differ from the ordinary contract of insurance in many aspects .

  11. 最后,综合对218条第三人与海上责任保险合同的关系分析,文章在结论中提出了有关海上责任保险合同理论研究与立法完善的建议。

    In conclusion , this article advances suggestions to the theoretical research and legislation of marine liability insurance contracts based upon the studies on the third party in Article 218 and the marine liability insurance contracts .

  12. 且我国目前的机动车第三者责任保险合同并无直接赔付保险金于受害第三者的规定;

    Moreover , presently , for the contracts on the third party liability insurance for motor vehicles , there is no provision in China on direct payment of the insurance money to the aggrieved third party ;

  13. 因此,笔者认为应该承认第三人向保险人直接请求保险赔偿金的权利。这种直接的请求权既可以由法律规定,也可以由专家责任保险合同双方当事人约定。

    The scope of professional responsibility insurance is limited by the insurance contract of professional responsibility . The direct claim of the third party includes the direct claim stipulated by the law or that agreed in professional responsibility insurance contract .

  14. 但是机动车第三者强制责任保险合同又是民法意义上较为典型的为第三者利益合同,其合同之目的在于更注重对相对处于弱势的受害第三者的利益保护。

    However , compulsory third party motor vehicle liability insurance contracts is more typical of civil law sense , the interests of a third party contract , the contract is intended to focus more on the relatively powerless victims of third party protection .

  15. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;

  16. 并对国际上医师责任保险合同的主要内容进行了高度概括和比较分析,包括:被保险人、承保范围、保险金额、保险责任基础及保险人的抗辨义务。

    Otherwise , the theme generalize the main content of the PSD 's Professional Liability Insurance contract , such as the insurer , insurance liability , insurance coverage , time of commencement of insurance liabilitys , coverage and the pleading obligation and so on .

  17. 同时,在相关制度及法律规范尚未改革之前,董事责任保险合同也必须进行相应的修正,与我国目前的各项具体法律规范相一致,才能在一定程度上发挥出其部分功效。

    At the same time , before the changes of economic system and legislation , the D & O insurance contract in use now should be amended based on the present laws so as to have a real function partly to a certain extent .

  18. 环境侵权责任保险是基于投保人与保险人之间的环境侵权责任保险合同,由保险人在特定的环境侵权赔偿责任发生时,向受害人赔付一定金额的一种责任保险制度。

    Environmental infringement liability insurance is a specific application of the socialization of responsibility in the issue of compensation incurred by environmental infringement .

  19. 不能将责任保险制度作为侵权责任随意适用的依据,也不能因为责任保险合同的存在而随意判定保险公司承担损害赔偿责任。

    And can not be free to apply to the basis of the liability insurance system for tort liability , can not be free to determine the insurance company liable for damages because of the existence of a contract of liability insurance .

  20. 再保险法律制度中研究了环境侵权责任保险再保险的概念和功能,环境侵权责任保险再保险组织,环境侵权责任保险再保险合同。

    In the reinsurance system , the author mainly focuses on the concept and function , the reinsurance organization and the reinsurance contract of reinsurance system of environmental tort liability .

  21. 附言部分拟出了我国《环境责任保险法》建议稿,本建议稿共47个条文,分为总则、环境责任保险合同、环境责任风险经营、法律责任和附则五个部分。

    The proposed draft includes 47 clauses , which is composed of five parts : general principles , environmental liability insurance contract , environmental liability risk management , legal liability and annex .

  22. 本文试图从责任保险的基本原则和具体法律措施两方面着手来弥补我国地区经济发展水平、教育发展程度上的不均衡给具体责任保险合同的制定带来的不便之处。

    This paper attempts through liability insurance , basic principles and specific legal measures to make up economic development level and educational level of development which are not balanced on the liability insurance contract specifically formulating to bring inconvenience .

  23. 而责任保险法中的保险利益原则、诚实信用原则、损害补偿原则和优先保护第三人原则也应与环境责任保险具体结合,为环境责任保险合同提供指导。

    The principle of insurable interest , the principle of good faith , the principle of indemnity and the principle of protecting preferentially the third party which contained in the liability insurance law should combine practically with environmental liability insurance to direct environmental liability insurance contact .