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xuán shǎng
  • offer a reward;offer(post) a reward;post a reward
悬赏 [xuán shǎng]
  • [offer(post) a reward] 公开出钱征请众人为之做事

悬赏[xuán shǎng]
  1. 悬赏广告已广泛运用于社会各领域。

    Advertisement to offer a reward has been widely applied in many social spheres .

  2. 我打算发布个悬赏

    I 'm gonna offer a reward .

  3. 悬赏要求将动物安全送还。

    A reward was offered for the animal 's safe return .

  4. 已悬赏100英镑找寻项链。

    A £ 100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace .

  5. 有人悬赏50,000美元买阿尔瓦雷斯博士的人头。

    A bounty of $ 50,000 was put on Dr. Alvarez 's head

  6. 为追回特纳的一幅画,已发布了重金悬赏令。

    A substantial reward is being offered for the recovery of a painting by Turner

  7. 尽管当局悬赏重金缉拿他,他仍旧逍遥法外。

    He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities .

  8. 昨晚这家公司悬赏1万英镑,寻找能将凶手定罪的证据。

    The firm last night offered a £ 10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer .

  9. 警方已悬赏1万美元。

    The police have offered a reward of $ 10,000 .

  10. 有人悬赏两万美元要他的人头。

    He had a bounty of20,000 dollars on his head .

  11. 脸书方面告诉BBC称,自2011年以来,该公司已支付了430万美元给“漏洞悬赏”的受领者。

    Facebook told the BBC it had paid $ 4.3m to bug bounty recipients since 2011 .

  12. 但是,对于悬赏方式流行起来之后可能出现的结果,X奖和Netflix奖也许提供了一幅过于乐观的画面。

    But the X Prize and the Netflix prize may give too flattering a picture of what might be possible if prizes catch on .

  13. 为了把这种产品推向市场,荷美尔悬赏$100为其征求一个顺口的名字。SPAM成为获奖作品,自此,就成为美国家喻户晓的品牌及流行世界的美国名片。

    To market it , Hormel offered a $ 100 prize for a catchy name , and the winning entry SPAM has since become a household name and a slice of American folklore .

  14. 去年,美国联邦调查局(FBI)曾悬赏500万美元缉拿他,但他似乎仍能在中国正常开展业务。

    Last year , the US Federal Bureau of Investigation put out a reward of $ 5m for information leading to his arrest but he appears able to conduct normal business in China .

  15. 在一家名为innocentive的公司提供的交换平台上,“征询者”可以悬赏征求“答疑者”。

    One company , innocentive , provides an exchange where " seekers ' ' can offer cash to " solvers ' ' .

  16. 一种支持悬赏的匿名电子举报方案的安全性分析及设计

    Cryptanalysis and Design of an Anonymous E-Prosecution Scheme with Reward Support

  17. 她应该在附近贴几张寻找狗狗的悬赏公告。

    She should post rewards around the neighborhood for finding it .

  18. 谢谢,如果回答的好会追加悬赏。

    Thanks , if a good answer could increase the reward .

  19. 论两主体情形下合作剩余的分配&以悬赏广告为例

    Analysis on the Distribution of Cooperation Surplus under Two-person Circumstance

  20. 理论界的分歧主要是针对悬赏广告法律性质问题。

    Differences in theoretical circles mainly are the legal nature of Reward .

  21. 最后探讨了悬赏取证这一新生法律问题。

    Finally , we discuss the evidence that reward new legal issues .

  22. 这帮歹徒每个人都被悬赏通辑。

    Every member of the gang has a price on his head .

  23. 华盛顿悬赏500万美元抓获阿特瓦。

    Washington has offered a five million dollar reward for his capture .

  24. 在这种矛盾激化下,悬赏取证应运而生。

    Under this intensive contradiction ," reward for evidence offering " appears .

  25. 悬赏求取他们敌人的头皮。

    Offering reward money for the scalps of their enemies .

  26. 巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。

    A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals .

  27. 警方悬赏寻求任何与抢劫案有关的线索。

    The police offered a reward for any information about the rabbery .

  28. 他们悬赏找回丢失的珠宝。

    They offered a reward for the return of the lost jewels .

  29. 他们开了该怎么表达他们悬赏要你的脑袋

    They placed a how do you say bounty on your head .

  30. 辨析悬赏广告的法律性质

    Discriminating the Legal Property of the Advertisement Offering a Reward