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jiǎnɡ yē
  • reward and promote;encourage by promoting and rewarding
奖掖 [jiǎng yè]
  • [reward and promote] 奖励提拔

  • 奖掖后进,则有誉无否也。--江藩《汉学师承记.程普芳》

  • 奖掖后学

  1. 在推荐奖掖文人奇才方面,蔡邕和孔融有惊人的相似之处。

    In this aspect , Cai Yong had amazing similarities with Kong Rong .

  2. 众多女性作品的出版流传,得益于来自文人学者、家人的奖掖支持或女性自我意识的鼓动。

    Many women work published , due to encourage and support from academics and family or women self-awareness .

  3. 保护寺院,控制僧尼,奖掖高僧,弘扬佛教文化,使佛教发展纳入理性的轨道,取得了较好的社会效果。

    They protected temple , controlled Buddhist monks and nuns , praised the masters of the Buddhism and carryded forward the Buddhism culture , so that the Buddhism started to get into the rational way .

  4. 因此今晚,我请求国会赋予所有内阁部长权力,奖掖优秀,开除破坏公众信任和辜负美国人民的联邦雇员。

    So tonight , I call on Congress to empower every cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people .

  5. 他十分重视人才,提倡广收、慎用的人才观,把选拔、培养人才作为挽救晚清政府的一剂良药,他更是以善于培植、奖掖人才自诩。

    He is very pay great attention to the talents , has a wide network and careful appointment of talent , and the selection , training talents as the late Qing government to save a kind of effective method , he is more good at cultivating , incentive for talents .